Enough Already!!!

     Do we really give a flying F*ck about flirtateous e-mails and affairs of  Army Generals, politicans, the high school janitor?   Even President Roosevelt and Thomas Jefferson had affairs.   Why has this become such a big deal and why do we think it’s any of our business at all??  These things have been happening for as long as humans exist in one form or another, it’s nothing new.  Modern technology has made it easier to detect, I guess… but SERIOUSLY… can’t we just move on here?  None of their digging has even unearthed any “giving away of spy secrets”….which I can understand would be a concern.  But just listen to the banter!  FLIRTATEOUS E-MAILS… AFFAIR!!   I’m not condoning anyone’s poor marital behavior… I just don’t think this airing of dirty sexual laundry has a place in the public eye, other than to sell alot of newspapers and magazines, boost or destroy someone’s political agenda  and give the news pundits something to yap about. 

 Everywhere I look,  I see the four faces of the “Patraeus Affairs”. Tell me, do you find justification in this witch hunt or are you just as fed up as I am?   PS… it’s ok if you have a different opinion here, maybe you’ll even shed some light.

30 thoughts on “Enough Already!!!”

  1. I second this! What else is there to talk about on the radio and TV news 24/7 since the election is over? They have to embellish something … this is it, for now, till the next thing comes along for them to blow completely out of proportion.

  2. I totally agree with you… it's enough already. Who cares. It's not only the Patreus thing, it's the teen idol break ups too. I can't believe the news time they give to them as well… again, who cares.
    I'm tired of the media pretending shock and dismay at these supposed earth shattering goings on.. does their pontificating make them feel above it all? Hmmm !

  3. Completely agree, Karen and was considering doing a post about this as well. Just trash TV is all it is. It's as if they feel if they keep harping on it that it will turn into something more than what it is… just dirty laundry and I don't care if Patraeus had 50 affairs… this all should have been kept quiet and let the man keep his job. Now he AND his wife are being subjected to all this crap. Is this something Holly Patraeus really needed to know considering that the affair was already over? She's the one being hurt by it. Cripes almighty… let it rest CNN!!!

  4. I'm with you girls.

    And I will repeat a phrase I was using a whole bunch during my volunteering for an LBGT organization voting no against a liberty-limiting marriage amendment (we voted it down btw – yay!):

    Why are you in their bedrooms?

    Why oh why?

    I am watching Morning Joe right now and they are blah blah blahing.

  5. Four supposedly intelligent adults, all educated and in positions of authority and they are using E-MAILS. Come on already!!!!! L.

  6. It's ridiculous, pure and simple. Our technology and our crazed capabilities with media have pushed us over another cliff, a very serious one, and we don't even know it.
    sometimes I think not having a tv at all would be a real plus.

  7. I think it should be brought to light and then they should treat them like they treat us everyday people — fire their sorry asses and prosecute but shut up in the meantime!

    There …… I feel much better now!

  8. I give up! Am I on today's post yet? If it does't involve giving our secrets to the Russians, it's somebody else's bedroom happenings, and I don't need to know. But still more Frasier, please?

  9. Amen sister!! My daughter works for ABC news and I was just telling her today to pass on the word that I am sick of hearing about this crap! Unless National security is involved, who cares!! Maybe it's because the elections are over and it's a slow news month!

  10. I'm as fed up as you are. Whether we condone it or not why should 1 person's life go unchanged because he wasn't important enough for it to be in the news while some in a public position looses everything.

  11. Sorry, Karen, I don't agree. I agree that it is sickening to have to hear this, but we NEED to hear it.

    We have a man in a very responsible position (the head of the CIA, for cryin' out loud) who is engaged in behavior that is extremely risky for someone engaged in the spy world. (haven't you seen Bond, for pete's sake?). It is absolutely traditional to use sex to compromise the intelligence community.

    Now we have a second general (Allen–Supreme Commander in Afghanistan) and–ready for this?–the FBI agent who ws in charge of the investigation sending shirtless emails! He's gone–and well he should be. He was committing the very act he was investigating!

    Sorry, this is NOT a private matter. It is my tax dollars at work and it is serious business–above and beyond the usual scumbagness of adultery, which is quite enough to try to stomach.

