Frasier Entertainment

Remember those shows on TV
when your kids were young…
the ones you’d count on 
when you had stuff to do
and you needed them to just sit for a while?
For my kids that was Sesame Street
and Barney. I tried not to rely
too heavily on Babysitter TV, but now and then
I leaned on it just a little.
My second set of kids are much easier
to entertain.  Frasier will watch
the Bunny & Chipmunk Show for hours on end.
These two have taken up residence outside the kitchen door
so I’ve been feeding them berries and such.

Currently, Chip lives under the rock step
and Peter lives in the bushes next to it.

Not a bad piece of real estate for either of them,
but the traffic is steady and can be annoying,
as the barn swallows found out.

17 thoughts on “Frasier Entertainment”

  1. Those are the cutest photos! Our cats used to be entertained by 2 visiting squirrels that liked to be hand-fed. There was "Sassy" first, and then her shyer friend she later brought along which we named "Samwise."


  2. Awwwwww, how cute!!! I'll be waiting for photos of Dale, when he shows up! (OR, Alvin, Simon and Theodore) LOL! I hope you get more, they are adorable and I don't get to see them around here.

  3. How cute! And, look at all the pretty flowers.

    I really can't remember what Patti used to watch; maybe Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers. But, someone gave us a tape of the original Annie movie when Brittney was littled and she watched it continuously over and over. I hope that didn't damage her too much. 🙂

  4. I wish our pups would simply be satisfied with watching small critters outside… instead they invite them for lunch, not knowing that THEY are the lunch. Your pups look like best buddies looking out the windows. 🙂

  5. The chipmunk is so little beside the step. Keep feeding them and pretty soon the word will go out to all of the woodland creatures: This way to the house with the lady who feeds fruit!!!

  6. I love that last picture with both staring! My MIL has all kinds of critters in her yard and our whole family watches! Now that would be a picture!

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