a Me-Me – for you too.

Weather Outside:  Foggy, misty, rainy morning. Mud everywhere and then some.

Breakfast:  Gluten free homemade waffles with gingerbread syrup.
(Stonewall Kitchen brand… WOW, seriously good)

Pondering:  Should I have let the chickens out to wander for a while? or are they gonna get lost in the mist.

  Also, why is Britney Spears still on the radar?  I feel sorry for her, I do.  Xfactor dumped her, and so did her newest fiance.  She doesn’t have what it takes to survive with sanity the world of entertainment, why can’t they just leave her alone to live a simple life and raise her boys in a healthy way.  Probably because she doesn’t want that either.  I find it very disturbing, the public crash and burn of some celebrities. They can’t seem to get out of their own way to save themselves.  And the vultures waiting to document it.

ReadingJanuary First – almost unbelievable and courageous true story of the Schofield family. Google Jani Schofield if you’re interested. I guarantee, you’ll never look at your own life the same again without a heck of a lot of appreciation.  Warning – it is disturbing and heartwrenching.

Current Crush:   Justin Timberlake and Phillip Phillips.  Yes I know they are way way way too young for me.  I can still appreciate that they are charming and adorable and down to earth despite their star status.  Hey, I had crushes on Paul Newman and Robert Redford and they were WAY older than me.  

Ok… your turn, in the comments section.

22 thoughts on “a Me-Me – for you too.”

  1. Hi Karen,
    Yup, I agree. Brittany is a lost soul if only she would concentrate on her boys and her self. Hopefully someone is looking out for her best interests.
    LOVE Justin and Phillip and I have always loved Tom Hanks.
    Love your blog, love your home and especially your dogs.
    Enjoy your day Karen.
    Kim 🙂

  2. I would love to see her bow out of being a celebrity and just try to enjoy her life.
    Crushes? I adore Justin. One actor I think is soooo cute is Simon Baker on The Mentalist. I just smile whenever I watch him. Cutie pie.
    That's all I have because I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee yet. And it's only 25 degrees here!!!

  3. First off let me say that the first …the very FIRST time I saw Phillip Phillips, I said, HE is the hands down winner. The whole season, my husband said I was crazy.
    Yeah, OK.
    I love him. I don't care HOW old he is. I love Mark Wahlberg too…so shoot me.
    Weather: ditto
    Breakfast: raisin bread toast from my fave Rockhill Bakery….the best.
    Pondering: how life evolves, how you get from where you were 30 years ago, to here. What simple decisions made all the difference.
    Reading: Trafficking in Sheep by Anne Barclay Priest…very entertaining and speaks to my yearning to run away to the northeast coast.
    Current crush: Mark Wahlberg

  4. I think Britney has come a long way but still has a lot of issues going on. I'd like to see her concentrate on her music and get away from some of the glaring spotlight.
    Breakfast was toast, grape jelly and coffee. In my head it was a blueberry scone.
    Reading… 'Hitchhiking with Larry David: A True Story From Martha's Vineyard' by Paul Samuel Dolman.
    I really like Gabriel Macht from 'Suits' and Kyle Chandler in anything he does… loved him in 'Friday Night Lights' and 'Early Edition'.

  5. Weather: 2 degrees, cloudy with flurries.

    Pondering: Despite the temps should I still go for a run this afternoon?

    Reading: My January issue of the Sun Magazine. It's such a luxury for me.

    Current Crush: Adam Levin. Watching him on the Voice, (the only reason I watch) makes me sigh and smile. Also Chris Klewe, punter for the Mn. Vikings. I'm not a football fan, but I am a fan of his. He wrote a letter to a Emmett Burns, a Maryland state assembly delegate defending Balt. Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo who was in favor of same sex marriage. Klewe is very vocal about equality and same sex marriage. What's not to be crushing on, plus he's hot looking.

    Have a great day Karen.


  6. Didn't know about Britney, not too much into celebrity culture. Can't do heart-wrenching anymore, either in a book or a movie. Here's mine:

    Weather: same as you, foggy, misty, and chilly. Was supposed to be sunny and unseasonably warm yesterday and today. The weather-guessers got it wrong.

    Breakfast: leftover brats and sauerkraut, with coffee.

    Pondering: how to do a better job of getting a handle on the 30+ years of stuff that we have accumulated. Doing okay with the stuff in the house, periodically purging an area and finding a place for everything that's left. The garages are a totally different story.

    Reading: a pile of old House Beautiful magazines that I got at the library book sale last weekend.

    Current Crush: London Fletcher (Redskins player). He has SO much class. Also Adam Oates, current head coach of the Capitals, formerly a player. Was my favorite player for a long time, and I am thrilled that he is back as our new coach.

  7. Weather-unbeliviable, sunny; I should be walking but here I sit!

    Breakfast-not yet, but soon.

    Britney-sad. I didn't know they kicked her off!

    Pondering-where my energy is; haven't had much lately.

    I LOVE Phillip, and as another person said; the first time I saw him I thought he would win. He has a great voice, and oh my he's so dang cute.

