She’s here! And what a gem!

      We’ve had a busy 4th of July weekend here – all good!  Little Sally arrived via transport from Georgia on Saturday in New Haven – at a rest stop along the city’s shore containing about 275 thousand food trucks with half the population of the city in attendance – with 25 parking spots.  I’m kidding, but not really.    
   Our new little girl was exhausted, and so very happy to get out of transport and into someone’s lap.  I will say the transport used was wonderful – they really give a damn about the dogs and treat them very well while in the very stressful environment they are in. My son came with me to pick up, and a shout out to him for being very kind despite his mother’s embarrassing tears of happiness. 
 These are the girls of Grateful Doggies Freedom Transport.  They bring shelter dogs from up and down the East Coast to their forever homes.   They left Georgia on Friday morning – driving through the night, picking up pups along the way, delivering them  to their adopters at various stops along their route.. it’s exhausting work and they do it anyway.  Amazing folks.

 Right after this picture was taken she peed about 2 gallons directly on that shirt.  She had been holding it in for a loooong time, apparently.    Did I mention  how much I love my son?  
 Sally (although we’re still not set on the name) is doing very well, we adore her already. She’s super friendly, smart as a whip, loves dogs and people. 
Frasier and Bailey have made it clear she’s not allowed on the bed.
They aren’t either… clearly. 
I need this shirt…. 

 We spent the 4th at the cottage –  Stella has proven to be a great family gathering place, it’s a beautiful thing, just what I hoped for…   

      That’s my dad in the photo below – M picked him up at the nursing home and we had a nice visit.  There are times when we feel  not-so-great about him living in a “home”, but  at the end of the day, it is without a doubt the right place for him to be.  At the time of his last heart attack, he wasn’t taking care of himself, hadn’t cooked for himself in years, hadn’t cleaned his little house in years, wasn’t doing his laundry, wasn’t taking his meds properly, and his driving was unsafe.   We had been maintaining his property for him for years, trying to give him as much independent living time as possible.   If you read here often, you know our relationship is a tough one.  Living here with us is just not an option – he’s lucky we do what we do.  But.. I admire this in him – he has made a decent life for himself at the home, and that’s where I feel good about the decision to place him there.   First of all, it’s a good one – clean, updated, friendly knowledgeable staff and lots of activities for those who are still fairly active.  He has made friends and has a social circle. He is now the president of the residents association, and joins in the activities.   All is well that ends well.

 And because I gotta be me… how about that Christie fella closing down NJ beaches on the weekend of the biggest beach holiday of the year, beaches that hard working tax payers of the state pay for,  only to open one up JUST FOR HIS FAMILY for the 4th weekend.  His answer to questions by reporters as to how he could do that was basically this… “I’m the governor, I can do that. If you want to become governor you can do it too!”    Wow dude.. talk about saying FU to your people.   I’m pretty sure he doesn’t plan to run for anything ever again.  
  If a picture says a thousand words….   
   Till soon, friends – thanks for stopping by. 

Where do we draw the line?

