
 Is it OK to curse on blogger?  I don’t know if it’s the New Yorker in me or the water I drank growing up… but I have been known to spew profanity if the occasion calls for it.  I know that’s not very ladylike, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

 Last night these guys put down the hammers and hoes (your mind’s in the gutter again, isn’t it?)..and took us girls out for a beautiful night ride through the hills of Durham for hotdogs at Guidas and Ice cream at Dairy Serve.

  above photos courtesy google and whoever took them.

  This is Jeff and his awesome wife, Patti. If you’ve been coming here for a while you will recognize him as This Old House’s restoration expert. 

Life is Good.

 That little thing Jeff is doing there, it’s a game between us all –
I’d tell ya about it, but then I’d have to kill you.
Have a Happy & Safe 4th, all –

30 thoughts on “BadAss”

  1. All 4 of you… TOTAL BAD ASSES! Oh, and I can spew with the best of them should the need arise. LOL Looking good there chickadee!! Have fun this week-end.


  2. My, my, my, you are bringing back some memories. 20+ years ago, The Husband and I would regularly call our babysitter, climb on the Bike and head off for somewhere. It was a great part of our lives. Alas, traffic here is such that motorcycling gets more dangerous every day, and the Bike went to a new home in the mid-90s after one too many close calls. Sometimes I miss it … like Bike Night at our favorite restaurant. I try not to think about it.

    Oohhh … ice cream!

  3. I'm sure you can curse on blogger. Unless you have BlogHer ads running on your site and you signed on as non-profanity, which I did. Damnit.
    14 years ago, when I took the job at the private school where I still work, my sons asked me how was I ever going to stop cursing because you can't curse at school. You can't even say 'crap', they told me. So I know what you mean.

  4. bad ass is perfect for blog land….we call each other dumb ass all the time….you know you are loved if you get called that…..have a great 4th !!

  5. I used to ride, but never on something quite as badass as your bikes! I grew up with a mini bike and then my brother continued to own bikes (the 175 was the last one I was able to ride on my own and hold up) and he still has a Goldwing. Like Connie, it's become way too dangerous to ride around here, but there is nothing quite like riding a bike on a warm summer's night! As far as cussing, well Sh@% happens. 😉

    And is Jeff flashing old house gang signs?! I know how you historic renovation folks are part of one big gang!

    Kat 🙂

  6. The high school and college kids do that "game" thing here, too. They explain it to me, but I still don't get it. I think they change the rules on me every time 🙂

  7. Haha! YES it is ok to cuss out Blooger (I am form NY too)

    Nice bikes..looks like you had some fun..everyone need some fun now and then!! haha! (the Leo in me)

  8. Looks like a great night. I'm a Jersey girl, so I can spew as well. We have friends who ride, and they are trying to talk us into taking it up.

  9. Which BadAxxes are you talking about? The bikers at the end?;>) LOL Have a fun 4th…and have some fun! Where are your helmets?;>O I want you to be around for a long time! xo Diana

  10. This is a huge biker area here in the mountains! Each weekend they all begin to roll in around friday afternoon.
    Tail of the Dragon is one of most driven curvy roads in the world with 318 curves in 11 miles! It's incredible!
    People even ship their cars and bikes here from across the country and from outside of the U.S. to ride it!
    Two years ago, J's Dad shipped his Porsche from Dallas. Those two did the Dragon several times while he was here!

    and here is great youtube video!

    There is a hemet law in Tn but, you probably would not want to go without one here.

    And bad ass? I like that word. I use it often!
    Have a glorious 4th!
    xo, misha

  11. Ha, look at you! Sounds like it was a good night! LOVE Durham Dairy Serve! It's always soooo crowded though! Happy 4th!!!

  12. Now if you were really Bad-Asses, you wouldn't have been going to the Dairy Bar!!!!! 🙂

    I love a good hot dog and wish I had been going along!

    PS the barn is looking awesome!

  13. Shazam! totally bitchin' bikes!

    Sounds like a fun night out.. on the bikes makes it so much more fun, holding on or sitting back just breathing.

    Have a great 4th!

  14. Great Day…that other woman has legs from here to forever; y'all both are pretty and the guys, good looking and strong. Just what you want when you're riding two wheelers -grin-.

  15. You actually get ON that bike??? I'm shocked! I'd LOVE that! Dari Serv? The Morman ice cream of choice all summer long! Glad you're having fun!

  16. Well, you all are adorable, but bad asses? I dun thin soooo.

    But adorable nonetheless.

    The bikes are definitely droolworthy though!

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