But does he really want the job? (Viewer Discreption advised once again)

      My husband is cheering the D*nald on, as are some of my good friends… friends I have long considered to have rational opinions on the subject of politics, even when our views didn’t align.  Something about this particular election has become so polarizing.  Entire relationships are being ruined over this circus. I’ve unfriended a HS acquaintance  because her views are so out there, and the humor mean and yes – stupid –  I could no longer look at her the same way, nor could I just shut up when I saw something flagrantly outrageous.  Her remarks were  reminiscent of the mean girl  or bully attitude we all remember or may even have been a victim of in our youth and the stupidity of the humor besides the meanness is just another example of how we are dumbing ourselves down.  I think that saddens me more than anything else. As for the Mr…. I understand his complaints, he has reason to gripe. I have to give him this  –  He’s a very hard working middle class business man who has seen obscene taxation and policy that undermines the success of our nations small businesses. Change Is Needed, to be clear. 
   So, back to the job – the POTUS.  I believe the D*nald was unhappy with the state of affairs here in the US and wanted change, a sentiment felt by many.  I believe he indeed thought the GOP needed a shake down, and rightly so. I think initially he intended to do just that and end it, but it snowballed.   I  don’t believe he actually wants the job,  I bet he didn’t think it would get this far.   Now he’s stuck.  BUT…. he’s already back- peddling, subtly. He is many things, but he  isn’t stupid.  He’s planting the seeds.  Yesterday at a campaign event in Ohio……. 
  “I fear the Election in November is Rigged”.  – Donald Tr*mp
   Already.  *sigh
   Think about this –  Can you imagine a man who takes orders from no one, (admitted and confirmed by his spouses, offspring and employees),…… conforming to the restraints of living in the white house, for four long years, maybe eight….  under the watchful eye of many, having to conform to centuries old rituals, the pomp, circumstance,.. and most importantly scrutiny?   The role of POTUS is so much more complex than the dictatorship he is accustomed to.     And  oh, that thin, thin skin is going to chaffe constantly.  At the age of 70 when he could be kicking back and enjoying that massive empire he has built, do you really believe he wants this job?  
 I think not.  I think yesterday’s statement at an event in Ohio was telling…. he’s already coming up with excuses for a possible loss.   Maybe hoping for it, and  he’s using inflammatory remarks, mocking the very Democracy that makes us the great nation that we are,  to achieve his goal.  Like us or not,  we are still Governed by the People, controlled by the majority. Don’t like what you see right now?  We have only ourselves to blame. 
 A line from a childhood classic comes to mind as I see a dictator before us whose position and  message should embody unity, yet only serves up inflammation… 
Don’t Drink the Milk, It’s Spoiled.