
Too many things I find discouraging today..
a Jury that “can’t get along” in the J.A. case?
Seriously?  OMG, people.. the money spent already…
and they knew the job ahead of them six months ago!
They oughta be ashamed if they can’t come to a unanimous decision.
While they are squabbling, she is still giving interviews, still smug,
(laughing and flirting with the court guard yesterday!)
still making excuses, still trashing the victim and his family. 
Yet another heartbreaking natural disaster… 
have you counted the frequency of these events in the past two to three years?
If you’re not scared yet, you should be. 
I don’t know if it’s global warming or the natural order of the cycles of the earth,
but it’s trying to shed us in one way or another. 
Scary indeed.
I have been good about exercise,
terrible with the ban on crap food.
If there is a cookie in the house, it’s not safe with me around. 
WHY.. am I so crappy with this one particular thing?
Any advice on curbing the extra eating would be appreciated. 
I eat plenty of the good stuff  – veggies and fruit.. that’s not the problem.
I’ve got a horse show to get ready for today, there’s a barn bake-off on Friday night
and I’m making red white and blue cupcakes to bring along.
(and I won’t eat a single one …lie…) 
I’ll leave you with this picture of Bailey..
When Ben goes outside he usually leaves a rawhide on his bed.
The little ones take this opportunity to steal it and drag it to their bed.
They pretend to enjoy it immensely for about two minutes..
because HA!!.. I got Bens Bone!!
And then they just sit with it and guard it from each other
until he returns.  Then I have to pry it from them because he won’t,
gentleman that he is.
Like little kids, they are.
It’s a new day, people.  Let’s make it a good one.

18 thoughts on “*sigh*”

  1. Okay, Karen, you just scared the crap out of me. You said, "sigh" and showed a picture of Bailey and I panicked. Whew! Heart rate is almost back to normal.

    I am boycotting the news right now, except for news radio in the car. Other than donating, I cannot help the families in OK, Jody what's-her-name is also beyond my control and I'm not wasting energy on her.

    I can, however, enjoy my garden and my dog, and your dogs. Sweet Bailey. (I'm off to plant some roses before it rains.)

  2. Yes you scared me as well i thought with the title and the picture something happened to bailey ! The horse show will go great ! Hope you have a great day

  3. I have not read one single thing about this trial. I rarely watch the news anymore. I want to know what's going on, but I don't want every gnats ass detail about every single event.
    Isn't it so cute how dogs act like children and always want what belongs to someone else? Zoey loves sticks but mostly wants to play the game of "I have it, you want it, try to take it from me."
    Have fun with all the horse show events.

  4. I'm not following that trial. I don't really get why one trial will fascinate while so many others go unnoticed. Not a judgment, I'm just wondering outloud! As I like to do. People are bad. I wish I knew why it's so easy to be bad and hard to be good. I try every day to be good. Mostly I'm winning. 🙂

    Karen, I just got back from vacation today (last night) and am going on a whole nutrition/working out/lifestyle changing thingy. Let me know how it's going for you! I'm certain I'll be whining about it all soon.

    Don't take all of this stuff so to heart. You're good and all you love are good. It's good.

  5. Hummus and celery sticks – good for you. Tasty. Dense in nutrients (hummus).

    It helps me avoid crap (which I sometimes buy – silly me). I should have stock in the Sabra company. Plain and the one with Pine Nuts my favs.

    Have lost 25 lbs – but some of that due to Pilates.

  6. Girl, just be glad you've got those fur babies, they're always good for a smile! Especially when the outside world gets you down.

  7. I am with you on the Arias trial although I'm just getting bits and pieces on Yahoo news. I don't have much more to add or enough adjectives to describe how I feel about this monster.

    The weather has been truly frightening; the tornados so far south, the hurricanes up north, the exceptionally warm winters in the Midwest…very strange.

    Sometimes you can't help but have sweets in the house but I've stopped baking. Completely. And I buy hubs the one thing I don't like…peanut butter ice cream and cookies. I just can't stomach peanut butter mixed with anything, even jelly. So, I'm proud to say I've been sweet free but for the few times I might pick up a bag of M&M's at the gas station! ;-D Surprisingly, I'm not having any cravings. Strange, like the weather!


  8. One thing I have learned in this life, is that what goes around comes around. No matter what the jury decides, no matter what happens, her life IS crap and her problem. Go outside and work, work on something, work and let your mind go. Best thing to do for yourself. AND quit being so hard on yourself with food. The more you obsess, the more you won't be able to stop eating it. It's stress that is causing you to crave sweets. Comfort food.

    Uh, sorry if I sound like I'm yelling at you. I'm not really.
    Just concerned for you.

  9. Last month I was on a mock trial jury over at the law school. What an eye opening experience that was!! We had a hung jury for our murder case…. I'm still amazed at the split in our jury: young vs middle aged.
    The younger jurors (20-25) expected there to be more than eye witness testimony (as in standing right there in broad daylight having a gun pointed at you). They honestly manufactured their "doubt" beyond all rational reason because there was no forensic proof so caused them to vote not guilty.
    Thanks goodness it was only a pretend case!

  10. I avoid the news so cannot comment on the witch's trial, except to say that I hope she melts.

    As far as the natural disasters … we live on a living earth, one that changes and evolves just as we do. I think these are just the natural cycles of her growth. I'm sure scientists can point to evidence of the same type of disasters in the past.

    And as far as snacking… I found when I really wanted to drop some weight and was having trouble with snacking, that if I chewed a piece of gum instead I didn't "snack" and wound up losing 15 lbs.

  11. Hi Karen, well don't beat yourself up. I joined weight watchers….it has helped me to be accountable….and it's working..down 5 lbs in 2 weeks. I just could not stop the "extra" yummies I would intake. Be well. Karen acapecodnest

  12. Yes It seems to me the mean evil people come out of these trails the winner, whats wrong with these people on the jury she is guilty and give her the chair and wipe that smile off her face, what would be better is life without parole however we would have to feed her the rest of her life

    this sounds evil since I am suppose to be a christian

    love your little fluffy doggie I miss my Sissy dog a pug so much I cried this week missing her so much

  13. I can't even watch the news. It is all too sad. On the other hand, I have no idea half the time what is going on in the world. It drives my husband crazy, but sometimes I am okay in my happy bubble. 🙂 Enjoy your weekend and the cupcakes! I would eat one if it was there. I am all over junk food!

  14. Oh Sweetie – you've got to let this stuff go. There are so many wonderful, lovely things in the world – and there is more good than bad, think about those things. I watched a 20/20 show about this gal, she's sick. I can't think about it. There are flowers to plant, and chickens to feed.

    Now – you know I've lost over a hundred pounds…and I'm gonna tell you something. It's not your fault that you can't stay out of the junk food. It's produced to be addictive, and it is. You eat a little and it just keeps you in a cycle of craving…I'm really gonna have to blog about this! : -) xo

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