Big Sky Country

We don’t live out West, known as big sky country… but we sure have some beautiful sky shows around here sometimes… Last night a storm blew in and blew out… leaving an amber glow and then these strange but beautiful clouds….

Note the golden glow…

 And these weird clouds…

 The barn roof reflecting the gold…

 Weird weather.

31 thoughts on “Big Sky Country”

  1. Love that twilight time to take pictures, the glow off the barn says there's gold in there! You already knew those horses were treasures, didn't you?

  2. oh, i call those clouds 'intestine' clouds because they look like ropes of colons across the sky! they're usually packed with hail and high winds. but i love that odd golden light they share too. really beautiful.

  3. Great cloud photos. Love your backyard and garden areas! And I just have to know… what room in your house has that amazing arched window?

  4. Really lovely, and a little eerie too! Seems like I recall hearing that when the skies have that golden hue, it's because of dust particles in the atmosphere. Your farm looks gorgeous in the light!V

  5. Gorgeous photo's, Karen. Wish I was there lounging with you and a glass of wine; of course then you'd have to haul my butt inside. 🙂

  6. Gorgeous, I always love the golden light at this time of the year. I spent the weekend trying to capture it as well. I am sad to see the sun is already setting by 9 pm but I'll take what I can still get of it! Those clouds almost don't look real!

  7. You DO realize that you live in paradise….right??? I LOVE your place Karen…just cannot get enough!!! Your photography is awesome!!

  8. Karen, do you live in Maine? Sure looks like our coast.
    We had thunderstorms the other night, sounded like a war.
    It is weird weather. Your Dog is beautiful.


  9. Hi Karen!
    Isn't it funny to think that you are in CT and I am in Illinois and we are under the same "big sky" sharing the same weather pattern in a manner of hours?

    Last night. at around six p.m. the sky turned black/gray and storm clouds blew in. High winds and torrential downpours. Then followed by a yellow sky. Then golen yellow. Then orange and pink. Then it cleared up for a while with weird pillow puff clouds.

    I should have taken pictures like you did!!!
    Instead I was consoling scared pups and making dinner!

    Your property is so gorgeous.

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