Stuff that inspires….

I’d like to believe I’m a bridge builder. 
I love this card below, found by my fellow Marthas Vineyard loving friend Joan
 at Trader Joes… I should have asked her for the artists name on the back of the card..

Isn’t this just the most beautiful oasis of a hot tub
 on a cold winter day or night?

Regardless of what we’re handed, I’m reminded over and over again
that Life is what we make of it. 
When I want to gripe about whatever isn’t going my way,
I think of the people in my life who inspire me, and there are many.
The ones who are living a fullfilling life, who find enjoyment in every day,
who bring light to other’s lives, who almost never complain,
who soldier on and find humor and grace in every day living,
 regardless of their circumstances.
Dawn, Vicky,  Carol Ann, Beth, Hilary, Misha, Sally,
Vickie, Sandra…
and the list goes on.
There’s inspiration everywhere you look,
if you’re willing to open your eyes, receive and believe in it. 
It’s a new day, people. Make it a good one. 
(Jeez, you’d think I was auditioning for Oprah)

19 thoughts on “Stuff that inspires….”

  1. That looks like Kelly Rae Roberts- she has a whole line of plaques, jewelry, pieces of art, etc., through Demdaco- that makes the Willow tree Angels.

    Love Kelly Rae Roberts!

  2. We are surrounded by those that inspire but we are also in contact each day with those that can bring us down. I've always heard to be careful about the ones you spend time with. We can't help being influenced. I have certainly had my share of sadness but I choose to live a positive life. Some days it's easier than others! heehee! Beautiful post and I love the card, too!

  3. Love the attitude, too! And like Lavender Dreamer said…we need to be careful that the people we spend time with don't drag us down into negativity. Not that I don't enjoy a good rant now and then!!!

  4. You WEREN'T auditioning for Oprah? Darn it – I had so hoped to be in audience that day- lol I believe every word that you wrote! xo Diana

  5. Not only are you a bridge builder, those stones makes lovely stone walls around your amazing home! They aren't the kind to keep people out, but rather they invite them in. (sorry, I couldn't help using those stones a little more literal… I LOVE YOUR STONE WALLS!)

  6. That card, how I love it! Yes, for sure you're a bridge builder.

    You know my mom used to tell me I burned too many bridges; I believe what she didn't understand-after childhood, then being on my own for a while, I no longer had to associate with people who brought me down. It was a hard learned lesson, but one I'm glad to have figured out.

    Do you know any other Sally's? Because if you're talkin' about me, the feeling is mutual for SURE and I thank you!


  7. Hi Karen – thanks for mentioning my blog post.
    The artist is Kelly Rae Roberts as a few people mentioned. Her website and blog are amazing.

    Day #3 of upbeatness although spent most of it in bed with a bug. That too shall pass and I'll be happy when it does 🙂

    Your Vineyard friend Joan

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