   Every time I think — well, this can’t possibly go on, surely someone of authority will stand up and put an end to this nonsense. …every time….. nothing.   I keep calling my mother, who is very politically savvy, has been around a while and been involved in politics for many years on local levels.   I say… have enough wheels fallen off that bus yet??…   and the response is a much more patient one than my own… these things take time, Karen.  
    Well, hell… how much “time” do we all need to believe what 45 is telling us… that he is unhinged, that he is vindictive,  that he lies, he tweets inappropriate, obnoxious absolute crap that is an embarrassment to our country, that he’s destroying the integrity of the office he holds, that he has the tolerance, patience, and virtues of a flea… and you know,  that comparison is not even fair to fleas.   Their infestation and leaching off other creatures is for survival means only.  They don’t know any better. 
   What an absolute a$$.   What bothers me more, is witnessing fellow Americans cheering his hideous behavior on.  This isn’t just about policy, folks.  I am not a republican hater, I am not a far lefter, I’m not a “Snowflake” crying because my party lost.  I don’t have a party.  WE ALL LOST when this idiot came to dismantle the integrity of our country.  He’s not making America great again, he’s dismantling it with his total disrespect.  And make no mistake, that was his goal.  That was Bann*n’s goal.. and we’re letting them get away with it.  How very, very tragic. It’s horrifying to watch if you’re a person who actually gives a shit about decency.  That word in particular.  
This latest twitter sh*tstorm with the Morning Joe show and Mika B…. I will say I think the media has taken far too much power, slanting the news toward their own leanings for a long time – that’s wrong.  I think making fun of the President’s hand size is childish.  They aren’t the leader of the free world, though.  The POTUS… should have the wherewithall to refrain from such vile responses… the world is watching. He works for We the People, not the other way around.  We deserve better… we deserve a responsible adult to respresent us, not a whining narcissistic bully. 
WTF.  W…. T…..F. 
    I adopted another dog in part, I think,  because I am desperate to see more of and be part of and encourage the GOOD in people.  This weekend I will support a rescue down in Georgia by adopting one of her charges and make a monetary donation to her rescue to help with expenses.   This woman goes without nice things so she can pull yet another of the 1000’s of homeless dogs/puppies that are throw aways.   I will meet two ladies at a commuter lot in New Haven after they have driven over 30 hours with about 30 dogs who have found a new life is waiting for them up North.  If you’re not familiar with the I-95 corridor running north to south and vice versa – it’s a jungle.  And it’s the fourth of July weekend – God Bless Them.   
   I’ll keep you posted on -Sally’s- arrival.  Not sure we’ll keep her name yet.. have to meet the little girl to know if it suits her.  She doesn’t know it as her name yet, so we’re good there.   This picture was sent to me just now by her rescue… she’s on her way to transport pick up.   I’m in love already.   See you soon, Sally girl.

   I’ll  be bold here and ask one thing of you….  No matter what your political affiliation, please above all else, stand up for  and demand truth, integrity, decency.. from our leaders.  Please don’t condone childish juvenile bully behavior.  Our children are watching, the world is watching….. the integrity of our future depends on it. 

    Be well, friends, and have a safe holiday weekend. 

Beautiful Creatures

  Well.. I have some fun news to share.  But first, hop on the gator and let’s take a ride around the North 40 so I can show you some stuff. 

     This box turtle lives in the woods behind one of our fields… Turtles are a sign, you know.  Good vs. Evil.  Turtles represent the good.  So when you see one of these babies walking across the road, do you dare stop?  I do.   I’m careful, of course, not to get run over, but I do stop and move them along into the woods out of harms way. 

 In the next field over we’ve got an oddity.  Last week we began haying fields, but the rain came and that had to stop.  Haying is a long process and a very tedious one. Certain things have to happen in order for the hay to cut well and be DRY so that it doesn’t mold up – rendered unfeedable.   A farmer must have at least three dry days in a row and preferably more to cut the hay, fluff it up (there’s a better word for it but I’ll be darned, I don’t know it)  then baled and put in a dry barn for storage.   So last week — beginning the cutting… a turkey nest was discovered, with momma sitting on about 8 eggs.  Unfortunately the fellow who cuts our fields almost ran right over it before he saw it – so most of the hay around and over it is gone.  Momma was still sitting on the eggs, brave soul.  So.. we  (meaning me and the husband,  the old softee) took old hay bales and built a wall of sorts around her, that she could come and go from.  Now, we’ve got plenty of coyotes and fox and hawks that are her natural enemies.. I don’t know if this will do. But, it’s better than what she was left with, bless her heart.  So far, so good. 
Can you see her tucked in there?…. 