    It is, I am afraid, a sorry statement that so many of us are willing to turn blind eyes on this serious business on the pretext of "privacy." Sorry, it ain't private. It's my government. And people in MY responsible positions ought to act responsibly for very good reasons.

    By the way, the news this afternoon is talking about Ms. Paula's use of classified information in her talks in Coloradao…I bet there's more to come. She's an officer in the reserves–I hope she's court martialed. C.

  12. Had to come back and say this:

    NBC news website post from 7 hours ago says this (my paraphrasing):

    Petraeus says he did not share classified info with Paula Broadwall (sure…), yet the FBI found sensitive information in her emails. FBI checked with Defense and found out that it is, indeed, classified, so our boys, the FBI, swooped down on the Broadwall home and combed it to see what's there. Results of search as yet unknown, but we do know she has referenced stuff she had no business knowing.

    Don't you want that protection? Do you know that it is a federal offense to have classified information in your home especially if you aren't cleared for it? Don't you think that is a good idea? I do.

    Don't you understand the implications here?

    If Paula is not a spy, threatening our national defense, but just a two-bit W#*@#e, then the principle stands, and they all need to be out off office and prosecuted for any transgressions found.

    Maybe we're looking at more than court-martial for Paul (who, by the way, is also on your payroll). Maybe we're looking at federal prosecution.

    As for the investigation, I say: Good Work, FBI. I want my classified information kept classified, and when you find a bunch of sleazy folks screwing around and swapping secrets in addition to sex, I want it all prosecuted.

    No. This is not a private matter. At all. C.

  13. This is "V" here! Whoa, not sure I want to stick my toe in this pond, but….. I'm SO TIRED of all the election crap and I think both parties during this election are so sick of everything political, that we are just burnt out!
    I agree with C that this IS serious business –in fact she pointed out some things that I wasn't aware with because I have been so busy and tired that I've tuned out the news for a while! I've been on a semi-newscation– The TV is just background noise of which I catch snippets lately. However, I believe that this is definitely NOT a private or partisan issue, but something that has ramifications for us ALL–like national security. Corruption in government and military always needs to be exposed.

  14. I'm sorry C… I still do not agree with you in a big way. HUMANS will always have their sexual daliances…Just because we made it our business a long time ago to try to force human nature out of the human by insisting on monogamy.. for practical reasons!…even though it goes against basic human nature….clearly, because thats why people have had so much trouble with it through the tests of time… I don't care what their position is in government, we have no business in their bedrooms. And the reports I'm reading state that there is no evidence that he gave away classified information. You can assume all you want because you are angry over the indiscretion… doesn't make it fact. We need to get real about our expectations and stop making other people's sexual -whatever – our business. Now, if they come up with hard evidence that he gave away intelligence information that could inform a "spy"… then he should be prosecuted to the hilt. I don't see that happening. The man has had an exemplary career. Stellar, in fact.

    Anyway… you have a right to your opinion on this and time will tell whether this was a ridiculous witch hunt or had merit.

  15. ..and let me be clear again. I am not condoning extra marital affairs. But it is not our business, in my opinion, and that of many others.

  16. …– Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that he didn't tell the White House about the Petraeus investigation because it was determined there was no threat to national security. "Had we made a determination that a threat to national security existed, we would of course had made that known to the president and to the appropriate members on the Hill," Holder told reporters.

  17. We all want to be open minded, non-judgemental, and fair. Unfortunately there are some situations that need to be looked at. If it was just an affair, all I know is that I feel for his wife and children. If there is more to it, well then it should be investigated. Unfortunately (or fortunately) when you hold a job as important to our Country's welfare you are in the spot light and held to a higher degree of trust. It will all pass soon.

  18. Karen, I agree, in principle, that no one should particularly care about the sexual antics of these, or any other, folks – however… as a mother with a son in the military who has been deployed to "the sandbox" and risked his life for this country in a totally pointless war, I have to wonder how in the world the two men charged with formulating and implementing strategies to get all our sons home have the time to conduct affairs and send thousands of emails to these bimbos… on company time, with our tax dollars paying for their complete lack of attention to their jobs!
    They should both be fired for incompetence and dereliction of duty. I couldn't care less what they do with their penises… except if while they're busy doing it, they endanger our troops – then expect to be investigated.

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