Answering Questions on Comments

 I love your comments, and sometimes I’d love to reply or thank you for your kind words or, in particular, answer a question.  Someone wants to know where I found my garden mouse tealight holders on the mantle… I got them at a hardware store, but they are also available online here…

 I would have answered directly, but when I tried, I got the no-reply comment blogger response from blogger.  SO.. for all of you who occasionally comment and don’t mind a back-and-forth banter, please un-hide your e-mail address so we can chat or I can thank you or answer your questions, etc.

Here’s how you do that…

You can set up your profile to allow people to click “reply” and respond via email back to you. If you’d like to change your settings, then here’s how to do it:

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard and click on Edit Profile.

2. When the window pops up, make sure and click the box “show my email address.”
3. Enter your email address.
4. Then make sure to click SAVE PROFILE at the bottom of the page.

21 thoughts on “Answering Questions on Comments”

  1. Email exchanges are how blog friendships are made!!!

    I'm fairly certain the the default choice for blogger is to have the email address hidden. We have to make a choice to click the little box to make our email visible.

    It's awfully disappointing to get a lovely comment from a blog reader, hit reply and compose a lovely thank you or answer a question, only to look up and see the no-reply address. Sometimes, I answer direct questions of a more general nature in the comment string, but I don't routinely put answers there because I don't know if anyone will take the time to see it. I'd much rather send a personal reply.

  2. Dear Karen,
    Oops! I am afraid that was me. I will try what you suggested. Actually, I do not have a blog. I set up a Blogger account years ago thinking that I would start one, but never did. I probably should just delete it. I always assumed that my e-mail address was somehow linked to my Google account and that you could access it if I left a comment. Obviously, I have very little knowledge in this area. Thanks so much for posting the link to the mice candle holders. I will have to order a set. Also, thanks for introducint me to the "Wagon Wheel" song. The video is a hoot. I just loved it and I have listened to more of their songs via You Tube and they are really good. Bonnie (

  3. I know, that's true some people we can't reply to!

    BTW – you know how in the "blog links" it usually shows an update. I don't have that with yours – could you fix that for me please madam web designer. You're a doll!! 🙂

  4. OMGosh- I missed that mouse too…cutest thing ever!! I have to go look him up! And, I wish that everyone that had the NoReply thing on would take it off…there are so many times I would like to contact someone and have no way to do it. That and Word Verification are my two biggest pet peeves on blogger. xxoo Diana

  5. I've been asking people to do the same thing. Many of them have, so that's good. I often respond directly to them, and especially when they ask a question like this.

    Adorable little tealight holder you've got there, Karen.

  6. Thanks for telling us where to find this. I checked and I show my email address so I didn't have to fix that. I've been looking for where to change your name for comments and there it was – in the profile. I've changed it and now I'll get to see how it works on this comment. Thanks Karen.

  7. could you please shout that information from the rooftops….please !

    there are still so many no-reply people out there.

    i have written about it….kate has, too….now you…..and still there are some i want to respond to, but YIKES….no reply and i have to move on…..

  8. You are so thoughtful to respond, I fall down terribly on this. I learn something new everyday by visiting bloggy friends!

  9. Cute post, we all have had at least one Rudy in our lives at some point, your farm is absolutely beautiful, great pictures.

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