 Now let’s head over to the other field, where the edges are lined with pines.  We sprayed them recently due to all the gypsy moth caterpillars (SO GROSS – they’re EVERYWHERE)… and were checking to see if they were dead.  The caterpillars – not the trees.  Well I saw a old nest in one of those trees, and I figured it had been dowsed with chemical and wanted to pull it out of the tree before a bird used it again.  I mean it really did look old. Damn it.   It was in fact, in use.  
 The baby looked quite healthy and was virgoursly asking for food.  I hadn’t touched it and the nest was still solidly constructed – so I tucked it back in the branches where it had been, and mom returned  immediately.  *sigh.   Live and learn. 
So.. the fun news!! The REALLY BIG NEWS!!    Because I have access to lots of dog rescue pages on Facebook, I see a heck of a lot of posts.  Every now and then a certain dog catches my eye, whether it’s at one of the adoption events or online.  Many times I thought I found  the one, but the husband wasn’t on board and without his blessing I’m not poking that bear, you know what I mean?   For some reason, this time, he said OK.  No big argument, no big discussions… it was just OK.    Ok then!  
Sometimes really big news comes in really little packages, like this little girl here.  She was pulled from a very overcrowded shelter in Georgia along with her mother.  They had been dumped by someone unceremoniously.   If you don’t live down south, you may not be familiar with the fact that there are SO many strays, so many homeless pets, so many Kill shelters as a result.  1000’s die regularly.  Thousands.   Spay and neuter is not a popular thing down south either, something about the manly mentality – not wanting to cut off their nuts. Pardon the crude but true statement.   
So, they call her Sally.  I don’t know if we will, when we actually meet her we’ll know.   She arrives Saturday afternoon via transport after a long ride down the 95 corridor.  She is approximately 4 months old and 5 pounds.  Very friendly, a low rider.  Probably a doxie mixed with -sumthin. 

I wasn’t really looking for a fourth dog. My three get along just fine.  Frasier for sure will be jealous… but he’ll get over it and I will pay extra attention to him to help ease him through the new baby sister thing.    Sometimes, you just go with the flow. Sometimes something just calls to you and you reach out, knowing  It’s all good. 

Hooray for the Underdog – welcome little Sally. 

Have I told you lately that I love you….

    Have I told you lately that I love you?  Seriously – that sounds weird coming from a stranger, doesn’t it?   It’s even weirder for me than it is for you to read it coming from me, because actually saying those words out loud, or even typing them here, is not an easy feat.  Never has been.  It’s not that I don’t LOVE things.  It’s not that I don’t show it with my actions to those whom I love.   But the actual speaking of it has always been hard, doesn’t come natural.   I’m no shrink, so I don’t have the answer to that, it is what it is.  I suspect it has roots in my relationship with my father, he who really doesn’t know how to show love and when he does, it just feels wrong.  Or weird.  Maybe weird is the right word there. 
   I love those of you who stop here and join in the conversations. We are each other’s cheerleaders, we are a indeed a community – bloggers and blog readers.  We commiserate, we give helpful tips, we agree and disagree and help each other be open to another point of view. We pray for each other, even if we’re not religious.  In an ever changing world full of strife, disheartening events, negativity… we bring out the better part of our world through sharing the better (and worse) parts of ourselves.  We are never alone – there are others who share our experiences – it’s truly a beautiful thing.
 so Thank You.  

     Yesterday I loaded Frasier and a bunch of buckets and a good shovel into the back of the Jeep and drove down to the “island” where I met up with a good friend, BJ, at her island cottage.  She and her family have been summering there since 1965 – the year I was born.  Now in her mid 80’s she is a dynamo. Her beloved husband passed some years ago and two of her three children moved out of state.  She returns to the cottage each year for the summer, tending her extensive gardens throughout the season, hosting friends on the deck overlooking the water.   We walked around the garden and determined which plants I should take some of to rehome around our cottage yard. I dug them up and brought them over to Stella down the road and spent the rest of the morning replanting, watering, and weeding. 


  I love having some of BJ’s glorious garden planted here around Stellas little space.  The plants will always remind me of  friendships, of sharing, of community.   We could get lost in the negativity we are bombarded with regularly through various forms of media, through the reckless and selfish behavior of our own government, the list goes on.  Or, we can adjust our focus, clean the lens, fine tune…. and see all that is truly wonderful in this world, because there is so much of it. 
  In closing, I ask that you say a prayer for blog friend Vicky – she is an amazing, giving, generous soul who has been beating cancer to the curb for almost six years now, living all her moments full, teaching all who read her what grace in the line of fire looks like.  You can find Vicky HERE. 
  Till soon, friends –  

Summer loving… and loving one’s self –

     Recent weather has brought warmer temps, and with warmer temps we dug out the summer clothes and *gasp… even b.a.t.h.i.n.g.s.u.i.t.s.    …..Siiiiiiigh…. that’s a tough one for me.  In my younger years, I could rock the suit.  I’m not really bragging here… I was no Bo Derek or perfect 10.  But what I WAS… was comfortable in a swimsuit.  For one who loves loves loves the water.. wearing a suit was part of my regular summer wardrobe and technically still could be. 

