Goodbye Good Fella

 We don’t watch many TV programs around here, but one that we followed faithfully because it was just so well done, was The Sopranos.  We grew up in Italian families and I was raised on Staten Island, just over the bridge from Jersey, where the show was “homed”.  Anyone living on island was  aware of the NY and NJ mob presence, thankfully unaffected for the most part.  The series was so authentic, and the characters so well cast.  Tony Soprano was a lovable hate-able character , thanks to James Gandolfini.  He was just as effective in other rolls, and ironically, a big hearted teddy bear of a personality in real life.

  Here at This Old House we are so sad to hear of his passing.
Good bye, big guy.  You are dearly missed already.
We’ve got some good stuff going on for the next week..
so I’m taking a blog hiatus to keep up with it all.
You know I’ll be back with pictures to share.