You asked for it

   Margaret will be thrilled to know she has sparked such curiosity… actually she will probably be embarassed and think she’s done nothing to deserve any fuss… however, I know better.  Margaret has also raised five boys and helped her now deceased husband run a family business.  She still hosts get-togethers for her church group and once dressed as a lady of the night for a halloween party.  I believe that was just a few years ago.  

 SO!… Write your questions for Margaret in the comments section below and I will ask her to give me a brief interview.  I have been blessed with having been acquainted with several wonderful women as I’ve raised my family in this town… learning a little from each as I go.  They are all talented and generous in different ways and have endured life’s ups and downs with a grace and sense of humor I wish we all possessed.  Liz, Carol Ann, Marg,  BJ… you know who you are.

13 thoughts on “You asked for it”

  1. I would like to know if Margaret has any special secrets she'd share on how she has maintained good health, and beautiful spirit.

  2. Great! Anyone who has raised 5 kids and helped run a business has my admiration!
    As I talk to my friends, it seems that women are especially stressed by multitasking and having their hands in too many pots. How has she prioritized all the duties and obligations through the years.

  3. Ohhh I wish our neighborhood had a Margaret! Wait…I don't actually have a neighborhood…hmmm…Well, aren't we lucky you are sharing yours!! Oh and I love that she dressed up as a lady of the night–what a riot!!!

  4. Acts of kindness and caring and those active in their own unique ways is what gives the breath of life to a community.

    Congratulations to all involved.

  5. What a wonderful woman you are blessed to know. Give her a big hug for me and tell her she makes me miss the older generation in my own family- Blessings to her AND you- xo Diana

  6. A short interview, eh? You will have to choose questions then! 😉

    Please let this lady know what an inspiration your photos and words about her have been. Inspiration is probably a light word too.

    I would love to hear about her growing up years, where she grew up, what life was like, lessons learned through these times. In raising her children, what are values she tried to imprint on them or what was important to her during these times?

    Does the lady have a favourite drink?

  7. I agree I would love to hear anything Margaret has to say. I am looking forward to it.

    Has she enjoyed watching the renovation of This Old House 2? How has the area changed? What was her favorite decade? Favorite place to travel?

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