 With menopause came a spare tire I have yet to get rid of – and boy has that put a crimp in my bathing suit style.  I don’t expect to knock socks off with my 52 year old body, but I also don’t want to feel like I’m wearing a floating device around my middle when I’m -not-.  
 So as we spend more time down at Stellas waterfront… I’m inclined to don the suit and wade in, right?  Not.  The damned tire!  I had all good intentions of losing this extra weight by summer time. Surely I had the motivation, surely I would get it done.  
Yeah, Ok – that and $1.50 won’t even get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. 
So here we are. Summer time.  My favorite season – doing my favorite thing – admiring the water, enjoying the water – being IN the water, ON the water – strolling beaches when I can.  Oh, to be properly clad… and enjoy it.  
  Sitting at water’s edge this weekend, I said to Stella… I said.. Stella?.. it’s ridiculous that I won’t wear a bathing suit just because I don’t look the way I used to.  I’ve been through some stuff, you know?  I’m older, for cripes sake.   I’m lucky to be here, you know?  Why can’t I just enjoy things as they are.. with the suit situation?
And Stella said… “Karen.. you have but one life. Who cares about a few extra pounds. See all those people out there on the water and on the beach in their suits?  Not a ten in the crowd.  A lot of happy people though – enjoying the day they’ve been given.  You’ve been given this day.  Enjoy it. 
This .. is how Stella is gonna help me get my groove back – talking reason and sense back at me. 
 I ordered these two bathing suits (LL Bean and Shore Shapes) …. in the appropriate size and style for my current suiting up situation.  And I’m gonna wear them with pride. 
It’s all good. 

The K-List

    All the rain we had in the month of May has produced incredibly rich plant growth.  Our hay fields are abundant, the border gardens are lush and blooming, and anything I planted within the last two years has doubled and tripled in size.   
     As I look around this farm, which has come such a long way in the past seven years, from  falling down around itself to a completely new life story – I am so deeply grateful for the time we get to spend here.  As is true of any homestead , whether it’s a city flat, a town home or country farm – our time here is limited, we’re all just passing through.   In this particular place I’m reminded that I’m gazing out over fields that were also cherished, worked and cared for by several generations before me,  almost 200 years worth – and I feel blessed. 

Dappled willow  and knockout roses alongside the porch… 
New Dawn roses along the dog yard fence and over the Arch to the side gate… If you’re looking for easy roses because you’re lazy like me in the rose care department, these two varieties are your friend.  Rosa Rugosa is also very easy and hardy. We’ve put four of those at Stella’s waterfront, their fragrance is divine on the salty breezes.  


Need to look this up.. it had soft white blossoms which are turning to this dusty rose…

Peonies, such a lovely bloom, short lived, messy, and a little heartbreaking to see them topple over as they get top heavy with full bloom.   The avid gardener stakes them up, that’s not me.

