
 New England has seen one wet Spring so far… everything’s pretty soggy ’round here.  The leaves are beginning to pop and pollen would coat everything right about now if it weren’t so rainy.  The grass is a vibrant green and the horses are loving the pastures… 

 My tulips are blooming in the border gardens and the peach trees are just bursting… 

 The vegetable garden beds so far have yielded an abundant weed crop… and the 500 onions are coming along…   we’ve got some work to do out there. 
 The chicks were moved out to the garage a few weeks ago, and now reside in their own little section of the Egg Plant.  There is bird mesh separating them from the big girls until they are about the same size – approx five months old.  The Mr. built a small make-shift coop for them so they are protected at night.  It’s basically a big plywood box with a door and holes in it.  
Amazing how fast chicks grow – this little girl (Florence) is  a Dark Brahma, the feathers on her feet are adorable.  
 I’ve been letting the big girls out to free range when I’m out there cleaning… it’s so good for them but the coyote and hawk population around here makes it treacherous. 
 And because I gotta be me,  let’s talk about this unpleasant subject for just a moment….  how’bout that interview 45 gave Reuters yesterday in regard to his first 100 days?….   I said from the very beginning…. I don’t think he wants the job!  (And I really didn’t think he’d get it)…. Why would a man of his temperament want all the restraints the POTUS position will bring to his life?  He would hate it!…. 
So I have to tell you… I do get just a little satisfaction from reading this yesterday… 
*sigh.    He’s gotta be him, too.