
    I know, I know.. you’re tired of hearing it, seeing it… it’s almost worse than the KardASS*ans, right?   Yet I see THIS picture, by the ever awesome Annie Leibovitz, and I can only say – WOW. 
Bruce/Caitlyn looks fabulous, better as a woman than she ever did as a man. And he wasn’t bad looking in a feminine sort of way. 
     It’s just so hard to wrap the mind around the concept that such a masculine sports hero of years gone by could actually do THIS in his sixties. I think he’s sixty-ish anyway…  Kinda drastic. Could be humiliating, even.  Because people will be people. In my own group of FB friends the reaction is mixed.. mostly full out support, and a few who say PLEASE!  and GROSS! 
     Well, here’s my thinking.  I don’t believe it’s fair to judge the guy/girl.  This is not something anyone would do lightly or without YEARS of thought.  In his case, a lifetime! ..because of the backlash and shunning that will come with it, let alone the psychological warfare you must go through within yourself to get to this place.  Bruce Jenner had to be a pretty tormented soul for all those years, if he truly felt this is what he was meant to be.   So I say live and let live.  Bravo to him for having the courage to become the -she- he felt he was all along, regardless of the backlash.  That takes courage, whether you think it’s gross or not.  Who are we to judge when we have not walked in anothers shoes?