The Lantern babies are growing fast… (purple finch)
Meanwhile, down by the sea… we have been enjoying Stella since the sun has reappeared… 
The kids have gone clamming… 
 and we’ve enjoyed a few evening meals with family, too.  
     As I’ve mentioned here before, for many years we’ve dreamed of owning a second home, a little place somewhere in one of the locations we love so much –  the Vineyard  (MV) and Vermont in particular.  Both locations are just approximately 2.5 hours away.  The Vineyard real estate market has gone through the roof with it’s ever growing popularity, so we eventually let go of that.  Vermont is still attainable, but… what  we’re finding is Stella was truly the right choice.. .just 17 miles from the farmstead and doesn’t take longer than 25 minutes to reach from here. 
     We all lead  busy lives and getting away is hard to do with large animal care and business ownership responsibilities.  Both kids now have living quarters and jobs of their own to manage.  We’ve always known that having a place so far away would be difficult to keep up alone, and a lot of work each time we did manage to get there.  How often would we really get to spend time there with all we have going on here..and RELAX?   Because Stella is so close, we can head down there after work, sit and relax and listen to the water lap the shore, watch the boats come and go, the clammers digging for dinner, take a walk around the community.   For all these years we were looking for the best little respite spot, just not in the right places.  Good things come to those who wait.
  The icing on the cake is.. family can join us easily too, as they are also nearby. 
  Meanwhile, back in the kitchen… I made those oatmeal cookies for the kids just because.. and oh wow, just really incredible.  I highly recommend this recipe. It’s easy and fun to make, and these Oatmeal creme pie cookies are so freak’n delicious, it’s pure happiness in your mouth.  Link to recipe HERE.   Just scroll down that post and you’ll find it at the bottom. 
One more recipe to share with you.. found it on FB, looks delish and healthy – win win. 
Grilled Bruschetta Chicken


  • 4 tbsp. oil
  • Juice of 1 lemon, divided
  • kosher salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tsp. Italian seasoning
  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, pounded to even thickness
  • 3 roma tomatoes, diced
  • 4 slices provolone


  1. In a small bowl, combine oil, juice of ½ lemon (about 2 tablespoons), 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper, and Italian seasoning and whisk to combine. Transfer to a large re-sealable bag along with chicken. Seal and chill, 30 minutes.
  2. Transfer chicken to a preheated grill and discard excess marinade. Grill chicken over medium-high heat until cooked through, 5 to 7 minutes on each side.
  3. Meanwhile, combine diced tomatoes and remaining juice from ½ lemon. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. While chicken is still on grill, top each breast with 1 slice Provolone and cover grill until cheese is melted, 2 to 3 minutes. Top chicken with tomato mixture and serve.
*recipe and photo found on DELISH site
      So much going on in the world, hard to ignore it in search of peace of mind.  I’ve been steering away from watching any news programs lately, not even Anderson Cooper, whom I admire on several levels.  Seems like the wheels are coming off the bus in Washington, where that leads, no one can know right now.  
      The shooting in DC could have been so much worse.  What I am hoping is that it brings the parties together in some way that will stay with them.  Of course an ass like Newt points fingers at a party affiliation, not the nut job that actually did the deed.  Those inflammatory people need to just go away, they only add fuel to the raging fire and contribute nothing of value.  Given his history, a bit hypocritical, just about anything that comes out of his mouth. 
     I want to hope that the powers that be in Washington will remember how we are all humans, all vulnerable, all in need of unity to get through the obstacles of life.  At the end of the day, it’s not a party thing, it’s a humanity thing.  If anything good can come out of events like this, let it be this. A coming together.  Why does it take a horror show like 9/11 to bring it out in us?  Can’t we learn from the past so that it is not repeated?  
 It’s a new day, all… *sigh.   Let’s make it a good one. 

Of Fairies and Farm Markets

   My friend Linda and I run a farm and artisan market here in town – it’s a once-monthly affair on the second Saturday of June, July, August and September.   This is one of my great joys in life, seeing friends, neighbors, vendors, artists, even dogs and their people… come together to buy stuff from local farmers and artisans, chat with each other, make new friends, visit with old… I see hugs, smiles, giggles, out-loud laughter –  Just.. all the good stuff of life, you know?

Refreshing, it is.

