Bad Bedding


ost of us know by now that bedding … in particular GOOD bedding….is very important.  When we moved into This Old House almost two years ago (time flies!!!)   we bought new beds and  mattresses for everyone.  Mike and I splurged on a really good mattress for ourselves because we both have neck arthritis and whine about it alot sometimes.   We’re very happy with that mattress.  The kids got cheaper versions… from B*b’s Discount place… you know the one if you’re from around here.  That was just stupid. …..the manchild’s mattress didn’t last two years without having a crater on the side where he always sleeps. And I mean a crater.  The picture below is when he’s NOT sleeping in it. He sinks much further when he’s IN it and it’s already bothering his back.   

SO… we bought him a new one of better quality and it came today.
He’ll sleep much better tonight.
What to do with the old mattress?
Ben doesn’t mind the crater at all…
but my little office is now standing room only….
unless you don’t mind lying down with the dogs.

20 thoughts on “Bad Bedding”

  1. Lucky Ben!!! Trooper would love if I would give him his own bed that size. And a down comforter! Until then we will fight for space on my GOOD bed.

  2. Remember when the Aruban neighbors I happen to have the delight to live next door to were rotating three mattresses on their carport next to my kitchen window? Just don't do that! (Of course I know you won't; just reminded me of that incident). I called the mayor, and their office sent a notice to their landlord. Heavens, what people will do!

  3. Mattresses are such a ripoff. I once had an office job for a company that makes mattresses. They had all Hispanic laborers, paid them very little , and their cost to make a mattress was under $20. They retailed for a couple thousand dollars. Ripoff.

  4. There is nothing better than a good mattress to make sleeping easier. We have a really good one, too. The "mid-models" we did put in the room the grands sleep in because it is an occasional use and not every day. Hmmm…doggy seems to LIKE the "nest" created for him!;>) xo Diana

  5. Ha! I'm going to resist from saying the first thing that came to mind, and I don't do that often.

    However, Ben does look very comfy!

  6. Ok Ben is lookin' mighty comfy! And how long are you going to leave that little arrangement… ahem?!

    I'm curious, what mattress brand do you have that you love?

  7. I see you're using the Drop Caps! Aren't they fun?

    Oh, I know the place you're talking about – the commercials alone keep me from setting one foot in their door.

    We are also needing a new mattress.
    Love your doggie's new bed!


  8. We have been looking at beds recently. Ours has served us well for the last 10 years, but it is time for a new one. Not as firm as it once was, so replacing it is a must. It is amazing how all of a sudden you have those places that sag. Hope the new one works great. Hugs, Marty

  9. Ray, a friend of Dave's and mine, told me he buys a new pillow every year…now, so do I. It's almost as important as the mattress. My dogs love their mattress; it's on my bed

  10. This is a great example of recycling! We need a new mattress badly. Every night I tell hubs that and then I forget. I'm afraid I am too attached to the one we have now…silly me!


  11. hahaha, kind of sounds like me, only on a smaller scale. We had a pappasan chair and cushion. We got rid of the chair, but the cushion was almost new, so it is now my collie's bed. It takes up all the floor space on my husband's side of the bed (tee hee). It folds during the day and if we forget to unfold it, Annie lets us know by standing by it and staring at one of us.
    We love our animals, right?

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