Another Train Wreck

 I feel so bad for this guy – clearly.. CLEARLY… he is not in control.  Whatever mental illness he’s suffering from – and I do think it’s a mental illness –  he is no longer in any kind of control.  I don’t believe this is just a drug or alcohol addiction. It’s gotta be more than that.  

 Who is he surrounded by? (besides his harem of hired prostitutes…and  what they do for a living is their business, I’m no judge – but where’s their conscience?)  Where are his friends and family?   Isn’t  there SOMEONE out there who can help him? …STOP him?!  I’m pretty sure it’s beyond his family’s power, he has to agree to any help.  Still……he needs to be locked in a facility, diagnosed and treated before it goes to the point of no return.

  From the looks of him in this video…I’m afraid it might be too late.

31 thoughts on “Another Train Wreck”

  1. I saw part of that this morning…it is almost like he is playing it for all that it is worth for publicity now…I never could figure out why these people in the limelight get so much attention when there are thousands of people who really need help….I wish he would take his two million dollars an episode and put that money to good use…

  2. Ya, saw this too. My thoughts were that he's got a loose wire. zzzzt…. something is sure shorting out, and he wants another mil per episode? Ya right.

  3. I know, its beyond sad. Truly, mental illness and drug/alcohol addiction go hand in hand. Dr. Drew mentioned bi-polar and that sounds plausible… reminds me of Britney Spears… so sad to see i continue to see it spiral…

  4. Narcissism like I have never seen before. It is really a hard one to treat. When you are narcissistic you don't believe that the rules apply to you, that you are special. Who would choose to be around that, other than people who are being paid to?

  5. Just saw a clip this morning…he really is sick and needs help. Everything is off–his eyes, his thinness, his gestures, his speech. I hope he gets help instead of more air time. xo

  6. I truly wonder what the future holds for this guy. I loved him in Two And A Half Men and I think he has a lot of talent. He obviously has some mental problems. I hope he gets help.


  7. One for for this whacko….DELUSIONAL!

    How sad for the other cast members and others that are employed on this show.

    I agree it's probably too late for this bum!


  8. Very sad. I think he's really, really sick. It's a shame Hollywood can make big bucks with these guys and look the other way. After all he's done, perhaps his family is as feed up with him as we are. Sometimes you can only do so much when people are adults. It's sad for them too.

  9. I agree..I feel sorry for him too. He is systematically destroying his career, his life..driving friends away…
    Coming from a family that has seen mental illness, he has to hit bottom before he can really get help. Same with Lindsey Lohan…
    I mean REAL bottom…sometimes when they are that far gone, hitting bottom is the end…literally, because the "many" bottoms that they hit before, they came out of, and instead of becoming scared (of what "could" have happened) and seeing this as a warning and straightening up, like normal people do, they think they did it once they can do it again…definitely self destruct…so sad..

  10. Mental illness is a very sad disease. Throw in drug and alcohol addictions and there is your recipe for disaster. His eyes were like something I have never seen before. I think his family has done all that they possible can for him. If I were the mothers of his children I would not let them near him. So much talent,it's just a waste.

  11. He's an addict. And very ill. I'm sure there is some sort of imbalance that goes along with his addictions. He really is on a self-destruct spiral isn't he? I can't watch him anymore – How hard it must be for his family!


  12. I went through this with someone I dated on and off for years. He was finally diagnosed with
    Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Bi-Polar disease. He wouldn't stay on his meds and I finally called it quits. It was like living with Charlie Sheen. Really.

    Today this man is a very successful writer. Just published his 3rd novel. But, if he was medicated and "normal" he wouldn't be writing or selling a thing. He lives in a very strange world of all his own! And he is all over the internet being called the next 'big thing'! I do believe he will take his own life someday. But, as long as he supports everyone around him financially~none of those people will speak up to help.He pays their living.
    I would say it is the same for those around Mr Sheen.

  13. Wow. How do you get through to someone like that? He is definitely headed toward a very sad end. Here's the dilemma: You can't force someone to take medication….yet they can't make an informed decision unless they are taking medication.

  14. I can't watch the video, but have been reading about him, and what I've seen on tv. I don't believe he is bipolar; I think the alcohol and drugs have ruined his brain. It's a shame for that to happen to anyone! 🙁

  15. To me he seems like people I have known who are Bi-Polar. They often have an overinflated view of themselves and their abilities! He needs more help than he's willing to get, that's for sure!

  16. Speaking as someone who has a family member with bipolar disease I cannot fault his family. This man is clearly mentally ill but it is very difficult to receive care unless it is either voluntary…and most do not have the insight to seek help….or involuntary which means he has either threatened his own another person's life. The family has little control other than to be there if they are fortunate enough to pick up the pieces. I imagine it is even more difficult to hit rock bottom and receive help if you are rich and famous. I wish his family strength…

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