   The icing on the cake here is the market is held on a farm  owned by the town we live in that has been restored mainly by volunteer power of it’s residents and local businesses.  The husband and I have been a part of the efforts and there is nothing more rewarding than seeing the finished product… a place where the community gathers to enjoy the outdoors and each other through the various events now taking place.  I strongly encourage all of you – in what ever capacity you’re able, and that differs for all of us … to get involved in a project in your community.  The effort doesn’t have to be a huge commitment of time or money – volunteer for what is comfortable for you in a setting and for a cause that you believe in.  Talk about restoring ones faith in humanity… 

    So… about those fairies…. This fairy in particular is a good friend of ours and you may be familiar with her blog – The Herb Shed.    She’s known as Raven… and in character here as Queen Bee. 
  In her fairy life she visits sick children at hospitals, she’s an actress in the Renaissance fairs you may see in the region.. and this was the first time in all these years I’ve known her, that I got to see her in action.   WOW…  not only does she captivate the children, but the young at heart as well.   My husband may still have a little blue glitter stuck to his person 🙂    As soon as she arrives, she is in character, speaking in a completely different accent than the one I am used to.  It’s musical!.. and she is a trained actress, so she projects her voice well. The joy of that for me is.. I can still hear some of it!   Queen Bee was accompanied by her friend from the Glen Wood,  Peasblossom and together they were enchanting. 
 Besides mingling with the crowd, there was story time as the fairies read to the children, including song, and much.. much.. *.*.*.*.GLITTER*.*..*.. 
Some of the children wore their own fairy wings! 
 We will invite the fairies back to the market for sure.
 As for market day, we had glorious weather and the crowds showed up, always rewarding to see plans come to fruition.  The farmers and artisans work hard throughout the year and these markets are so important to their survival.   When you see them advertised or pass by them in your travels, take a few minutes to stop in and browse the market for fresh foods or artisan pieces you and your family can enjoy.  Farm markets are a huge advocate for eating healthy, we need to encourage their existence lest they cease to exist. 

The smiles!…

Is he not the cutest? There’s always one in the crowd who captures my heart.  

 For those of you in the know, you’ll notice my family is dispersed throughout this post.  I so appreciate their support in my endeavors too…

 This month we held a car cruise on the front lawn of the farm to help bring crowds in and to give the men something to do while their wives and children enjoyed the market and fairies…

 All in all, it was a very good day –  if you’re reading this and you came to visit with us at market, a huge thank you for your support.  

Of the Little things, and the bigger things too

    The sun decided to peek out from under all those rain clouds yesterday so I took my traveling buddy down to Stella with the intention of a good walk for both of us and as I suspected, her grass was tall.  My son bought one of those hand mowers, the kind our grandfathers used to have with no motor, just manual push.  He’s been so busy with our company work, and some of that is real manual labor, that I haven’t wanted to burden him with yet another work chore.  So, I have been doing the little lawn myself with that push mower – and I have to say – I’m liking the manual work.  It takes about 45 minutes to get all around Stella’s little self and across the street on our little “parking lot”… or really just the spit of grass.  I have to say it though, I am not Type A with these things, as my two guys are.  There are lines, there are missed blades, the trim work ain’t happen’n through me. 
 Frasier and I sat down and gazed out over the cove once finished, and the smell of fresh cut grass mixed with a salty breeze was heavenly. 

