The object of his affection

It was bought for Rudy…
the pisspot, the only dog who gets locked in a crate in this house
because he marks EVERYTHING whenever you’re not around.
(I’ve been told it’s a dachsund thing)
Rudy loves the soft squeeky toys made of that pliable but
not easily broken rubber stuff.
The cupcake was his new treasure.
Frasier covets the cupcake.
When Rudy is not in his crate, Frasier immediately sees that as an opportunity
to go steal the cupcake.
I put it on top of the mantle so he can’t take it.
(and rip it up)
If the door is closed.. he tries to pull the blanket through the crate
to get to the cupcake.
He does this even when Rudy is IN the crate.
It’s an obsession.
Sometimes when I’m not looking,  he succeeds.
…..Houston… we have a problem.

  And don’t ya think I’ve already thought to buy three more @%#$! cupcakes?…
and I can’t find a one.  Not a one.

22 thoughts on “The object of his affection”

  1. I don't think it matters how many cupcakes you have … Frasier will work at it till he collects all of them. Like Ruby, I doubt he knows the meaning of the word 'share'.

    Man, I love that face!!

  2. Go get him his own damn cupcake. LOL Even then, he will covet the 'other' cupcake. It's just a dog thing.. they want ALL the toys for themselves. Very cute photo of these two…

  3. We currently have 3 indoor dogs and the competition for rawhides is constant! It drives me crazy! The poor little 5 1/2 lb. Papillon (I inherited from youngest daughter deciding she couldn't keep him in apt. and he is a major chewer!)–the poor little guy loses all his chewie treats to bully Dudley and terrier Rikki! Everyone has to yield to Dudley, and I sometimes I feel a sense of dejavu– reliving refereeing the competition between son and youngest daughter! It wore me out, as does the canine version!
    If you can find these cupcakes online–maybe on Amazon???? Stock up on them!

  4. How cute! Love this, Karen.

    (However, I can't remember you talking about Rudy; where have I been?)

    Which one has some daschund?

    Hey! You want another one? I'll send him to you free. 🙂

  5. Our Cavalier will challenge our GSD over toys…never seen anything like it. The Cavalier, Lizzie, has to stay in her crate much more than I would like as well bc she wets the floor every chance she gets 🙁 I swear she comes inside the house just to go potty 🙁

  6. Isn't that always the way. I will be on the look out. I stop at every pet store I see. Bella has every toy imaginable , yet she plays with old softball socks knotted together. Kind of like the kids playing with the empty toy boxes.

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