Gladys Taber and Stillmeadow Farm

    I love a good book and have read many over the years.  During spring and summer months here on the farm when the days are longer, I’m outside more than I’m in.  By the time we get into bed I fall asleep before I’ve turned eight pages of whatever’s on my nightstand.   When fall arrives and the days are shorter I start the hunt for good reading material.   We are not night owls up in this house. We rise around 5 a.m. just because we always have, and of course there are the dogs and horses and chickens to tend to.    Come autumn and winter when  the light bleeds out of the sky by 5 -ish and the temps are chilly at best, we hibernate in the man cave by the fire with some sport or another on the flatscreen  for him and a book for me.  The dogs are happy with this arrangement for they nestle among us in front of the fire and one or two on the bed when we hit the hay.

     I’m so disgusted by  our current political atmosphere that I have been seeking respite from all that blustery ego and dagger waggering crap… and I have found it in the wonderful books of Stillmeadow by a renown (but unknown to me till now)  author… Gladys Taber.   I discovered Gladys through another favorite author of mine – also a respite read if you are looking for upbeat home and heart warming stories, art, recipes and musings on life.  You can find Susan Branch’s wonderful blog and post about Gladys HERE.   If you click on the link, scroll down her post a little to find info and a tour of  Stillmeadow.

    A little info about Gladys – Born in 1899, died at the age of 81 at her Cape Cod home, she was the author of 59 books including the Stillmeadow series currently on my nightstand.  She was a columnist for Ladies Home Journal and Family Circle, had a bachelors degree from Wellesly, an M.A. from Lawrence College and taught creative writing at Columbia for years.  Gladys married Frank Taber and had one daughter, Constance. The young family lived in a small, dark apartment in NYC, but she and her childhood friend and NYC neighbor, Eleanor (Jill in the books) yearned for a simpler, cleaner life in the country to raise their children and beloved dogs, away from the smog and noise of the big city.

     After two years of searching NJ and CT for an affordable farm, the two families purchased the vintage 1690 Southbury, CT farmhouse for $30K  and soon found there was much work to be done as the home was dilapidated beyond what they had assumed upon purchase.  The women initially commuted on weekends, but within two years they decided to move permanently to the farmhouse.  For many years after, Gladys wrote of life at Stillmeadow.  It’s unclear what the role of the husbands were at the farm, they are not mentioned frequently in the books.  What I found out by doing some research is that Gladys eventually divorced and Eleanor’s (Jill’s) husband died of cancer at some point.  Gladys and Eleanor delighted in gardening, cooking, tending the old farmhouse, raising their children in the country and their beloved dogs  as well.  With her talent for writing, Gladys brings her readers along with her on their journey, these homesteading stories and recipes now treasured for generations.
     Sadly, Jill passed on in her 60’s of cancer and Gladys found herself engulfed in grief.  In one of her later books she shares with her readers the grieving experience and what she found helpful to cope with such a terrible loss.  The title of that book is Another Path – I just purchased it on Amazon (all books are now out of print but if you’re lucky, you can find them online or in a bookstore that carries out of print books).   The following are photos I’ve found online – hopefully it’s OK to share them here with you.  Then I’ll show you a few of my own.

Gladys as a young woman with one of her favorite cockers – 
Gladys in her element at Stillmeadow…  

with daughter Connie and favorite cocker,  named Especially Me.
Notice there’s a dog in every picture – 
part of the reason I love her so. 

The next three pictures are of the interior…
Photo Credit to Susan Branch, who’s link I placed
above will take you to a lovely description of her tour 
of the homestead.  
For all the fabulous cooking Gladys put forth over the years,
 her kitchen was tiny! As Susan B. said on her blog…
it’s a one-butt kitchen

Books and more books in every room

The main hearth, which you can see  hasn’t changed much.
Gladys did some fine cooking on cold winter days over that fire… 

 Below Susan Branch in 2014 at the front of the house, which can’t be seen from the road.

Gladys had written that no one used the front door except the dogs and now that I’ve visited I understand why.  The front door is in the backyard.  The back of the house faces the road. 

Just a few of Gladys Taber’s many books… 

 Cookbook photos found on
 I’ve had great success finding old books on Amazon –  Below is my current GT collection
And this is what I love about books, why I won’t buy a kindle – they are something you hold in your hands, share with others, they are an heirloom, a piece of history in and of themselves. They are concrete, not a file on a gadget.  I love the smell of books, the feel of books, the idea that they have been or will be enjoyed by many others before or after me.   Gladys’ “Another Path” ,  her very personal account of dealing with grief –  arrived in the mail the other day. I ordered it from a used book dealer on Amazon.  Inside was this note… 
  The book was published in 1963.  I googled Margaret Aylworth and only two things came up in the search that were relevant to that name.  

   This Margaret and her spouse lived in California.  The husband died in 1962.  His wife passed later in 1977.  Could this be the Margaret that bought the book I now have… as a birthday present to herself, possibly to help her grieve the loss of her husband?   

