Finding it

   This year I’m reading so many blog posts, FB posts and articles that indicate  many people feel the holiday season is one big colossal stress inducing hassle.  A frequent complaint is  – having a hard time getting into the spirit of things.  Ah, the key right there… It’s the SPIRIT OF THINGS that should be foremost in our hearts and minds, not the spending of money we may not have, the headache of planning around difficult family issues and logistics, the stress of trying to get it all done.  Commercialism puts a damper on the whole thing, too.

     There are ways to simplify- If  the annual big family gathering and meal at your house has you spinning out of control, make it a potluck – the menu is varied and interesting, no one is responsible for an entire meal, and everyone feels like they’ve contributed, bringing their one prized dish to share. Or, scale down the crowd… invite  just a handful of family or friends and relax. 

    Regarding gift giving, a small thoughtful gift holds just as much meaning, if not more, than a more elaborate and expensive item you could buy at a store.   Have you taken a photo that a particular person would cherish?  Frame it and wrap it.  They’ll cherish it always and it doesn’t break the bank.  Are you a baker?  Make a batch of that favorite cookie Aunt Margaret used to have at the holiday table, tie the recipe onto the bow. Awesome for family recipes handed down to other family members.  If only my grandmother were still alive, I’d ask her for that unbelievably delicious cream puff popover recipe. I’ve never had them so good since.

    Missing a loved one who is now departed?  Volunteer for an organization you know they would approve of, or make a donation of any size in their name.  It’s a way of honoring them that you can feel good about and you are contributing to the world in a positive way. That always feels good.

  No time for all this nonsense?  Then cut yourself some slack and just let it be.  There are many little things you can do to find the “Spirit of the holidays”… Take a walk through a “Christmas lit” neighborhood on a snowy night- hear the silence and the sound your footsteps make in the snow. On Christmas Eve, imagine all the excitement the children feel as they drift off to sleep,  one eye open should they hear the sound of hoofbeats on the roof.   Don’t be so hurried that you can’t smile at the checkout clerk at the grocery store and wish him/her a happy holiday.  Do the same to anyone you lock eyes with  as you walk out to your car.  It’s amazing, what a small and brief encounter like this can do for the soul.

   I don’t talk about religion here, only  because I’m not religious in an organized or specific sense of the word, although I was raised a Catholic.  I do believe I’m a spiritual person, and some say that’s a cop out.  I find my religion in being kind whenever possible and helping out where I can in different ways. Being a part of solutions, instead of adding to problems.  I’ve asked myself frequently… do I add to this world in any way to make it a better place, or am I always taking?  The holidays bring this reflection into sharper focus for me and right now I’m pleased with my progress.   That, I’m finding, is a gift.

  Speaking of gifts, my friend Tim has given me a detailed description of his mother Loraine’s Sand Tart Christmas Cookie recipe.  He gave our family a sampling of them last year and words fail me in describing just how buttery-sugary-mouthwatering delicious these cookies are.  I’d never heard of sand tarts until that sampling of his family tradition cookies, I’ll let you know how they turn out under Tim’s carefully guided directions.  This recipe is a gift I will always treasure –

                                             This ceramic basket was made by my Aunt V…

the one hospitalized on Staten Island.. still.
When I was leaving the hospital, she made my Uncle run out to catch me
(no easy feat for him!)
He told me to stop by the house and pick up this basket,
which she wanted me to have.
She has always been a creative and crafty person,
also the glue that held our italian family heritage together.
I will always cherish this piece, made with her hands…
So… what brings the Holiday Spirit to you? 
Are there traditions you count on and nurture?
PS. I’d share Tim’s Sand Tart recipe with you all,
but then I’d have to kill you.

21 thoughts on “Finding it”

  1. Christmas is so hectic–I think it's because so many women like me are working and taking care of family it just leaves you exhausted! My birthday is the 23, so that adds to the stress–This year I'm passing on the dinner out–just take out pizza is fine with me! I want to go to Local Lime with daughters and girlfriends for a margarita for lunch! Pizza that night with the family. I want to make a gingerbread barn with the grandkids ( found at Tractor Supply)! We are having a lady from Mexico make us some homemade tamales for Christmas Eve and son is making chili! Yes, simple! I want hubby to take me to the country church up the road for late night service–I love the quiet, candlelight service. I don't care that much about the gifts–I love the lights around town, the old carols, the cocoon cookies like my mom always made. Great post, Karen! Bless your sweet aunt–thinking of others as she is in the hospital! Love the basket–you can fill it with so many wonderful things!

  2. We do a potluck on Christmas Eve at my Mom's! Such less stress on her! I say every year that I will stress less…ha, didn't work…

    This is a great post and reminder Karen to just let it be. What a beautiful basket from your Aunt.

  3. Karen, I just don't understand the whole Christmas stress test. When will folks figure out, "no" is a perfectly good and acceptable word to use…all year 'round? I hung a few wreaths, 3 to be exact and one was home made, and that's it…no tree or lights but did put out several creches. I'm baking shortbread and handing it out to folks who have helped me throughout this last year but gifts are kept to a minimum for family. Friends and I have decided we'd rather give each other the gift of time so, one weekend at a time, we'll get together next year and celebrate friendship.
    Praying Aunt V will be well, and united with Uncle, soon.

