Project 12- A Day in the life

     Since the Project 24 idea has been really fun and many of you like to participate, how about something just a little different.  We’ll call it Project 12 – A Day in the life.  Why 12 and not 24, as in the hours of the day? because 12 photos in one blog post is more doable for the taker and the poster…lol..

      So here’s the deal.  If you’d like to take this on… all you have to do is give me a date that you will pick for your “Day in the Life”.   On that chosen date… you take 12 photos from the start of your day to the end of it, photos that depict that day in your life how every you choose to portray it.  Then at your convenience, send me those twelve photos – to    you can caption each photo, or not. They can stand alone, up to you.  Your “Day” will be the guest post.   Doesn’t matter if you’re a stay at home mom, a weaver, a photographer, a janitor, a waitress,  a gas station manager, an engineer on a freighter,  a butcher, a baker, a candle stick maker.  Every life is interesting, it’s in the details, however minute.  

     Are you in??… let me know! Remember to pick a date, any date that works for you.   And here’s today’s question, to help swallow yesterday’s hard lump… thank you for your input and I do appreciate your support.  I did remove the post when we were through with it, because… well, we’re through with it, right?

  So, the question.   How do you take YOUR coffee?   My answer?… light, no sugar. The best cup of coffee I ever had was Kona coffee in Hawaii on my honeymoon. I still remember that  awesome coffee 25 years later.  I’ve even bought the brand since, but it’s not the same.   Must have been the water on the island.   My truth?  I don’t drink it much anymore due to acid reflux.  DRAT.   Truly, that cup o’joe is such a comfort, isn’t it? 

32 thoughts on “Project 12- A Day in the life”

  1. A friend got me hooked on White Chocolate Caramel creamer, and now coffee at home isn't the same without it … and I AM without it this morning … gotta be satisfied with regular milk and sugar (very little sugar) … Cup #2 is sitting here beside me as we speak. It's a bleary morning.

  2. Karen – I like my coffee with agave syrup and 1/2 and 1/2. I think the best coffee I ever had was Jamaican coffee in Jamaica. I've bought it once or twice and like your Hawaiian coffee… it's not the same as having it there. I buy coffee beans and grind my own coffee every morning…love the smell. Went to Colombia once on a cruise stop and while other people were buying emeralds I was buying coffee beans πŸ™‚ Wound up never using them, just enjoyed looking at them and sniffing once in awhile.
    Espresso Love coffee is still one of my top 2… and always tastes just a little better when sipping it on the Vineyard.
    I'd enjoy doing your 'day in the life' just don't know what date to choose… you could pick one for me if you want.

  3. For Father's Day last year I got one of those single servings machines I love it so much easier and with no mess ! My favorite flavor donut shop ! I love project 12 I'm in !! As far as yesterday goes ill say one thing it proved that you have a army of friends who will stick by you so that in it self should of brought a smile to u !!

  4. Well Happy Spring & Happy Belated Birthday Karen! I'll try that photo thingy for this Saturday!

    Coffee, when I drink it is usually decaf, cream, no sugar!

    The best cup I've ever had, that's easy – Jamaican Blue Mountain! In Jamaica on our honeymoon!! I understand it's on equal footing with the Hawaiian Kona.

    I usually buy one pound at the start of the summer and it's only for my husband and me – cuz it's wicked expensive! LOL!!! The only other person I'd share it with is my bestie Susan!

    Have a great day!

  5. I take my coffee black with sugar. For years it was just black, then the sugar creeped in. Who knows ~ perhaps I'll be a real wild woman and add cream one of these days.

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  6. I'll opt out of this fun-sounding project!

    I am a one hugely huge cup of coffee when I get up. Lots of cream and two stevia packets. I look forward to each and every day.

    Sometimes, if I'm home, I'll make a carafe of coffee in my Chemex. I wish it wasn't so involved making a pot because that is some good coffee. I drink it black when I make that because it's just so smooth and delicious.

    The BEST coffee I ever had was in Mexico last April. I cannot duplicate that flavor anywhere around here – out or in my kitchen.

  7. I like my big mug of coffee each morning with a flavored creamer & just a tad bit of sugar. My favorite is hazelnut but I also veer to French vanilla on occasion as well as the "holiday" flavors that come around each year. My husband says I ruin the coffee with so many "add-ins" but I think the reason I drink it is for the smell anyway! Is there anything in the world that smells as wonderful as opening a fresh container of coffee? I think not!

    Oh, Starbucks is great also!

  8. I can't believe it. I read your blog every day, never comment and yesterday I finally did and you took March 19 off.
    I have enjoyed your blog and look forward to it each day. There have been a few things that you and I don't agree on. But I don' t always agree with my husband, kids or grand kids but I still love them and enjoy their company.
    Hope you have a great day.πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

  9. Twelve hours in my life, lately, wouldn't warrant a post.

    Coffee, coffee, coffee… I'm not too picky, just gotta have it!

  10. This sounds like fun! I don't know what I missed yesterday…must have been good! lol I like my coffee with a tiny bit of sweetener and a little half and half. Sounds good right now! Sweet hugs!

  11. Lion Brand Coffee is my favorite brand, 24 Karat Kona is my favorite coffee –
    and I drink my coffee with lots of cream. Lion Kona is all Dave and I drank when we lived on Maui. For a while, I've been drinking flavored creamer but it's rich in stuff I can't pronounce so it's back to half 'n half which is expensive but… pay now or pay later, eh?