    Yesterday, the Mr. and I took a ride to Stillmeadow Farm. I was thrilled to learn it was just over an hour’s ride from This Old House.  While the home is not open to the public, it’s still owned by Gladys’ granddaughter.  Amazingly,  it’s reported she has kept it just as if Gladys had stepped out to run some errands. The Land Trust of Southbury has been working with the Taber family to help them keep the homestead.  The farm once consisted of over 40 acres, but the Southbury Land Trust has bought some of it to include in their parcel right across and surrounding Stillmeadow Farm.  One can’t help but think Gladys is smiling down on the arrangement.

  The old road Gladys lived on is still unpaved and surrounded by fields and forest, all part of Land Conservation trust now.  There are newer homes up the road that I’m guessing weren’t there years ago.    As we drove  down this little hill her beloved Stillmeadow came in to view.  It’s sits just off the road and honestly, it’s as if no time has passed since she last walked the grounds –  I half expected her Irish, Holly and cockers Tiki, Linda and Teddy to run out to the picket fenceline to make Gladys and “Jill”  aware of the strangers in the road.

   I remember a passage where she describes a conversation with her companion, Jill, talking of how it must have been before there was plumbing in this 1690 home as they stared at the ancient wellhouse… the occupants would pull their water up from this well, even in the chill of winter, and warm the buckets of water over the fire, one at a time..returning outdoors for each additional bucketful for bathing or cooking or cleaning chores.

   That well house needed paint and was on Jill’s “to-do” list still sitting on the kitchen table when she passed away suddenly after a brief illness.  Of the two, she was the fixer upper and had accomplished so much in her time at Stillmeadow.

There were lights on in the house and cars in the side yard…
While it’s not clear if her family lives there full time, 
I didn’t linger too long taking pictures
as it felt a bit stalker-ish with someone “home”. 
They’re probably used to the attention, as I’ve
read of many fan pilgrimages to the farm
but I’m sure it gets old.. folks staring in at the homestead,
camera pointed – 
There is a small pond fed by a lively brook to the left of the house..
and a  summerhouse  as well. 
Many a dog swim and children wading
and spring frogs were mentioned in the books. 

Directly across the way is an equally charming old homestead 
with a beautiful big barn…
Neighboring famer George Phillips was frequently
mentioned in the books.  
The Land Trust now owns the barn but I’m not sure
about the charming house right next to it. 
For many years it was empty while Gladys lived across the way,
due to some sort of legal issue. 
I don’t know it’s current arrangement, although it looks
lived in and cared for.  
                   Stillmeadow on the right in this picture…

While googling around for images, I found these  pictures of the two properties in the snow –
This is why I love New England – our four seasons are spectacular and so worth the occasional nuisance.

 Perhaps a Gladys Christmas Card? 
  So.. if you’re weary of the recent nightly assault of discouraging news and long for a simpler time, find yourself a  Gladys Taber book and get lost in a bygone era.  She was one remarkable woman, and lived through a difficult time – the World Wars in the mix, after all.  Her words of wisdom can still be applied today.   Both women knew struggles and loss, and found respite in the countryside where they entertained friends and family and shared their goodwill and good sense and homesteading talents with the world through Gladys’s writing. 
Till soon, friends – 

Breaking Bread

   Of all the baking I’ve done over the years, I haven’t tried a loaf of bread from scratch, like, ever.  I’m not talking about banana bread, pumpkin bread, applesauce bread – the mix and bake kind. Done plenty of that.    Something about the active yeast, kneading, rising, pounding, rolling, more rising… was intimidating.  But… is there anything that smells more wonderful or is more satisfying than a fresh warm loaf of home baked bread?  In my book not many things compare.  My Aunt Virginia, who was a prolific baker and maker of delicious italian foods and cookies… had a bread baking machine.  She raved – all you do is throw in the ingredients and it does all the work.   The bread was delicious… but something about that process seemed… fabricated.  
    Recently a blog friend, Diane over at Lavender Dreams , shared a favorite bread recipe on her blog and had been making it for years for her family.   Yesterday when I had finished the barn and coop chores in the chilly autumn morning air, I said… self? Wouldn’t this be an awesome time to get over your bread baking anxiety and just do it?   I needed two ingredients I don’t stock here – active yeast packets and whole wheat flour.  Found them at the grocery store and returned to start the process…

(yep I roll things out right on the counter – cleaned first, of course). 

    After the mixing and rising and kneading and separating into two dough balls and more rising and punching down and rolling and then rolling again, pinching and butter basting and FINALLY… baking…. ooooh, the result was delicious, amazing, hearth warming.  Can you believe I didn’t get a picture of the finished product?  You’ll just have to take my word for it.  And… if you haven’t gotten over your fear of from-scratch bread baking yet, get over it – the end result is so worth the effort.

Thank you, Diane – for unknowingly helping me get over my bread making anxiety.  It’s a beautiful thing.


