The Brood

You remember a few posts back…
the couple who relocated
from one side of our kitchen slider
to the other due to heavy traffic issues?
They finally decided the second nest
was egg worthy…

They’ve used chicken feathers and horse tail hair mixed in with mud and grass.
I stood on a bar stool and snapped this picture way up over my head,
not bad for a blind shot, huh?

18 thoughts on “The Brood”

  1. What a beautiful nest and eggs! There is something special about the addition of chicken feathers and horse tail hair…soft and strong!

  2. Now you're just bragging, taking a blind photo that is that good. Very cool those nests, what engineers our feathered friends are. Just amazing.

  3. Not bad at all. But very naughty of you to be standing on a bar stool. Do you know how dangerous that is, young lady?!!

    I'm only saying because our maintenance man at school did almost the same thing using a chair that was on hand rather than getting the ladder. Good thing I had some bandaids on hand.

  4. Okay, Country Girl already got on to you for standing on the bar stool, so I won't mention it. 🙂

    Beautiful photo!

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