Blazing Saddles

  Baby, it’s hot outside.  Well it was yesterday.. .last night’s thunder and lightning storm dropped the temps about 20 degrees.  
  My daughter and I horsed around for a while and the ring felt like a dessert.  When we were done, Opie got a bath… as did we.  You can’t bathe a horse without wearing the water, soap and grime that accompanies it. 
Ben stayed indoors with his Teddy Bear most of the day. He’s still mad at me for taking away his manlyhood.  So are my husband and son… (not theirs, his!)   Men sure are sensitive about that particular subject.
 Lots happening at the old house, more later…

5 thoughts on “Blazing Saddles”

  1. Ben will be a whole lot happier, now that he doesn't have to listen to his 'parts' anymore. Your son and your husband will adjust … it wasn't their parts, after all.

    Can't wait for the latest house update. Things appear to be happening fast and furious now.

  2. Opie is a beauty! Looks like you all made the day a little more "bearable"…even Ben himself with his "Teddy"! I love the heat…July 1st is a comin' fast!!

  3. I'm obviously behind in reading…don't know how that happened! It's been unbearably hot here too!! Today…thankfully…it has cooled down some…at least here at the lake.

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