28! Plus Outrageous Truffles and the best Cider ever

  My girlie turns 28 this weekend! It seems it was not so very long ago that she was about to have her fifth birthday party.  I remember oh so clearly how I said to myself as I fastened balloons to the dining room chairs.. well, my first (and at that time only) child is about to be five… If I haven’t screwed up the parenting too badly by now, we should be good to go.   HA!!!  …. Oh, the times to come after that first five years.  Clearly I didn’t hear that little voice exclaiming…. you ain’t seen nothing yet, honey.    
   And that’s not to imply that it wasn’t anything less than a privilege or that I did or didn’t make my fair share of mistakes along the way.  I have been truly blessed to have and to hold and to raise and to scold and especially… to love these two awesome kids of mine. Bear with me while I brag on them just a little.. they’re kind, they’re considerate, they’re hard working and responsible.  Of course they’re also a pain in the arse at times, but truthfully, not often and only in the littlest of unimportant ways.  Hopefully the same can be said for their mother.  
 So today as I set the plates and fasten the balloons in the dining room, I’m saying to myself… Well, if I haven’t screwed up the parenting too bad by now, …heck,  I already know.. we’re good.  We’re more than good.. we’re blessed. 

 Two things I’ll be serving up with dinner this weekend –  These delicious and easy to make Pumpkin Truffles…

These are SOOO GOOD!! and easy to make – 
Dixie Crystals Chocolate Pumpkin Truffles. I recommend doubling the recipe unless you make your truffles tiny. Great to bring to a fall gathering of any kind, to set beside the pies at Thanksgiving, to bring to work to cheer up coworkers – to keep in the fridge for just you to pick on!
Plan For
3 hours chill time
Yield :18 truffles
1/2 cup white chocolate chips
1/4 cup canned pumpkin puree
2/3 cup crushed graham crackers, plus extra for garnish
1 ounce cream cheese
1 tablespoon Confectioners Powdered Sugar
5 ounces dark chocolate
Cover a large cookie sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.
In a microwave safe bowl, microwave white chocolate chips for 30 seconds and stir. If not completely melted, microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring after each, until smooth.
Add melted white chocolate chips, pumpkin puree, crushed graham crackers, cream cheese and powdered sugar to food processor. Pulse until a dough forms. Chill dough for 3 hours, or until it is easy to roll into balls (dough will still be sticky).
Roll dough into 1 inch balls and place onto prepared cookie sheet. Chill balls in freezer for 15 minutes.
In a microwave safe bowl, microwave dark chocolate for 1 minute and stir. If not completely melted, microwave in 15 second intervals, stirring after each, until smooth.
Dip balls into melted dark chocolate using toothpicks or a fork. Return to cookie sheet and sprinkle tops with crushed graham crackers for garnish if desired.
Let truffles harden on counter for 1 hour or in refrigerator for 15 minutes. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

And… this cider recipe… served hot right out of the big pot on the stove.

Hot Buttered Cider with Rum

Servings: 8


  • Half-gallon (64 ounces) all natural apple cider
  • 1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, cut into tablespoons
  • 1/4 cup dark brown sugar, packed
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • Rum (or apple brandy)
  • Cinnamon sticks (optional)


  1. Bring the apple cider to a simmer over medium heat in a large pot, then turn the heat down to low. Stir in the butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and salt. Continue stirring until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved.
  2. Ladle the buttered cider into mugs. Top each drink off with a shot of rum and garnish with a cinnamon stick, if desired. Serve hot.

Small town living

** I’m aware that some folks are having a real hard time leaving comments here on the blog – I don’t know what the issue is, must be a blogger thing.  I don’t have blocks set up and nothing looks amiss.  I’m sorry for the inconvenience and I appreciate that you’ve attempted to reach me. 

   We live just a few miles from a busy shoreline, but our little town is still considered by many to be living “in the sticks”.  That may have been true years ago, but if you judge by the through traffic that flies up the road past our farm and the fact that I have a Dunkin Donuts, a subway, a bank, a True Value Hardware store and a four star gourmet italian restaurant about a mile from my front door,  I think those who truly live “in the sticks” would get a chuckle at the reference.  The one thing we don’t have is a grocery store, go figure. 
   Because we live in a small town, not much is missed by the masses.  There is a small political group lead by a newcomer to town who are hell bent on trashing the good will we have all granted each other over the years regardless of our differing political views. The following is a piece I posted on Fb that kinda sums up how I feel about the subject of small town life around here…  I bet those of you who live in a small town community can relate.  The photo accompanies the post. 
   This is what a healthy community looks like. So many things this one photo represents- the obvious- a town owned farm long dilapidated and then resurrected mainly by many volunteers and civic groups who often come together regardless of their political affiliations for common goals that benefit generations.
This photo also represents a wholesome family activity away from the iPhone and tv screen and ear buds.. – the tables of pumpkin carvers were filled with all age groups, the young and young at heart. If you didn’t attend, you can still enjoy the fruits of their labor with a simple drive-by at night- the glow of this community effort will warm your heart.
I’ve lived in ******** for over 32 years. So many good and generous and community oriented folks here. I think it’s why we all chose this little town to raise our children. We have been lucky until recently that regardless of our different and varied political views, opinions, beliefs in what was best for our town, we pursued those beliefs while still respecting that we are all neighbors, our children are watching our behavior, and thankfully, political opponents have been respectful of each other. Most of us still believe in this way of life.
The truth about the party system- there are several approaches to building a community, it’s a multifaceted task. All parties have valid concerns and ideas and we won’t always agree on the method . We are not each others enemy. If we treat each other with respect, we can work together and separately to keep our town on track to thrive. It takes a village- and in this little village there is no need or use or want for nasty political jabs. Want to make a difference? Speak with respect and doors open, people listen.
A big Thank you to all the people in our community who show up, reach out, volunteer, speak up, participate, iron out issues and work through problems, differences, needs, etc etc.. together.
    We’ve enjoyed a crazy beautiful summer-like fall so far, and we’re taking advantage of every minute of perfect weather we can.   Stella’s leaves are all raked, acorns picked up, the rest of the furniture put away, and I took another kayak around the cove. The water was crystal clear and chilly, felt so good and refreshing on my feet and hands.  There were indeed some swimmers on Saturday, and I was so tempted to join them. 

