Before and After – Out back

  The inside of the house is not ready for her close-up yet, we’ve only got about 2,832 boxes left to  chuck in the dumpster  unpack so I’ll start with an outside before and after. 

 Unrelated  (well not really) …If ever you need a strong reminder that you have indeed reached middle age, may I suggest you pack up your house and move.  Every muscle in my body is talking to me tonight as I sit to type this post and I  won’t tell you what they’re saying.    That whole “less is more” concept I blabbed about earlier?   Yeah.. it’s a really really good idea and I’m gonna try my damndest to stick to it from here on out.  Remind me of this if ever I start to veer off course..

These were taken a year ago, just as the dismantle process began. Amazing what was accomplished in a year… a HUGE testament to the abilities of the men who came together to take down the house and raise her up again. 

Winter 09
Spring 09
Summer 2010
 The old dogleg off the back of the house was not historically significant. The space was needed, however, so another 1800’s house that Jeff had dismantled and stored in a trailer was resurrected where the old addition had been . In this picture you can see its outline clearly. When we sit in the family room with the cathedral into the loft, we’re in the “Chester” house.

   Tonight’s sky… we still have not received the rain that was promised, and oh, do we need it.

14 thoughts on “Before and After – Out back”

  1. Your house is beautiful! Can't wait to see inside.
    I agree with the 'less is more' concept… and I'm trying very hard to stick to it!

  2. "….so another 1800's house that Jeff had dismantled and stored in a trailer…."
    Are you married to superman? I'd share with you the story of me dismantling a house and putting it in a trailer, but I never did that!
    It took me a month to build my daughter a Victorian doll house.
    Seriously though, your place is wicket good, as they say up in New England. Just beautiful.

  3. Our rain has finally stopped. Wish I could have shared it with you. Hubs tried to mow behind the fence and it was a swamp! At least he got the main yard.


  4. What an amazing transformation. We moved east about 9 years ago – in our middle age – and I will concur with you on the muscle aches!

    We got a little rain yesterday morning – but we need much more!


  5. Truly awesome! I've never seen a more beautiful homestead, Karen. All of you had a vision, and it is now accomplished. Congratulations!! 🙂

  6. Spectacular! This perfect rebuild needs to be in every decorating and building magazine, to show how it is properly done! I love it all!
    Ah, moving, the job that takes several tubes of Icy Hot. I know that the inside will be just as gorgeous as the outside!
    Um, is he Superman? I'm thinkin' he is…

  7. Wow. Looking forward to more great pictures. It's a rule that sore muscles, especially in places you didn't know you had any, are part of the moving process. I'm still achy from our move last November.

  8. I have to say Karen, each and every time I come back to visit "This Old House 2", things look even more amazing than the last time! How cool that you've been able to document this journey and let us watch along the way.

    P.S. Practice yoga more!! I swear it always cures whatever is ailing me. It keeps the body tuned up…kind of like a well oiled machine!

  9. Just gorgeous! You should be proud of bringing the old dame back to her original beauty!
    She will be faithful home to your family!

    Now, go forth and unpack for all of us in blog world. We NEED to see the interior!

    xo, misha

    p.s. I showed Cadence your pic. He is in love..
    He also is willing to expand his band of Mares ,just for you!

  10. What the heck are you going to do with your free time now? 🙂

    I bet the views are stunning in the winter as well.

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