    My crush at the moment, it changes daily; Eric Braedon from Y&R and Tom Sellect (sp). Oh, and a guy named Walter who walks or rids his bike every day, very friendly and handsome. They call him them "mayor". 🙂

    Reading Susan Mallery "Already Home."

    Have a great day, Chief! 🙂

  8. Weather outside: breezy, 70's, beautiful.

    Breakfast: cottage cheese & coffee

    Pondering: the 1-day old kitten I got for fostering last night; whether I want to go to see estranged husband in jail; where to apply for jobs this afternoon and tomorrow; what can I sell on eBay to replenish my dwindling funds since the car I bought has continuing issues; do laundry today or tomorrow?

    Reading: actually writing a book by blog along the same lines as January First [http://ontheroadtosomethinbetter.blogspot.com/] ~ I looked up Jani's, read the blog and realized that I'm not "alone" and that is really such a relief.

    Current crush: Ryan Gosling after I saw a picture of him carrying his [large] dog and saying that his dog is the "great love" of his life.

  9. I wondered the same thing this morning? Too cold for the chickens to go out? It was only 11 degrees at the time. It's 19 now and I can see the big ones out in the pasture, hardy things, while I sit here.
    I feel sorry for Brittney, too… she just doesn't get it at 31… she could stop now and have a full life if they would just let her.

  10. Weather: Colder, but still gray, gloomy and muddy. Blah.

    Breakfast: Coffee

    Pondering: Hubby's retirement.

    Reading: Blogs

    Current Crush: I'd have to think about it, which would require use of my brain… need more coffee first.

  11. the weather: 20 friggin degrees outside is all and that's the high today 🙁

    breakfast: a zone bar and tea

    pondering: why i had a night like i did last night 🙁

    reading: a really good book that i can't remember the name of and if i wasn't so lazy i'd get up and go find it

    current crush: always justin for me, too….and sometimes this time of year i could say the bachelor but yuck, i don't like this season's pick…even if he is a leftover !

  12. It was 50 here, Karen and the fog disappeared, letting the sun get in a few rays this afternoon! I'm too old for crushes! Reading: a book about the history of Tai Chi; breakfast-healthy one in prep for gym tomorrow!…:)JP

  13. I left a comment and it flipped off before I could post it- I hate when that happens…anyway-the truncated version- Let the chicken out! I feel sorry for Britney Spears, too and I don't think I could stand to read the whole of January First. I saw her parents and her on some show and it is just devastating. I about freaked out when my granddaughter had a "friend" named Rainbow…but she didn't hang around long. xo Diana

  14. Weather: Cold and dreary. Never got the snow they predicted.

    Breakfast: Skipped as usual.

    Pondering: How fast I can get dinner on the table so I can go back to my book.

    Britney: My heart goes out to her. Why can singers just be singers, actors just be actors, etc. They all seem to want their finger in every pie and they aren't talented enough.

    Reading: A mystery.

    Current Crush: Hugh Jackmsn. A family man and a hunk!


  15. Weather – foggy , nasty , wet BUT 70 degrees
    Pondering – how long will the refacing the fireplace is going to be BUT damn it's looking so good !
    Reading – don't have time
    Hope you have a great Sunday

  16. Foggy, yuck and muddy, double yuck!
    Mmmmm, can't think of anybody except maybe the guy that plays Sheldon on Big Bang Theory. He cracks me up!

  17. Weather- a swelting 41 degrees heatwave in Australia.
    Pondering-should I do my ironing or watch a movie too hot to do anything
    Britney-who cares I'm too old to listen to boppy music
    Reading-i am re reading the hobbit so i can go to the movies and know what is going on
    Crush-The biker on Sons of anarchery
    enjoy your day -love deex

  18. I LOVE Phillip Phillips. I had a huge crush on him last year while watching American Idol. I feel a bit like a perve. I don't care! lol

  19. I just rolled down to leave a comment–before I begin, the post on your walk is such beautiful scenery! I think so often when I picture your stompin ground, I either picture your farm, in and of itself…or the ocean…this was so neat to see some of the 'woods.'

    Weather:it is warm! near freezing! we are spending a lot of time outside in the deep snow during this chinook…my children are loving it.

    Breakfast:Took pancakes I cinnamon pancakes I made last week out of the freezer and popped them in the toaster. With corn syrup for the girls because I didn't have another thing on hand. What a terrible Canadian.

    Pondering:What to make for supper. Should I have deeper thoughts?

    Reading:The 100-year-old Man Who climbed Out the Window and Disappeared. Only half way through–well written and kind of funny-you should read it! Possibly the longest title on the face of the earth.

    Current Crush:To be truthful, and knowing I will sound like a nerd, I my husband falls into this category quite easily. I will happily insert my own eyeroll here.

    Last marathon note in the comment section, you are only the second American I have ever heard refer to the Canada Goose—-usually I hear folks south of the border say Northern Geese—which I had to come home and look up. 🙂

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