   Katherine Hepburn lived just up the coast a few miles back in the day, and she swam in the sound in front of her home daily all year. (that’s her below )  That just seems crazy to me, but there are others who do the same and like Kate, claim it has great health benefits and clears the mind.  ( among other things, i’m thinking!) 


     My best girl and I also rode the mini ponderosa here yesterday on our trusty ponies – a glorious day with few bugs on the trail and still – late October, t-shirt weather.  I think the yoga  I’ve been forcing myself to do… and walking/hiking with the dogs  is helping with the stiffness and pain of the   fibromyalgia, because I have not been tremendously sore after these activities… it’s encouraging.

   Here are a few more pictures taken around the farm with my phone – truly these iphones are amazing –  If you had told me 15 years ago we’d be walking around with a little square box that is a mini computer, a phone, a camera, a compass, and so much more, I wouldn’t have believed it. Do you think we’ll see hovering cars in our lifetime?

The light has been glorious, the temps comfortable, the colors not as vibrant as they could be, I’m guessing due to the lack of moisture and the warmer air.. but fall has indeed arrived along with pumpkin spice everything ( I’ve got the yogurt in my fridge to prove it) and I’m savoring every minute.

 Till soon, friends –


  We’ve been making little trips down to Stella to batten down the hatches in preparation for the winter season, the Un-Season for summer cottages. Frasier needed some one on one time away from the puppy a/k/a the terr0rist so last week I brought him with me and we  took a walk around the island to bid farewell to the summer breezes, the queen anne’s lace in the little fields by the beach,  the towels hanging over deck rails to dry, the water warm enough to wade in, still.  
There are no more boats in the water, all tucked away till next “season”.  Most folks who live on island for the summer have gone home. Out of the 140 cottages, there are about six winterized homes that are lived in year round.  That must be just a little lonely come those cold winter months.  Or perhaps the solitude is heavenly. 
  While on our walk I discovered a kindness rock placed near the roadside…
   We could all use that reminder, eh? 
  I washed bed linens, folded and stored them and the  pillows in rubbermaid containers lest the meese try to take up residence again.   They shant, I tell you, for we have fortified these walls with mighty….. well I don’t know what we fortified these walls with, but the husband hates meese, so I know he fortified it somehow.  Steel wool also works great in any leftover little peep holes, like where the plumbing comes in.  

   I also emptied the fridge and food from cupboards and the garbage has been collected and the bin taken away – the water will be shut off next week and we’ll blow out the pipes so they don’t freeze and burst.   I’m not sure if I’ll cover the furniture with sheets.  Any of you have a summer place you’ve closed up for periods of time? Advice? 
  I plan to check on ole’ Stella often, as she’s just 20 minutes away – and the dogs and I will continue our walks around the island through the winter if snow isn’t too deep. We won’t be alone, as several others do the same.  It’s sad to close her up, though, even for just half a year. 
Till soon, Stella – 

We Rise By Lifting Others


 Lately I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this quote – one of my favorites.  It’s something that’s totally lost on our current President….the supposed leader of the free world.  Ironic, this.. I remember accusations that Ob*ma was dividing us… if you thought he caused division in our nation, well.. what are you telling yourself now?

  Never thought I’d say this.. but the Orange Scream did himself a disservice by sitting down for an interview with F*x’s S*an Hann*ty. However,  for once SH did us all a favor, shed some light.     Interesting take by Robert Reich…

Last night on his Fox News show, S*an Hannity asked Tr*mp about the success of the U.S. economy in the first 9 months of Tr*mp’s presidency. Tr*mp’s reply:
“The country, we took it over in 20 trillion you know the last eight years they borrowed more than it did in the whole history of our country. So they borrowed more than $10 trillion. Right? And yet we picked up $5.2 trillion just in the stock market. Possibly picked up the whole thing in terms of the first nine months. In terms of value. So you can say in one sense, we are really increasing values and may be in a sense, we are reducing debt. We are very honored by it and very, very happy by what’s happening in Wall Street.”