 I saw this quote on instagram, typed it up and framed it.  My plan for this little cottage I call Stella is -respite-.  When you visit and look around, your eyes should be able to find little messages of inspiration, of love, of hope, of peace of mind, enjoyment and appreciation for the little things that can bring big joy in life if you remember to look, to really see and appreciate them.   We get so darn busy in life and we do a good job of complicating things, we could all use the reminder.  What are we here for, after all. 
       A lovely blog friend of mine recommended a post she thought I would enjoy.  I checked it out, read the most recent blog entry,  and loved what the blog writer had to share… her love of old things in particular.   She is also a New Englander, like me.   Here’s where I’m going to be honest although it is not something that pleases me in this case. It’s poignant because of what we are all dealing with on some level if we’re not avoiding the political scene altogether. 
     I decided to scroll through more blog posts by this same blogger to see what other “old” or “New England” things she might be sharing.   What I came across was her opinion on our current President.  To be clear, she has every right, and I certainly blather on here about my own opinion.   In it’s most basic interpretation, she is thrilled with 45.  She feels we finally have a real president she can be proud of.  
       That stopped me in my tracks.  I don’t know this person at all, she is probably a lovely person I would enjoy talking to regarding old things and New England in general, family, whatever and so on.  My feeling toward wanting to read any more of what she has to share immediately changed, though, once I read that  political opinion.  For the life of all that is holy I can’t fathom how anyone can be proud of a man who has shown such awful traits, and yet there are many who approve of him whole heartedly.   I’m not proud of my own judgement of someone who feels that way.  I’m just being honest here even though my reaction certainly is not something to be proud of.    This whole thing makes me sad.   I see people pitted against each other, turning away from each other, shunning each other… because of this situation we are all in.   In my lifetime so far, anyway, never has there been such bitter division over an elected official, let alone the POTUS.   
    I wish we didn’t give one man such power… to do this to all of us.  We the People… we need each other, regardless of political affiliation, regardless of who sits in the Oval office, which party holds more power.  We need to be a part of the series of checks and balances, we shouldn’t turn away from each other. And yet, as in the case of the blogger above, I am compelled.   Sad deal! 
 I love this picture shared on FB.  When I look at it, I see two men who have the grace and dignity and knowledge and caring to be world leaders.   I don’t see perfection when I look at this photo, that is simply not possible given human nature to start with… but… they are free of scandal, they have never in my opinion been disrespectful to the office they hold/held.  While some of their policies may not have had my support,  I never once felt they had any bad intentions and at the very least, have the welfare of We the People as their core concern.   Someone else might look at this picture and revile, just as I do when I see support for 45.   How is it we can see things so differently?   And yet we do. 
That statement above either pisses you off because you agree, 
or pisses you off because you don’t.  Right or wrong?
Who’s to say.  Regardless,  awful that this comes between us, 
We the People. 
May we all get past this great divide and come back together as
a Nation, for the greater good of all. 
 I thank you for stopping by to read my simple musings –  it’s a new day, all, let’s make it a good one. 

The K-List

 I think I’ve just stumbled upon a new post title concept.  Finding appropriate titles can be challenging, especially those that reach all over the place.   From here on, when you see the title “The K-List”,  it will represent one of those ramblers, the kind of post that covers a bunch of stuff, the clutter that currently occupies my thoughts, and  I promise at least one share of something cool I’ve also stumbled upon while out and about or cruising the ‘net.   So perhaps when you see The K-List… grab a cup of coffee or tea if you’re so inclined to join me as I unload all the “stuff” here with you.

   My husband and I embarked on a weight loss journey on January 1st of this year –  We started with the nutrisystem plan and he stuck with it.  I did not, because -all that processed food, loaded with gluten.  I am not a celiac, but I have already proven to myself by trial and ERROR that gluten is not my best friend.  When I eat it, as I occasionally still do because  Cupcakes! Pizza! Fresh baked Bread!… I feel like crap the next day.   Just really blah and the fibromyalgia flares.  So that program did not work for me.   I have lost -0- pounds since we began our quest – still have 15 to lose.   M, however… has lost almost 60 pounds.  Yes 60.   He’s feeling fabulous, looks so much better, more comfortable in everything he does, I’m so very proud of him for his stick-to-it ability.   I need to find some of that for myself.

Yesterday, out in the garden….  which looks quite pathetic lately due to all the rain.

 My relationship with food is tricky.  I LOVE FOOD – so many kinds of it.  I don’t smoke and I don’t drink much.  My go-to for comfort, for anxiety relief, for just pure enjoyment.. is good food.   I love making good food for my people.  Years ago that wasn’t an issue but now?…. because MENOPAUSE… I’ve got this darn spare tire around my middle and it feels gross.

  There are so many worse things in life to be upset about though, so I will continue with my good intentions and the exercise I do manage to accomplish, and perhaps find a little more resolve to obtain my weight loss and better health goals.

 We’ve been making frequent trips to the cottage in between the raindrops –  Met with some of our new neighbors down there, what a lovely group of people.  Father Jim lives nextdoor, and just his title made me a little nervous at first, because we all know I’m not particularly religious.  We’ve come to know he is a very down to earth, warm, funny person, a wonderful neighbor, and his father is a real hoot!   The cottages are fairly close together.  We’re discovering residents for the most part are very friendly and like to socialize.  Others prefer to keep to themselves, and that wish is respected.

