Blue Moon

    One of my favorite shoreline stores is Blue Moon Gallery in Guilford, CT.  I doubt there is a soul on this planet with an artistic or spiritual or humorous bent that couldn’t find 100 things to love in that shop.  The Mr. gave me a gift certificate for Christmas and today I spent it.   Here are some of my new treasures…

This is a Raku guardian angel, no bigger than your thumb.
You tell her your worries and fears and she works them for you,
while you leave them with her and go live your life joyously and pursue your goals..
I have no one to give this card to at this very moment…
however I couldn’t pass it up.

24 thoughts on “Blue Moon”

  1. Love everything you bought!! So cute and funny! What a lovely angel,I sure could use her in my life.

    Lisa in Fort Worth

  2. Karen – took awhile to get past your header picture. Perfect way to spend a rainy/snowy/cold afternoon.

    Wish I were closer to this shop, is there a website maybe?

    Love the angel as well and that card is going to be so perfect for someone someday.

  3. I can see where this would be a fun store. And, is there a correct way to "install" the toilet paper? I hear there is. I'll have to do a poll sometime.

  4. What? And you didn't invite all of us to go shopping with you? harumpf. Love the angel and that sign is a must in every home. LOL

  5. It's like a virtual pinterest! I bet you just have fun going through the store. The angel is my favorite- but got a hearty chuckle out of the other two!

  6. I love the You're better off without that Ass…

    I have a black box that sits in my window here in my office that says:

    Masquerading as a normal person day after day is exhausting.

    Tis me for sure.

  7. Cute finds Karen!! I've never actually been to Blue Moon but I hear great things about it! Remember my husband got me that necklace there? The one I never wear…Lol!

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