  12. Ah coffffeeeeeee…
    My quasi-aquarium sized cuppa (yes, really, it's that large, lol) is sans any additions of creamer or sugar.

    The coffee flavor varies but is rare to seldom anything remarkably delightful πŸ™ Being a cup-in-hand-all-dayer I consume far too much for the oh-so-yumm-$$-y brands).

    I'd love to join in the game of 12
    (could I have a day in April – the 5th? Or need it be a date in March)?


  13. One cuppa day here unless it's real cool and I have one in the afternoon. My daughter can't believe I can have coffee right before bed. Somehow, it relaxes me.

    I just use instant with sugar and creamer; have never had any of the fancy stuff. HOWEVER, I'm addicted to coffee ice cream! However, I just got back from the grocery and for the first time in a while didn't buy any. I mean, what good is walking and simulating jogging (lol) if I eat ice cream?


  14. I used to drink Community Dark Roast – no sugar – lot of cream.

    Moved to Hoover, AL and discovered O'Henry's Coffee – roasted locally in Homewood – the African Classic is superb – everyone I have sent a bag to is hooked. It tasted just like it smells – delish. Bought a good burr grinder and have never looked back.

    O'Henry's African Classis – strong with lots of cream. The perfect way to start any day.

  15. I drink 2 cups in the morning but I make it half decaf and half regular. I hate the jitters from caffeine. Cream only, no sugar. The best coffee I found is from restaurants. I don't know what they do but I can't duplicate it. We get raw milk from a dairy near here and the cream is so good you can eat it with a spoon. No lie…it tastes like melted ice cream!

  16. I just like plain old Maxwell House 1/2 caffeine cause I get so jittery! I like dark, rich coffee–usually black. Occasionally I will do a vanilla creamer, and only decaf at night! I like hot tea too – djarling, black tea or oolong.

  17. Starbucks French Roast, brewed at home, strong, with a little bit of creamer. Nothing sweet, just plain. The best cup I ever had was in Belgium. To die for, accompanied by after dinner chocolates.

  18. I think coffee is a safe question-lol-unless you get some rants about the price of Starbucks. okay- when I drink coffee at home I drink it strong and black. When I go to Starbucks I have a sugar free vanilla latte with no foam…lol xo Diana

  19. Lately the coffee I've been drinking is a 50/50 mix of Louisiana Chickory (no caffeine) and decaf Duncan Donuts, only on weekends. My weekday hot drink is Chia with agave nectar and almond milk.

    I am so busy during the day I don't know if I have time to take photos, plus I'd have to get permission to take student photos. I guess I could take leg and back shots only, then lots of pics of me driving through the city between schools. Might be of interest. I'll have to think about it. Sounds fun though.


  20. Coffee -yuk I am almost 50 and have never drunk it.I cant even stand the smell of it when I make it for my husband and visitors so sorry no coffee and no tea…
    I would love to do your 12 hour project just give me a date as I am at home mum and can easy fit in-love dee x

  21. I didn't do any blog reading yesterday so I missed the phantom post!
    Coffee with milk that's foamed in the aerrocino. It's a truly magical former if you don't have one!
    Yes, it would be great fun to take part in a photo day. But when were you thinking? I'm flexible!

  22. I'd love to do April 1. My husbands first day back to work after vaca. I'm sure I won't know what to do with myself. πŸ˜‰
    2 cups of Joe every AM. The stronger the better w/a large dash of powdered Coffee Mate.
    While in Tanzania a couple of years ago I thought the coffee was so yummy and different so bought some to bring home. I don't know if it was being in a foreign country where everything seems exotic or what, but when I got home and tried to drink it it was, PUTRID. And that's the nice way of saying it.

  23. Oh yes, that Kona coffee is good, but it's not the same when you're not in Hawaii. I so agree! I like a medium-bodied, smooth brew with enough half and half to be a golden brown. Mmmmm, perfection in a cup!
    I would love to participate in your day in the life…sounds like fun! I'm going to pick a day out of the invisible hat and say, April 8th.

  24. Yep coffee each morning…Columbian beans, ground by me fresh, topped off with Half & Half…scrumptious!! What's the time frame for your challenge, Karen?…:)JP

  25. I am down to 1 cup of coffee in the morning now. I was drinking 5 to 6 cups a day and now, I think I have given myself adrenal fatique from all the caffiene. I tried to quit cold turkey… and OH THE MIGRAINE… so I am weaning myself off to 1 cup a day and having hot green tea or cold green tea – no sweenters. Yes, there is still caffiene in green tea but it is only 1/2 the caffiene and it has lots of antioxidants. I'm drinking lots of water with a spritz of lemon juice and giving my kidneys a break from ALLLLL that coffee I was drinking. I am truly feeling much better too as far as the fatique. When I do have my 1 cup in the morning, it is brewed in my Keurig and it is Green Mountain Hazelnut. I used to put in artificial sweetener and creamer but am down to drinking it black after reading how bad artificial sweeteners are for us. I guess you can say I'm finally in my 50's, trying to be healthier. (LONG OVERDUE). πŸ™‚

    ~ Lisa ~

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