Tr*mp is arguing that the national debt is being reduced because of the stock market gains.

That’s bonkers. There’s absolutely no connection between the stock market and the national debt. The stock market measures how much wealth is created or lost by large corporations and investors. The national debt is the debt owed by the federal government, which can be reduced only by raising taxes or reducing government spending.

**Tr*mp ran as a businessman who understands the economy. He’s a showman and a conman who appears to understand very little. 

   For those of us who believed he was here for the little guy, going to lift the lower and middle class…  I wonder how that sits with you so far.  His new tax plan is a big bonus for the wealthiest among us.  As the GOP would have you believe, it will trickle down eventually to you and I.  Haven’t we been there before, done that already?  Isn’t that what  they were railing against when they chanted Drain the Swamp?   It’s  the teacher down the road and the baker on Main Street and the mechanic at the garage and the mom and pop gas station owner, the family of four trying to hang on to their house or send their kids to a decent school or the single mom or dad raising kids alone who need the tax breaks. They ain’t getting it. 

  How about the treatment of Puerto Rico – talk about kicking folks when they’re down.   Or the NFL – way to inflame even more!

 Here’s a thought – With a nuclear war a feather tickle away with N. K*rea thanks to the Orange Scream’s inflammatory rhetoric,  Puerto Rico in ruins and we’re calling them lazy and telling them we can’t be there forever!  Wildfires out of control in CA, our healthcare system a bigger mess than ever, another mass shooting – the biggest in our history!, Russian investigations going who-knows-where, 45’s  ridiculous tweets slamming any and all and full of lie upon lie upon fabrication ( he’s twitter-feeding you his own fake news, people! Please call a spade a spade! ) ….  tell me…. how could he possibly believe he’s investing his time wisely by butting in to things like an NFL peaceful protest situation for what is definitely a just cause.  His over-inflated ego won’t allow him to shut up, it’s that simple.  He doesn’t have the class to restrain himself when it isn’t appropriate.   How about sending Pence and family to do his little side show of leaving the game after the anthem because players took a knee – at our expense!…  He’s running this country like a reality TV show and he’s spending millions upon millions of our money on golf weekends. Every. Weekend.   That’s so not cool.     I’m no snowflake, either.

     To so many of us, it appears he’s come undone… the Emperor is wearing no clothes.   And to yet others, well.. bravo! And such beautiful robes!

Go figure.

   So if  you’re also disheartened, whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, a liberal, a snowflake, a right wing nut or a clown in the circus – This is what we all can do if we want to be a part of positive change

  …… We Rise By Lifting Others..……

     Besides taking the time to investigate and vote in responsible, rational candidates with integrity we can rely on in upcoming elections no matter what side of the isle you reside on …  We can continue to look around for ways to volunteer in our communities.  Reach out when we might be  of service to someone in need of a little help.  Hold a door open , mow the elderly neighbors lawn or pick up the wet paper and place it at their door.  Let’s make a pie for the veteran who keeps to himself in the lonely house down the road. Donate stuff you’re not using to Goodwill…. visit a nursing home and bring donuts to the residents. Bring food, old blankets, towels or toys to the local animal shelter. Donate what’s comfortable to you, even $5 makes a dent – to worthy causes, there are so many.  Thank the people who provide services to you – the trash service, the waitress, your mail delivery person, the person in the McD*nalds drive through window. 

   …. speaking of which….. You know what I did recently?  It’s no big deal, I know this.. but boy did it turn my day around and make me feel good.   I grabbed fries and a water at a local drive-thru.  At the window stood a girl who has been working there for years – always with a smile.  I thanked her for always having a cheerful greeting for her customers and handed her $20.   Her eyes lit up and the size of her smile warmed my weary heart.  Then at the grocery store I bought sunflowers and  chocolates and brought them to my dad’s assisted living home.   I plopped them on the nurses station and I said thank you so much for the care you give these residents.

    If you’re still with me here and you have racist or homophobic tendencies… I think if you’re prejudice you know it… well, next time you’re in the vicinity or sharing space with a person of a different ethnicity or lifestyle, black, white, green red or yellow, Don’t shut yourself off.   Be polite – be kind, be open to a conversation. Pay a compliment, hold a door, pay their toll  or coffee if they’re behind you in a line.  Be open to the idea that they are indeed as deserving as you to be in this world, with similar struggles, similar hopes and dreams and fears and loves.  We aren’t all so different.  See how it feels to let go of old habits that serve no one.  You’ll feel better about you, I promise you.

  So who the hell do I think I am?   No one special, but I am definitely someone who wants better for all of us. We are capable of so much more than what we’re seeing right now.   We can be a light in these dark times.  Every drop of water creates the eventual ocean.  We’ve all seen what ripples do… We can rise about all this… one way is to lift ourselves by lifting others. 