 When I visit Stella alone to mow the lawn or vacuum the cottage or  water the plants (not necessary lately!!)  I often bring Frasier  and we walk the loop around the “island”.  He has a bed and toys and bowls in the kitchen.  He loves these trips, it’s almost as if I have a small child in tow again.   * Ask me how much I look forward to having grandchildren to dote on some day.  ** No pressure on my children!! OK maybe a little. ***But not yet!  When you’re ready.  Love you! (I can see the eye rolls  from here)

*Frasier could use a little weight loss too.  I keep saying he’s just fluffy, not fat.

    Someone left an anonymous comment after my last post – it read simply  “BooHoo”.    My initial reaction was insult.  But, you know… this is so true for all of us.  Someone else’s issues aren’t my burden.  When I read a comment like that I feel sorry for the person who  left it…. a someone who can’t appreciate people who care about all of us. 
    I’m angry with the current administration because I feel we aren’t being told truths, the little guy is being walked all over, rights are being taken away,  we’re going backwards regarding the environment, equal rights, tolerance, respect.   The lies and bad behavior aren’t just my opinion, they are laid out before all of us coming right from the source.   I’m not crying about it, I’m voicing my opinion, and contributing where I think it will help make a difference.  My intentions and actions are always in favor of a better society for all of us.  I am not -of a party-.  My “party” didn’t lose. Our society is losing, daily, lately.  

      Sharing today  a recipe I found in Southern Livings new Best Drives and Dives publication…

  Missouri’s Pint Size Bakery Oatmeal Creme cookie recipe.  I plan to make this for the next family picnic ….  it is suggested that they be kept in the fridge until served.

Chewy Oatmeal Cookies
1 c unsalted butter, softened
1 c firmly packed light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tbs light molasses
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
2 large eggs
2 c unbleached all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
2 1/4 c uncooked regular oats
Parchment  paper

Marshmallow Fluff Buttercream
1 c unsalted butter, softened
1/2 c powdered sugar
1/8 tsp salt
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 7 oz jar marshmallow fluff

1. Prepare cookies:  Preheat oven –  350 degrees.  Beat first 6 ingredients at medium speed with an electric mixer until light and fluffy. Add eggs, beating until blended. Combine flour, soda, and cinnamon. add to butter mixture, beating at low speed just until blended. Stir in oats.

2. Using a 1 oz scoop, scoop dough, 3 inches apart, onto parchment paper lined  baking sheets.  Chill 20 minutes or until firm.

3. Bake at 350 for 10 to 12 minutes or until a medium golden brown with soft centers.  Cool on pans 5 minutes. Transfer cookies to wire racks; cool completely.

4. Prepare Marshmallow Fluff Buttercream.  When cookies are cool, beat first 4 ingredients until creamy and smooth. Gradually add marshmallow fluff, beating just until blended. Spon about 2 tbs buttercream onto bottoms of 20 cookies. Top with remaining 20 cookies.

Makes 20 cookie sandwiches.

  After mucking stalls this morning and on my way back from the manure dump, I passed one of our favorite spots on the farm to relax and enjoy the summer breezes… the hammocks on the hill.    While it’s drizzly this morning yet again and there’s more rain  in the forecast, I’m reminded there are always, always things to be grateful for.  In this picture, the hay is tall and thick, the grass is green, and the hammocks are there to enjoy in the summer days to come.

 *Recharge your soul with positive thinking. Start your day by affirming that life is good*

Till soon, friends –

We The People

     Let it be known that many of WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES.. do not believe in shirking our moral responsibility as members of the world community to do our part in protecting and investing in the health of our planet. Many of WE THE PEOPLE were proud to be an integral part of the world effort and collaborations to ensure we are doing all we can to protect what we haven’t already damaged of our world for our children and our childrens children. Many of WE THE PEOPLE believe in our scientists, we believe in FACTS vs. MOTIVES. 

     Sad day for this American, who so desperately wants to be proud of the government that is supposed to represent.. WE…. THE PEOPLE.