Be Like Brady

      How about that Superbowl!!  I’m a Patriots fan, so the win was particularly sweet, but if the Falcons had pulled it off I would have been very happy for their owner – The Falcons have never won a Superbowl and their longtime owner deserved a win. The young team worked damned hard to get where they were and they don’t typically play dirty, something I admire.  Brady does his best work when under fire, and boy did he and his team pull it off at the end.  Unfortunately when it looked like they had definitely lost the game, I went to sleep.  Missed the best part!  Fun fact – our neighbor just down the road’s daughter was a patriots cheerleader until recently, when she and Gronk fell in love.  They’ve been dating for a few years now and I love seeing photos of them on instagram and occasionally in news articles – wishing them the best.  What we have heard through their experience is that the Patriots owner and team are truly a family, that’s how they treat and respect each other – love to hear it. 
    Tom Brady is amazing when his team is in a rut – how many times have we seen them pull it out at the last minute for a win.  My husband is not a Pats or Brady fan but even he admits TB is one hell of a QB. 
   For those of us who are rattled by the Orange Scream’s increasingly divisive, narcissistic behavior and all the alarm bells he setting off, like, EVERYWHERE… I hope he finds some solid ground that we all can stand on .. sooner rather than later.  Just look at all the headlines.. everywhere, real news let alone fake.. and you have to know it’s true.  Because I care about our country more than my own need to be right, I hope he can be like Brady and  pull it out for a win for all of us.  That will require checking his ego at the door.