Till soon, friends –

October in Vermont

  Jeanne P. – Miss Sally picked your name off the floor offerings – you’re my fall give-away winner!  You’ll receive a fall package in the mail shortly.   
   We had a lovely visit to Woodstock, Vermont last weekend. It’s our third trip to that town and Inn, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to experience New England at it’s best.  Many beautiful old homes pf stone, brick, or clapboard with slate roofs, shops from a very old fashioned General Store to upscale art galleries, a pub or two, a flannel shop like no other, gift and clothing stores galore, and the Inn itself has great accommodations and is family friendly.  It ain’t cheap… but if you’re looking to treat yourself for just a few days – this is a great way to do it.   A post on a previous trip HERE
 A magnificent sunflower head in the garden at The Billings Farm and Museum. 

We took a bike ride through some of the backroads around town.

Same covered bridge…

Harvest Festival at the Billings Farm… where the “kids” participated in the games…

We visited the Vermont Institute of Natural Science and saw some magnificent rehabilitated birds.

This old place below is absolutely beautiful, stately, located right on the main street near the Inn, and totally dilapidated.  It’s the only property in a total state of abandonment in this area and I can’t imagine why no one is willing to fix her up.  If only it were within our means to take it on.

 We had mom along with us, and what a trooper. She kept up with all the trudging around  and next visit she wants to explore the neighborhood  too.   
  The one odd thing… it was tee shirt weather all weekend.  Even with the occasional rain showers. 

The K-List – Fall edition

     When I was much younger I believed I should have been born down South because the thought of -always Summer- was magical to me.  As I have matured I have come to truly cherish the change in seasons and now  I won’t give it up.   While it’s true Winter in New England can drag on with more grey cold days than I’d like,  it has it’s merits.  Living on a farm means spending much of your daylight hours outside tending livestock and gardens and hay fields, etc.  When winter sets in we’re in the house earlier, hunkered down by the fire most evenings, reading and catching up on the news.   It’s a time to allow ourselves to  be together quietly, to recharge and even  hibernate just a little, to not be so busy out and about.  My dogs seem to recharge  too – they sit in my lap and around my feet near the fire in the mancave or at my desk as I work, and they soak in  sunspots on the floor of the kitchen.

     Speaking of dogs… Miss Sally has blended very well with our family – at seven months she’s a bit rambunctious at times but  Ben, Bailey and Frasier tell her what they think of the new kid on the block without bloodshed and she has slowly been accepted into the pack.

     The light in a New England Autumn is just so warm and inviting. The skies bluest of blue.

    And that moon! Did you happen to glimpse the full moon last night?  It was amazing… I need to buy a zoom lens. My phone and canon with regular zoom did not catch it’s magnificence.

**Skip this section if you are avoiding unpleasant current events – and I don’t blame you.  Scroll on down to the recipes… 

   In the midst of enjoying all this fall beauty, we are constantly reminded of all the horrors occurring out there in the world. Sometimes I just want to ignore it all, shut it all out… and yet that seems irresponsible.   The horror of what has happened yet again, this time in Vegas.. Well, to sound cliche-ish – what is our world coming to.  And how can you stop a madman from an act such as this.

   Regarding gun laws – I believe in our right to own a gun responsibly. I also think not enough safety precautions are in place – not enough restrictions, regulations.  Thorough background checks, mental health history checks (oh yes, I know that violates rights, but still… ).. why is it harder to get a drivers license than a handgun?  Why are civilians allowed to buy semi-automatic assault weapons?  Silencers, $50 accessories that make a gun fire more rapidly?   And you know, while it may be true that the bad guys will find a way to get their weapon of choice,  why not put up roadblocks regardless?  Any life that might be saved, any deterrent that might stop the progress of an attack such as the Vegas horror show, why ever not?  I don’t agree with those who believe all gun owners are evil and no one should own one except law enforcement.  We don’t live in a Utopian world, we have to be prepared for the real world,  the madness of which you and I are fully aware.  Gun ownership is not all about  angry white men, as a friend of mine would have you believe.  However, the lack of restrictions and regulations in this country is appalling.  Slippery slope, this issue.  But doing nothing seems criminal.

     It continues to amaze me that 45 still has his seat in the Oval office, and the support of his base as well.  I’m no snowflake – I just believe in truth and maturity and a general sense that our President is here for all of us, not the some-of-us who like his brand of… I can’t even call it leadership.  How we can all see the same behavior and either applaud it or be  horrified and embarrassed by it is beyond my scope of understanding.  I had a conversation with a family member last night about this very thing.  I asked what exactly was it about this POTUS that felt inspirational.   Because that was the word the person used.  The explanation was that what 45 says in rallies makes that person feel pride in being American… it says “screw the establishment,  it hasn’t been working for the people, we’re finding our own way”.     Well… what can I say to that – that is my cherished person’s truth.  What I see is the complete opposite.  How did this come to be?  Clearly, I couldn’t tell ya.  I haven’t been happy with the government corruption and obstructionism among parties, lobbyists, etc. for a long time, so I get that sentiment.    It is a small comfort to see some of the GOP putting their party loyalty aside and standing up for integrity, truths, calling a spade a spade.   Right now it seems our divides in this country and abroad are growing wider.  Where this will all lead is a mystery to just about all of us, no matter what our beliefs.. but chaos is an undeniable part of it and that’s a scary deal for all.