  4. I decided to not let the hype and commercialism get to me this year. Also am hardly giving any gifts. Each year I realize that in January I am always overwhelmed with how much I've spent. I'm trying to take it easy. Simple is best.

  5. I don't talk about religion either or even Christmas traditions. I did not keep Christmas for most of my life so in recent years, I have started doing a few holiday things. But I can not understand why so many let this holiday be a stressful time. I am seeing it from a different vantage point though so it baffles me. Anyway…we keep it in a very simplistic way which makes it much more fun! Sweet hugs!

  6. So you're just going to leave me with my mouth watering for buttery sugary cookies? Something tells me you are indeed šŸ™‚

    I think those are brilliant suggestions- I bought my kids the advent calendars with little chocolates behind the numbered doors- they look like they are made for 3 year olds- but I have never seen two boys more giddy for that countdown and taste of chocolate!

  7. It's so easy to get burned out on Christmas, when it's in Hobby Lobby and Michaels's in JULY…. but I use Advent to renew my Christmas spirit, and the four Sundays remind me what we have Christmas for. (Especially… Gaudete… Rejoice!)

  8. I love going out and looking at all the Christmas lights. I prefer my hubby to drive so that I can look, without worrying about running off the road or hitting a deer. No baking here, as I am no cook (or baker) but appreciate my best friend who gives us cookies each year as a gift. We also have a couples party at our house that I look forward to each year. We keep it simple and make it a potluck and do the "stealing gift game".
    On Christmas Eve we usually have crab, but apparently not this year…they have delayed the season here until December 30th.
    I love the basket that your aunt made! What a wonderful gift!

  9. Karen – a timely post to remind us of the stress we put upon ourselves.
    A few years ago I was forced to rethink the amount of things and the amount of money I was spending on Christmas. The forced downsizing was actually a 'gift' to me… my stress lessened and I actually got to enjoy the season instead of dreading it and worrying about it.
    My younger daughter and I have a thing we've done for years a day or so before Christmas. We go to our local mall (I know, crazy crowded)… get a Starbucks peppermint mocha drink, find a good place to sit and watch people scurrying all around. Over half of the people we see do NOT look happy.. no smiles to be seen.. they look frantic and stressed. One year a lady stopped and commented on how happy we looked and wondered what we were doing. We told her and she said she was going to try and do the same thing the following year. šŸ™‚

  10. When my parents were still here, we had many Christmas traditions which I tried to keep later. But, since Ben, everything is kept pretty low key. We still get together, and I'm hoping they'll all be here either the Sunday or Christmas Eve. It won't be fancy, but who cares? šŸ™‚

    I'm happy you have your Aunt V's basket, and that she will do as well as she can.


  11. It's okay…. not to share the recipe that is. I am a very unsuccessful baker anyway. Love your list of ways to rid stress with your tips. šŸ™‚

  12. It is amazing how stressful this holiday is for so many people. There are never enough hours in the day-or days in the week. I have started paring back and doing only what I want to do and cutting out all the stress related parties, etc. that I used to feel compelled to do. Great post- xo Diana
    ps-You MUST share Tim's Sand Tart recipe…then I will copy it from someone else so you won't have to kill me-

  13. That basket is a treasure now and in the future. You will never look at it without thinking of your Aunt. Those are the things that are most special to me, even when they bring a tear, or two.

  14. That basket your aunt insisted you have, is a real treasure. For some reason I'm not stressed this year. I have scaled back, and perhaps living in the woods helps. Ordered simple gifts on line or made them. Perhaps being retired helps.

  15. I love this post and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your header picture!!! Gorgeous! I don't feel stressed about the holidays this year. I haven't even decorated except for our trees and I am just letting it slide. I started a new online job that is taking a LOT of time and I have done 4 photo shoots that I am trying to edit so my attention has gone there. When Jemma comes home. It is our time and we watch Christmas movies or play board games. We will go see the Nutcracker and I will decorate some more, but I am not going crazy this year! I had already started to stress over where I was going to put all my old decor in my new house and I thought, "Don't worry about it!!" and so I am not. I am going to enjoy this season with my sweet family and make the most of the moments. Watching her snowboard for the first time was aweseome!

    We always make reindeer food and cookies for Santa on Christmas eve. We have our advent book that we do each night. We have our Elf on the Shelf and he gives new jammies every Christmas eve. I try to make as many traditions as I can! I want Jemma to remember them all and do them with her family!

  16. i loved this post. this year we're taking things easy and all the busyness has not gotten to me yet….i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays just like this…..

    simple is the best word for this time of year !

  17. Love this post! I have been trying to be much less stressed this year and so far it is working…I'll see if I freak out next week:)

    I'm a member of your religion:)

  18. Karen! Love this and you are singing to the choir (or however that damn phrase goes).

    This year we are hosting the huge hub's family Christmas (today in fact!) and this is the week I started my new job. Yep. I was fretting yesterday a bit, but you know what? Who's going to notice if everything isn't perfect. No one. I handed out assignments weeks ago, I'm roasting a turkey and ham. There will be wine. Who's complaining? šŸ™‚

    And instead of presents to each other this year, hubs and I adopted two local families and we had the most fun buying bicycles for the kids and we are having our kids buy for the family as well instead of giving us presents. I feel so good about this. I am blessed.

    Love you Karen. You are such a good woman.

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