There was a time some years ago when I blogged daily – it all started when we bought this ancient farm house and began the renovation. I thought some people might like to follow along and this was an easy way to share the journey. So, this blog was born and back-in-the-day, grew to about 400 visitors to the blog daily. I enjoy writing and it has been part of my career, so blogging was a good creative exercise for me. I also met some friends I still cherish to this day, fellow bloggers, some of whom still blog at least occasionally. I’m not sure what I want to do with it now, but this morning I decided to visit this space and so here I am – and I hope all is well with you!

Our two grandchildren are now 8 and ten months old – they are such a joy in our lives and we feel so blessed that they live here on the farm with their parents. The moms work part time, so I am their part time daycare and I get to spend some real quality time with them. Another blessing.

Christmas was wonderful with these little babes and I am so proud of our kids as they grow into their roles as parents. They’re doing such a great job at it and that warms my heart 💗

I retired from my role as Editor of our local news publication and have spent more time focused on the farm/barn needs and the grands. We sold the seaside cottage because it become more work than enjoyment and this farm takes effort too. Looking back, I don’t regret the decision, it feels like it was the right thing to do. I’d like to travel at least occasionally before I die, so that helps the plan. When you own a second place, it tethers you to feeling like you should spend all your free time there in that one place.
I’ve gone on more hikes with my rescued dog and good buddy Kai, a better walking partner I have not ever had. He’s not a puller, a gentleman for sure on leash. That’s huge for me. I wouldn’t ever be accused of being a gym rat – I don’t enjoy treadmilling it or spending an hour in a gym with 50 other people … but walking and hiking and seeing the beauty of the land and different scenery is something I can get behind and really enjoy. So if you’re like minded, I highly recommend it. No matter where you live, you’ll find interesting places to explore. And when you enjoy the exercise you’re doing, you’re more likely to DO IT. I love the phone app Alltrails – an excellent tool for navigating trail systems just about anywhere.

I’ve been cooking a lot.. here are two tried and true recipes that are easy to put together and are definitely family approved.
Italian Beef Soup

I bought a decent chuck roast to use in it. I also used Romano Cheese as throw on, not Parm. Plenty of leftovers – perfect for a winter supper.
4 lbs. Boneless Beef Chuck Pot Roast
2 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
14 oz. Carrots, peeled and diced
5 oz. Celery, whole stalks
1 Onion (6oz.), peeled and cut in half
2 tsp. Salt, plus extra to season the meat
1 tsp. Black Pepper, plus extra to season the meat
4 cups Low Sodium Beef Broth
1 lb. small Pasta, I use ditalini
Grated Cheese to Garnish, I use Pecorino Romano
Season both sides of the meat with salt and pepper. Heat up the olive in a large soup pot. Put the meat in the pot and sear for about 4 to 5 minutes on both sides and remove from the pot. Add in the onion, celery, carrots and season with salt and pepper. Cook on a low flame for about 5 to 8 minutes.
Add in the broth, water and tomato sauce. Be sure to scrape the bits off the bottom of the pan with your wooden spoon. Add the meat back to the pot. Put the lid on the pot, only leaving a small part open to let some of the steam out.
At three hours mark take the beef out. Using two forks, shred the beef.
Add the beef back to the pot and simmer for a half hour. In the meantime, boil your pasta.
Serve the soup with the pasta and garnish with grated Pecorino.
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Thumbprint cookies – Google Allrecipes thumbprint cookies for the recipe. These are so good. I used blueberry preserves this time but any jam will do!
Some of the best advice I’ve ever gotten were four simple words…
Let go or be dragged.
It’s time to head out into the winter chill to feed horses, goats and chickens and muck stalls. Been doing it for 40 or so years and while my body complains a bit, the work also fortifies me, body and soul. Hard to explain and my husband often says “I don’t know how you do it, over and over and over again” especially when the weather is yuck. My connection with the animals is why I do it…. and if you know, you know.
Wishing you, me and everyone we hold dear a healthy, happy 2024 and beyond – If I’ve still got any readers here and you’re still blogging, leave your blog address in the comments so I can visit you later on today.
Till soon –