Are we there yet?

..are we almost there? How much longer? …. I have to go to the bathroom!

 Moving into This Old House is starting to feel like one of those road trips, know what I mean?  We’re still living in two houses, hopefully sleeping in the other by Tuesday.

  Mike and crew had an awesome time putting together our new Paula Deen bed.  MUCH assembly was required, but I do like it very much.

The dogs have been going back and forth with me, I’m trying to get them used to their new “yard”.  Bailey loves a good car ride with a  face full of wind.  I love this picture…simple pleasures, pure joy.  She is still receiving treatments for Lymphoma, so far holding her own.  
Happy, Safe 4th of July to all…

15 thoughts on “Are we there yet?”

  1. Awww, check out Bailey having the time of her life! I love dogs so much and I think next to humans they are the best creatures to walk this earth.

  2. I remember taking my dogs back and forth when we were driving car loads of stuff to our cottage. I wanted them to get used to it, too. Love the picture of Bailey.


  3. That photo of your Bailey put a smile on my face. Hope she gets through her illness.
    She sure looks like she's enjoying the ride 🙂
    Your bed looks gorgeous already.

  4. We moved last Nov from a house we'd lived in for 34 years. We moved less than 3 miles away. I go back to the old neighborhood often to see my best friend but our dog has not stepped paw over there. It took him about 2 weeks to fully adjust to our new digs BUT the thing that all of us miss is his doggie door 🙂
    Love your new bed.
    IF you want to read about our 3 MILE move taking 19 HOURS here's a link for my blog post.

  5. I just found your beautiful blog! I am really looking forward to following along as you settle into your new "old" house!

    Your bed is beautiful…I love Paula and her gorgeous furniture!

    Happy 4th!

  6. Priceless photo of Bailey!!! How cool is that? Cathcin' that summer breeze!! Dogs…ya gotta love 'em! Good luck with the move this weekend Karen and Happy 4th to you! All is lookin' good…

  7. Bailey doesn't have a care in the world..he's just enjoying the moment! How sweet!
    Yummy bed, that is going to be another beautiful room in your beautiful house!
    Wish I was closer, I would be glad to help you move…

  8. OMG! Bailey is tooooo cute!

    I am so happy for you to finally be moving in!
    And I cannot wait for the adventures to begin!!
    xo, misha

    p.s. I left you a comment on the post about Tara 🙁

  9. Awwww – such a sweet, sweet picture. I hope Bailey will be okay!!

    Have you unpacked all those boxes yet, girl? 🙂

    I know you're all so excited!!

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