Barn babies

 I went to the barn last night to tend to Opie’s wound…

(you’re welcome) ……
And this is what Opie thought of that…
So when I walked down into the darkened barn and flicked on the light… there were four scurrying creatures underfoot… four adorable baby skunks running for cover. They could fit in my hand.  I turned the light off again and stood still for a few minutes while they ventured back out, playing with each other like kittens.  The bravest started wrestling with another and then backed up to him with tail raised as if to say “back off,  or I’m gonna spray!!”  Really cute, until I realized I was just feet away and if he really WAS gonna spray, I wasn’t going home smelling like roses.  So I flicked the light back on and quickly took these pics with my iphone (sorry for bad image quality)….
I want one!
Three!.. poking their heads out of their current home the shavings pallets..

11 thoughts on “Barn babies”

  1. Oh, they are so cute! I know it sounds crazy considering what skunks can do, but babies are babies! Adorable. And your horse is gorgeous.


  2. I don't remember if you said or not … Did Opie injure himself on a metal T-pole? If so, you can purchase plastic caps/insulators for the tops of the poles. They will help to protect him from any future bodily damage. Hopefully he will not do it again, but it does make a metal post safer for the horses, especially if he likes to play over the fence.
    BTW … very cute barn critters!

  3. Cute little stinkers, ain't they? LOL Hope Opie heals up quickly. He looks healthy other than the hole.


  4. All babies are adorable aren't they?

    A bath in tomato juice would fix you right up just in cases.

    Oh that sounds horrible!

    I have a friend that has two destinky skunks as pets. Says they're the best!

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