Just Kidding! No.. REALLY!

Last week our grain order was delivered.. and the wife of the fellow who would be bringing it texted me minutes before… Will is on his way – and he’s got a little surprise for you in the truck. 

Surprise? What the ** could that be?

Well,  lo and behold… … it was a kid.

That kind of kid.  With a wee little cast on her wee little leg.  She’d been squeezed a bit too tight by a kid of the human variety and sustained an injury that requires a cast.   “Star” is being bottle fed while she heals… and then… have you figured it out already?   I opened my big mouth and said – we’ll give her a home when she’s ready. 

Then I said to myself, I said… Self?  You ought go run that by the husband because he’ll tan yer’hide when he finds out you’re taking on more critters and you didn’t even consult.    He is the payer of the big bills and the builder of the outbuildings, after all, and currently there is no goat house at this old house.

So  I asked Will to excuse me for just a few minutes, and the wee bairn and I walked down to the house where the Mr. was sitting at his desk pondering bills.   Oh, crap. Not the best moment to pounce this on him.  However, upon first glance of the wee bairn in my arms with it’s cast and faux fleece jacket, he scratched her little chin and petted the star on her head and I said with the tiniest pleading voice….. can we keep her?

Right then I swear I expected the skies to open and the universe to fall to earth with the fury of fire and brimstone because that’s how it usually goes when I seek to add to the critters living among us and God help me I’ve done it a million times.

Instead… …you could have heard a pin drop,  or my jaw hitting the floor, which is close to what actually happened.. when the Mr. said… “I wondered why you haven’t had goats here, I don’t mind”.

WHAT?   What the everloving what?….    What did he do recently that he’s trying to make up for, that’s the burning question here.

But I think I don’t even care, because Star and a buddy not yet chosen or named will come to live on the farm as soon as they are old enough and her wee little leg has healed.  We’ve got some work to do, will need a goat house of some sort and a sturdy, protecting fence.  Stay tuned!

Have you noticed that little bit of scottish brogue  I’ve inflicted in the words above?  Have any of you been a fan of OUTLANDER?    Oh, my Good Lord, how did I miss this all the way till Season 5 is out?   I am madly in love with Jamie the Red, the love story that is Jamie and Claire, the mystery, the magical, the incredible countryside that is the Scottish Highlands, life in the 1700’s …I’m totally smitten, can you tell?  The thing that has finally gotten me stay on the eliptical for 45 minutes is having Outlander on the screen in front of me.     Friends have told me they have trouble with the accents so they use the closed caption to understand it all, LOL… that’s my method of watching anyway, but the accent is inflicted in the closed caption wording  and I’m loving that, too.    If you just crawled out from under a rock like apparently ME,  watch a few episodes and see if you get hooked too.  I understand the books are very good, of which this series originates, but.. the eye candy is the all important icing on the cake for this girl.  Plaid has never looked so good.