When is the last time…

…you made a snow angel?
Built a snow man?
Last night, as we all huddled around the fire
(and the TV and FB via various methods of ipad, iphone, etc)
I stood up and declared I was going outside to build a snowman.
Anyone coming? 
You woulda thought I said I was digging a tunnel to China
with a teaspoon and a thimble. 
However, after a few minutes… 
we were all out in it. 
You’re never too old for this ….

I’ve never had a dog who balled up with snow…
and this is Frasier’s first real snowfall,
being the Southern boy that he is.
He loved the romp in the white stuff! OMG! EXCITING!!!
But not the iceballs after.. or the warm bath to melt them.
I suspect I’ll be rinse-and-repeat-ing all day.
This morning, Smiley doesn’t look so happy.
or maybe he’s just doing his morning yoga.

So.. if you’re one of the lucky ones and you’ve gotten SNOW…
get out there and make a snow angel or a snowman, yes YOU.
Take a pic! If I get a few or more pics, I’ll post them here.

20 thoughts on “When is the last time…”

  1. Karen – good for you getting out and playing in the snow, love your snowman.
    Our spaniels balled like that too, they looked like sheep.

  2. We don't even have enough snow to fill a thimble. It's just plain sad.

    Must be tough to come inside and have your balls (of snow) soaked. hee hee.

  3. We don't have any fresh stuff, but I made an angel last year! I love the angels!

    I wish I had a snowmobile! My hubs and I are considering a 4-wheeler – that would be fun as well.

    DianeCH is naughty! I like it!

  4. I've never in my life seen that much snow, so there's been no snow angels or snowmen for myself and the furkids. I've never even see snow cover the entire ground before.

    I love the picture of the horse in the snow!


  5. Your Emerson on the sidebar reminded me that my fav Emerson quote is:

    "One of the illusions of life is that the present hour is not the critical decisive hour.

    Write it on your hear that every day is the best day of your life."

    Kinda like your "snow night".

  6. I can't remember the last time I've done either and it makes my body hurt just thinking about it. Of course, we don't have snow very often. That's one photo I have serious doubts you'll be getting from me. I'll have to be content with photos from those who get the beautiful white stuff.

  7. I love the dog pictures! When we got over a foot of snow for Christmas, we were all especially missing our chocolate lab, Max, who LOVED the snow–either playing in it when he was younger or just laying down and cooling off in it as he got older. 🙂

    Cute snowman too

    Happy New Year!

  8. I am not a fan of the cold or the snow!! Hope this comment makes it through…this is my third try.

    I run outside and snap a few pics and back inside I am … you can find me by the fire!

  9. Guess I'll bundle up and head out… 🙂 We played a lot in the first big one that dumped 10 inches on us, but we haven't been out much lately. Jemma hasn't been feeling well and we have just been lazy pajama wearing bums!

  10. We haven't had snow for a couple of years….only just a drifting…and the grandchildren have tried hard to gather enough for snowballs! If we have it I love to get outside with them. There's nothing greater than spending time in the snow and coming into a warm house for hot drinks. Go and build another for me would you?! Joan

  11. No snow. Lots of rain. Any ideas on how to build a Rainman?

    Happy New Year to you and yours, however many legs they have 😉

    I love your header picture!


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