 None of these recipes are mine, all credit goes to the links provided.  It’s my goal to make all of these throughout the season though, and hopefully not eat most of each.  Luckily my grown kids stop in frequently and clear out the glass covered cake dish I try to keep full on the kitchen island.  I’m not ashamed to admit I use a little bribery to lure them in for visits and I love every one, even when  they’re  just drive-bys or bathroom stops or complaint filings.   ðŸ™‚   

   Note: What’s been helping me to stick to a healthier diet lately is I’m really trying to focus on this gluten free thing, to see if it helps with this lovely fibromyalgia pain.   I’m giving it six months, so I know for sure whether it helps to be gluten free.  Two months in, I do notice much less bloat.  For that reason, I won’t be eating most of this stuff myself, although I sure am a glutton for punishment, eh? The temptation will be extreme. 
**Please add your favorite fall dish of any kind in the comments section if you’d like to share too. 

 I’ll be back soon with some genuine Vermont fall flare to share… 
and.. a special something from Vermont for a recipe share
winner in the comments section, chosen by tossing your names
on a scrap of paper into the air
and whomever is selected by my Sally pup on the floor
will receive the surprise gift. 
Yup, that’s sometimes how we roll. 


    Weird weather ’round here lately – we had 90 degree temps with ugly humidity just a few days ago – and today it’s in the 60’s, overcast with leaves beginning to turn and fall.  We’re heading to Vermont soon with the kiddos and my mom. We’re all hoping for that glorious color we actually also get here but for some reason it seems even more spectacular and cozy against a Vermont background.  You know I’ll share pictures with you when we return.  
     The Mr. and I had dinner on Stella’s deck the other evening as we were pummeled by the massive oak tree’s acorns.  Stupid me thought I could scoot across the lawn barefoot to retrieve something and  (@#!*@ ) damned near screamed doing it.  There will be no more scooting on bared-naked feet whilst the acorns are a-fallin.  One of those acorns must have fallen from the very highest branch of that tree  and chipped my Jeep’s windshield too.   The tree is a beautiful, stately old oak on the side of the cottage that must be about 100 years old.  I really hate the idea of cutting it down, but Lord, the mess it makes, as it’s acorn production is prolific!  It’s something we’re debating. 
      While we sat down there watching the yard fill up with acorns, we took stock of all the good times we had on this, our first summer of cottage life. It was absolutely the right decision, to acquire and renovate Stella, even though our finances took a hit because of it. We have all enjoyed it and hope for many years of memory making down there to come.  I can also tell you if you’re looking to do the same, we are very very glad we decided to look fairly local for that little cottage, instead of schlepping three hours or even farther for another.  Because we have obligations here at the farm, getting away often would not happen if that drive were a bigger one.  It’s easy to go check on things, and easy to just go for the day or the evening, even on work days. 
     We took a selfie on Stella’s concrete dock/slab… 
 This picture says something to me… some things  do get better with age.  Because we’re so thick headed and opinionated and   thickandopinionated, wash, rinse and repeat….  our marital road has been a bumpy one.  We love each other very much and sometimes we really can’t stand each other.. washRinseRepeat.   I can tell you this if you haven’t already experienced it yourself – as we get older, we’re finding it’s not as important to express our different selves as it is to revel in each other’s alikeness.  We both cherish the same things and it’s those things that truly see a person through.  Life ain’t easy.. …..I’m sure glad I’m not going it alone and I’ve got a truly good soul walking the path with me.   Even if he did vote for….. I’ll just quit while we’re ahead here. 
   Leaving you with these pictures, the last of which  I took this morning as I walked up to the barn to feed horses.  This house we live in is another that has gotten better with age – and as it’s “newness” after renovation has begun to wear, I love it even more.  
 I call our house Saving Grace, or Gracie – because 8 years ago, when we picked her back up from decrepitude,  we were her saving grace and she was ours.   
Greeting the sun each morning since 1835 – 

 Till soon, friends….. 

