Be the Light

        Yesterday after spending hours at the computer editing for our local publication,  I called the Mr. and said – What do we need for Stella, I want to get out of the house for a while.   As it happens,  we need  light fixtures.  Not my favorite chore.  Why?  Because THE VOLLEY.    You see.. even though I’m left with the relatively simple instructions to  get a  single sconce bathroom light for over the sink, a work area light for over that whole kitchen area that has no light needs five foot chain, and get a cheap paddle fan with light kit… and he clearly states pick whatever you think will look good there….. it never happens that way.
     Having been married to a builder for roughly 29 years, and he’ll agree with me the word roughly applies, we’ve traveled down this road many times, whether it was our own house or someone elses.  (where is the comma there, I’m not even gonna look it up, and I call myself an editor).   
      I go to the shop and take a look around. I see what I think will be perfect and sit down with the shop owner to discuss price and suitability for the space that will require the light. I even bring pictures of the work spaces because I’m that kind of special.  We get most of the way through, and then of course….. there’s a question I can’t answer knowing for certain I gave the right information.  I have to make the call into the powers that be.  That would be He.   
        He provides the answer.. and then says the words I knew were coming….
  but what is this for exactly.. let me see what you’re picking.  
 My nose starts to twitch as I send the requested photo from my phone.  The texting ensues… 
Him:  No.  Too contemporary.
Me: What? This is an antique replica. 
Him:  It probably cost more than the entire cottage! Too nice! What else… 
Me:  Ok how about this… 
Him:  That’s an exterior light fixture, this is for inside.
Me: Yes I know, it’s also for interior use and I think it would be perfect for that spot.  Mr. X says so too… 
Him:  No. What else.. 
And so it goes.  Suddenly, Mr. X seeing my frustration, points up into a corner of the showroom and says – you know.. THAT one would work but I don’t know how you feel about the look. 
Ah, we have a winner.  And the price was just right. 
This fixture will hang from the ceiling (which is the peak of the roof) of
Stellas “kitchen” area. 
     Meanwhile.. back at the ranch…we’ve had some very soggy weather lately. I’m not complaining one bit, soggy is better than heavy snowfall and bitter cold.  I did some cleaning of the barn, coop and hutch yesterday morning and it felt good to tidy up. 

 Ruby thought it might be fun to tag along in the gator but  actual motion changed her mind.

    My 94 year old neighbor stopped by for a visit – She still lives in the home she raised her five boys in, just across the street.  Her son pictured here is such a good man – lives hours away and comes weekly to check up on mom and get things done around the house.  He cooks for her friends on occasion too.  When weather permits, she loves to take rides around the woods on his quad.  
When I grow up I want to be like Margaret. 
    I’ve been a little dismayed at the bitterness I have seen on the internet lately between women who didn’t approve of the Women’s March on Washington and those who attended or supported it.  A good friend of mine said she was really offended and didn’t need anyone marching for her rights. She felt women are damned lucky in this country, we have many rights that women of other countries don’t have and we don’t need to be “like men”.   *sigh.   She felt I was stuck on myself because I have opinions and I express them openly.  Those particular words admittedly stung. I thought about it for a while – am I a conceited idiot who thinks her views are the only way?  The answer to that is no.  Are my intentions always good regardless of the topic?  I can say whole heartedly YES.  I’m not one to shut up, and I won’t apologize for caring and having a big mouth that expresses it. 
    As for the March – I’ll tell you what – If women didn’t march in our recent history, we wouldn’t be voting, we wouldn’t have our own credit cards, we wouldn’t be able to take out our own mortgage, we wouldn’t have access to affordable womens health care, and a myriad of other freedoms we now take for granted.    There are still issues we face, and this March in particular was about many different things.   I have no problem with women who don’t want to get involved – we all have to choose our battles.  What I don’t understand is the offense taken.  I truly believe if you know in your heart you are doing whatever you’re doing in the hopes of improving things for all, you’re on the right track in life.  I’m not going to apologize for it. 

 Till soon, friends –