Bring Coffee

 Come, sit.. and let’s talk about a few things. Yes, this is a political post, …oh, there you go.. did you run away?  I don’t blame you. Boy what a sh*tstorm it is, huh? 
    If you dared to stay – tell me what you’re feeling now that we’re in to this new administration a few months.  I’m not asking you to agree with me,  I’m curious.  Some of you visit here but you don’t feel comfortable voicing your opinion. Maybe you are afraid of the backlash. (Nasty comments will be deleted)  Maybe you avoid confrontation and we all know politics leans toward the confrontational.. daily.  Someone close to me said recently – why do you put yourself out there, people are rude, and what difference does it make anyway, it’s just your opinion.  Here’s how I see it – I doubt voicing my opinion here or on FB or anywhere else is going to have a significant impact.  BUT.. sitting silently and saying nothing when I see some real ills will absolutely have ZERO impact. Perhaps by voicing my concerns someone will take another look and it just might spur some positive action. 
     I still have friends and family who are cheering on Agent Orange.  That’s a really hard pill to swallow for those of us who are offended by the lying, the spin, the arrogance, the conflicts of interest.  For a man who said he wanted to unite the country – he’s done nothing to reach out to the half of us who didn’t vote him in.  He tweets lies, his mouthpieces reiterate and spin his lies (Obama wiretapping?) and half of us are eating it up, cheering him on. I don’t get it.  If this had been any other politician EVERYONE would be screaming.  Why does this guy get a free pass?   If you’re a *T* supporter, I’m not scolding you although I realize my tone would suggest it. I actually want to know what it is about this guy that makes someone want to applaud him. What redeeming qualities do you see that say he’s worth the storm he’s created?  If you’re sole answer is F*ck the government – well he did just that, I’ll give it to you. But he F*cks us all by making the highest office in our land, the most powerful position in the universe as far as we know.. a fool’s circus.  One of mocking and lies and false accusations with no evidence other than twittering rants in the dead of the night..  and there’s the  GREED. Because so far, he is enpowering corporate America – not -those who have been forgotten- one of his favorite lines.

      His new budget is not a humane budget, the new health bill does the same.. further punishes the old, the poor, women, the sick, people who are not white and wealthy. All who feel good about denying seniors Meals on Wheels service( govt funded but run by volunteers, and fees indeed paid by the elderly recipients who can afford the $3 cost), denying lower income women affordable women’s health screening and BC ( not free and not abortions) – allowing more pollution and lifting clean water laws, and killing wild animals inhumanely, selling off national park lands, trashing arts funding, raise your hand………

     I guess  the answer to these questions lies in what kind of a society we want to be. Until now I always believed we were at our very heart a good and decent and caring nation, evolved, enlightened. The removal of our decency should not be the price paid for stronger military might. Until now at the very least we have managed both.
     Sad day. I wanted change in this next election because the issues before us are real. Throwing out the baby with the bath water was not the answer. I don’t know how anyone can honestly feel good about that.  And please..Please don’t say we’ve put God back in the WH. Kinda hypocritical, wouldn’t you say?