Believe me

  Lately I barely skim the headlines, I’m so sad (angry? frightened? horrified?) by what we have become as a nation under our current leadership.  I hate to see the way people talk to each other on social media. I hate the emboldened “hate” groups – who now see the President’s views as their validation.    How awful is that
  I’m no snowflake, not a lefty, not even a democrat, I don’t hate the republican party, even agree with some of their positions.  *I am  not affiliated because I think party allegiance clouds some peoples vision.   So this opinion does not come from one of those, if you’re someone  who throws labels around and discredits any and every actual fact if you believe it comes from that territory  –  the territory that is not yours.  What we have now with the republican party is nothing we’ve seen before.    It appears as if the old party is dead, cowtowing to a monster who they fear will attack them, as he has many others,  should they stand up for what they must know is right and decent. Some of them are indeed taking a stand, and being slammed for it repeatedly.  How do you tell a man like John M*Cain he’s no hero because he was captured and ever feel good about it?  How do you slam a man on his deathbed and ever feel good about it?

   Can we call it leadership when the most powerful man in office lies to us regularly,  still looking  out for the big corporations, (wasn’t that what his base was railing against to begin with? are they suddenly blind to it now? )  still placating the 1 percent, while telling us he’s here for us, the every day Joe?  That’s kinda hilarious, if it weren’t so important.  In control, republicans couldn’t fix our health care system after bitching about it for 8 years.  The deficit is bigger than ever –  they screwed up so bad with their new tariffs the farmers who were already struggling had to be given a bail out , (jeez, isn’t that a socialist thing?)  bail out money we are borrowing from CHINA, the people we threw the tariffs on… because the current administration blew our budget through the roof.  Why are we throwing a military parade when we aren’t yet feeding our homeless vets?  Not giving them the mental healthcare they need?  Actually, vets just lost their dental coverage thanks to the new regime.  
  They’re making America great again, believe them, don’t listen to what you are seeing and what you are hearingbelieve me, not them.  That’s what he said yesterday.   Those are some scary words right there.  The leader of the free world, of our beloved America – is telling you the press is all fake news (that’s just not true) , our intelligence community is untrustworthy fake news ( also not true) , anyone on the opposing side is all fake news (what a childish take).  The only truths according to the current President are what you see come out of his mouth.  Yet, it’s been proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that what comes out of his mouth  have been many, many  lies, many false accusations … directly to you and me and all his “base”… again and again and again. Big lies, little lies, more than 3,000 lies since taking office.   3,000.   Three Thousand.   Lies.  outright.  Am I clear here?  
  He doesn’t care about our environment, he sides with corporations – which is eroding before our eyes, you don’t have to look anywhere other than your own surroundings to know it.  He has yet to do anything that truly impacts positivily  any of We the People,  although if you believe him, he’s telling you he’s the greatest, ever, and you’re already so much better off.  He’s making enemies all over the world and in this country. North Korea is laughing at him.  He’s in P*tins pocket.  He’s trying to discredit an investigation that has already yielded astonishing results – Russia has indeed been trying to undermine our democracy, our elections, and spies have lived among us doing the dirty work for years.  We are under cyber attack by the Russians, proven, not fake news.   Why would you ever… ever… call that a witch hunt – the protecting and defending of our freedoms, our democracy.  His wife wears a jacket that says  I Really Don’t Care, Do U?    Wow.  I believe her!   It’s bizarre and unhinged.  I just don’t understand how it’s not clear to absolutely ever single person how very toxic this current political environment he has created, is. 

    I love my country, there are so many good things happening out there, and it’s a beautiful, beautiful place.  I have always felt blessed to be an American.  I’ve also been so fortunate to meet some truly good people along the way. I try every day to set my deep concern for the welfare of our country aside and focus on all that is still good and right and decent and worthy of our precious time.   I’m not a religious girl but I’m praying for all of us, to bring us safely out of this unhinged presidency and to find common ground again, to take care of each other and especially those in need, to  be able to live peacefully and prosperously and safely on the world stage and respect each other again, to have faith in the powers that be.  
 It ain’t easy – believe me