What I love best

That picture I didn’t capture yesterday
because I was too busy cheering and crying?…
Someone else did.
Pure Joy…
And today…another victorious day for the underdogs!

I have to give a shout out to my dear friend Carol…
Carol and I are animal fanatics together.
She was in my wedding, we’ve been neighbors on and off…
Our kids grew up together.
Her son, Jordan, has been volunteering at Dog Days Events..
Two so far. 
It appears Carol isn’t able to visit Jordan at the event
without going home with a “souvineer”.
They are now the proud adopters of Dog Days Dog Number 2…
which would make their total… SIX
Now, they have the space and the love and the knowledge for six dogs
ranging from big to little.
But I just gotta say this..
So.. I had nothing to do with this one. Nothing, got it?
oh, I didn’t mean that.

20 thoughts on “What I love best”

  1. Hahahahahaha! Quick, cover your butt! Ha!

    Carol is a lucky woman, to have the room… and an obviously understanding husband. (You are, too!)

  2. Ahh, how wonderful. What a great day for those pets and their new owners.

    I saw some sweet dogs and cats today at PetCo. The dogs they were just then unloading from the truck, and the one's I saw seemed to be so excited. All smiles and wagging tails. Mom and I wanted one of those dogs to take home, but we're already owned by 3 of them. :p


  3. Your posts and pictures have brought tears to my eyes! What a delight to see so many people working together for these gorgeous pups:)

    I forwarded the Dog Days info to my friend who recently lost his elderly dog…but he had just adopted a young dog from the Westerly shelter and was to pick her up after her spaying on Thursday…It is all good:)

  4. I follow our local humane society on Facebook, and they are featuring a dog now that I absolutely adore! I just can't do it–I don't have the space and I may be taking in "C's cat when she moves in town–her Chili dog would eat her cat up in a minute! I've seen the gleam in his eye! Her kitty lives in the backyard, but if she moves into town, then Chili will have to spend some time in the backyard!
    So glad your adoption event was a success. I just want to adopt them all! Now if I just had "staff" to help me take care of them–like Martha!

  5. Tears here, too. There's nothing like a perfect match … the dog knows it, and so do the humans. It's innate, and all we have to do is listen to that little voice in our gut.

    Carol, OTOH, should put a muzzle on her little voice. Or maybe not. Who are we to judge? ***evil grin***

  6. See- just call me Carol- I would seriously be in so much trouble. I love my dog- and the only thing better would be 2 dogs 🙂

    Yes- that is raw emotion in the first photo- so awesome to see!

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