Taking a knee, those ugly tweets, and a magical night on the water

      Oooh boy…. If you still come by here often enough, you know how a feel about most things I’ve covered in posts.   I don’t shy away from expressing my opinion on a subject, and that may irk a few people now and again.  That’s OK by me, as long as we’re civil in how we discuss our differing views.  I’m open to learning something from another’s viewpoint, although I don’t count on ever swaying another in my direction and vice versa.  Communication is a must, regardless.. or nothing ever gets accomplished – that’s just a truth in all things.  So I communicate, often, for better or worse.  Hopefully more better than worse. 
     The *Take A Knee movement has gained momentum and perhaps even gained a new purpose thanks to 45’s  juvenile tweets on the subject.  He bellowed “I’d Fire those Sons-of-Bitches”…. These words spoken to a crowd regarding NFL players  who have taken a knee while the Anthem is played and the flag displayed.   That obnoxious speech and the accompanying tweets led all NFL teams to kneel and stand with arms locked together on Sunday, a show of Unity in the league after being attacked by their, our, yours my.. President.
    How do I feel about the *knee movement?   My opinion differs greatly from most of my Democrat or Liberal friends and they have let me know this very vehemently on social media. My republican friends are cheering me on, happy to finally! be in agreement on something.  
  Jeez… it’s not about that, folks.   
    No kidding – because of my opinion on this particular thing, I was accused of being a traitor to my “party” because I don’t  agree on this issue … and what that right there is to me is the colossal failure of all parties, especially in recent times.  We tend to separate ourselves into the party our beliefs align with, and we shut out and vilify all others.  We close our eyes and ears to listening to another avenue, another way, another take and then when we do that, we are blind to our own failures or pitfalls or oversights.   That’s what our government is doing, anyway. 
     I have never fully committed to a party affiliation myself, as I want to hear all sides on the issues according to the various crisis we currently face ( where do we start??)  and I don’t want an affiliation to own me.    I see strong and valid ideas on both sides of the isle, amid the corruption and usual bullshittery. When I vote, I vote for the person I feel will have the most positive impact in the current political and social environment for the greater good.  Admittedly, that’s been more Democrat than not.  Mostly.  Almost All.  Last summer and fall  I did lend an earnest ear to what the Republicans had to say – and the lead horse in the end was just not one I could ever stand behind and feel good about.   We’ve all witnessed why that is by now.   If you voted for 45 and still feel good about it, well you’re amazing.  I congratulate you on your stoic resolve to see it through.  I hope you know something special that I don’t, really not kidding here, I mean this. 
     Racism is an ugly, ugly thing –  most of us know this.  What will turn the hearts and minds of those who are so ingrained with that hatred is beyond me, for it should be crystal clear in this day and age how very wrong the act.  While I sympathize with those in our culture who still deal with racism, injustice and inequality, and it is not just the black population, there are many forms of racism and injustice, prejudice and inequality – I wish Colin and his comrades in arms (or knees) chose something other than the symbol that for many represents our patriotism, our love for our country, the symbol and song that brings goosebumps and tears to my eyes every time I hear and see it in a public display – The symbol that for me and many others represents – Home of the Free Because of the Brave.  Because of those men and women, many of whom lost their one sacred life defending our freedoms (indeed, including freedom of speech)   and were buried with a flag draped over their coffin.  I am of the opinion that  it was a really poor choice to carry the racism message.  Others are thrilled because it’s a peaceful protest.. and the issue is huge, real, and needs to be addressed.   I  see their point.  ….. and I still stand behind my opinion that  they should have picked another way. This way will be taken as unpatriotic, ungrateful, by those who won’t sympathize with them anyway.  Why give them grounds to do so? 
    So what will happen now?  When will the kneeling stop and some positive action begin?  Well we are all talking about it… but most of “we” aren’t the problem.   In their spare time and with the multiple spare funds they have gained as very successful athletes in this country..  I hope those men will head out into the communities that need them, will meet with the press and talk out the issues, will meet with law enforcement and inner city families, build some bridges, community centers, promote work ethic and education,  keep the conversations going so that something will actually come of this taking of the knee, shunning the flag and the anthem.  
    Since I posted that opinion, I have been called a traitor, I have been accused of not fully understanding or sympathizing with the black man’s experience because I am of white privilege.  I have been told I have gone to the other side because I side with 45.  
      I was frustrated that some of the folks I still consider friends were so aggravated by my opinion on this knee taking stance. I saw their point, why couldn’t they see mine?  We both want the same things in the end.   And then I said that thing I often need to say to myself, …. maybe it took six times but still…. This isn’t about you, Karen
    True, this – we don’t need to defend ourselves and shouldn’t take offense to other points of view. That’s not an easy pill to swallow for someone like me.  Nevertheless…    I know who I am, what I stand for and what I do not, I trust my own intelligence, I am fair and honest.  I believe in  equality and justice for all.   If you and I meet up in a dark place and you desperately need the last of something I’ve got, I’ll share it with you or hand it over whether you’re black, white, orange or red, voted for Hill or Tr*mp or RumpleStilskin.   That’s going to have to be good enough for anyone who wants to stick around.   
     Well… now that the heavy is dumped… let me share a little light with you.   Last night the light on the cove was nothing short of magical – water smooth as glass with little breeze, mellow gorgeous silvery blue and then golden pink light as far as the eye could see.  I wish I could pour it out to all of you so that you could feel the joy and peace I felt last night as I paddled through that quiet water.  It took the edge off my day. 
 That and a gin and tonic with a lovely twist of lime made by my sympathetic mother.  

Till soon, friends –