Are we having fun yet?

   If you EVER…here on this blog…. read the words “OMGwe-just-found-the-coolest-old-place-for-sale-that-needs-alotta-work-but-the-bones-are-beautiful-and-the-property-is-awesome-We’re-just-gonna-inquire-and wouldn’t-it-be-a-neat- project?    You know… anything even remotely like that?… Just shoot me.

11 thoughts on “Are we having fun yet?”

    Kidding. I'm sure you'll have days like this, but when it's all said and done you'll be glad you found that neat old place. Hang in there.

  2. Ha ha… we're moving my parents later today too… I thought everyone lived with packing boxes surrounding them? Oh it has to be both painful and exciting… can't wait till you are in!!

  3. I probably shouldn't tell you that we've been here for almost three years, and we still have stuff in boxes. That wouldn't be very encouraging, would it?

    Congratulations on making it to Moving Day!!

  4. Do you want large caliber of small???
    I know what you mean. The last time we moved, I sent a mail to every person I knew that said "Here is my new address. You will never have to change it again…"

  5. I'm not sure if you spotted it, but there's a great big TIGER somewhere between your stuff. Just thought I'd warn you.

    And still you found time to take photos. You're my hero! Just be careful with those vases.

  6. But it IS exciting Karen!!! Even for those of us who are watching this whole thing play out!! I get the feeling that you will probably be staying in THIS OLD HOUSE for quite awhile! Good luck to you guys!!

  7. As I have already told you, I will make it my personal mission, to track you down and stomp the everliving snot out of you. This better be your "FOREVER" house. You would be insane to leave it.

  8. Hahaha…. You sound like me. Our house isn't as old as yours but we gutted our house before we moved in and 9 years later it's still a work in progress.
    Have fun setting up house 🙂

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