Middle aged musings from farm & hearth
I miss my blog friends! Go grab a coffee or a tea or water, which is better for you anyway – we’ve got ground to cover! I finally have a little time to sit down and read some of your blogs, that’s next, and I sure hope I find you are all well and staying sane. I stay away from the news more often than not in recent months, just hate to see all the division that continues, all the fake news that flourishes, makes one long for simpler times. And so I’m trying to make my times… well, simpler.
The kids living nearby on the outskirts of this farm in their own homes is truly a blessing. We all stay out of each other’s way enough so that we’re not tripping over one another or wishing to move elsewhere, and yet we chip in together to keep this place running and enjoyable for all. The farm animals are always a source of joy, and also a source of work!
We all benefit from the chicken coop and the gardens – this year the raspberries and blueberries were more than abundant, we’ve got a freezer full. Potatoes and onions are also stored in crates downstairs – (the purple potatoes are DIVINE!) and we discovered this year all the produce loves to live and grow on the hill behind the house, better than the two garden plots we have down AT the house. So.. that’s where we will garden from now on, up on the sunny hillside.
Kai, our newest rescue dog, is doing super! He went from two years of feral living to completely well behaved house dog in a matter of months, smart as a whip, and just a joy to be around. We take many walks together, kai and I… and sometimes my kids with their dogs too. Speaking of which – my son’s rottie, Leo, has grown into a bull, a big mush, a little bit of a bully, a LOT of dog to be sure, but a love just the same. At just a year old, he’s still growing, too.
Stella by the Sea – Welp, as much as we said we were going to spend a lot more time down there, like maybe even LIVE there a few weekends at least this summer, it just didn’t happen. The farm and work demands keep us busy throughout the year, but my mom does get to live down there for short spirts of time and we all congregate for dinners, swims, kayaking, the occasional lounging around. Soon it will be time to pack it all in and close up Stella till next year. I dread the emptying of the refrigerator – just sayin.
The Mr. and I did manage to get away in the first week of August, to one of our most favorite places, Martha’s Vineyard. We rented a cottage on South Water Street in Edgartown, an older home with loads of Vineyard Charm. It was just the two of us, which is unusual, but the slowed pace and not having any particular agenda was nice. We both came back feeling rested, a much needed reprieve.
With this season comes a renewed interest in fall recipes… this one I haven’t tried yet but I think I’ll give it a go for the Thanksgiving table instead of the traditional Pumpkin Pie, which some of us don’t even like. (I do!)
Pumpkin Tiramisu from Taste of Home
Wishing you all good things this fall, Lord knows we all deserve it! – Till soon, my dear blog friends –
It’s been months, has it? I remember a time when blogging was a daily occurrence here on these “pages”. Lately I just haven’t felt the therapeutic urge to keep up with it. I don’t keep track of traffic on this blog, so I’m not even sure it’s read very much, but I do miss those of you who have been reading my blathering and the friendships we’ve formed online, and I’m glad some of you are on instagram and FB where we still get to share with each other.
Some updates in case anyone would like them – Politically, I have taken a step back and OH, how good that feels. Kinda horrified by what all went down in the past four years, and the obvious cracks (craters, canyons) in the system overall, the divide that I’m sure still exists and I had no idea was so HUGE to begin with. I haven’t seen as much of it lately though, perhaps the very real and very vital notion that we really do all need to come together if we are to survive as a nation and not tank like the Roman Empire. Never would I have believed what went down was even possible. So, I’m not overly confident about our ability to right the ship and move forward but I’m gonna try. And by trying I mean Hope, really hard .
The farm and cottage are beautiful this year – everything that grows has flourished in abundance due to I’m guessing the best weather conditions, and our efforts as well. We are currently haying the fields, first cut, a little late but better late than never, right? There are more pine cones on the pine trees, the pollen allergy season was insane, there are more blooms everywhere, it seems.
The farm animals are all doing well – the horses, the goats, the chickens, new batch and old, the dogs. Every now and then I curse all the work it takes to keep them all fat and happy and their living quarters clean. The husband curses the expense, to be blunt. But.. the rewards are great if this is your thing… and it’s always always been my thing – the animals, the land, nature. I made sure when I was a young person that I got myself to a place where it could eventually be a reality – and here we are.
We have adopted another dog, I’ve named him Kai. ( sounds like Rye) The meaning is the Ocean or Recovery depending on whether you’re in Hawaii or Japan. It’s fitting for this semi feral 2 year old dog who lived as a yard dog with his mother and sister down South. Rescued after they were dumped by owner at a kill shelter. He’s a love, but he doesn’t trust – was given no rules or structure or socialization. So, we will be patient and give him the time and attention he needs. He loves the water! As I do… we will be a good walking/hiking team and water enthusiasts together.
I’ve continued painting, and it’s been so good for my soul. This is my latest finished piece, and it will live at my sister’s house. The Edgartown Light on Martha’s Vineyard, a place my guy and I love and walk to on our early morning strolls when we visit the Vineyard. I’ve blogged about it – a place I could call home easily, has always felt like home when I’m there.
Have you cartooned yourself with the Voila AI Artist app? Really fun! I’m getting a kick out of all the ones I’ve seen friends post on FB and Instagram. Forget botox…. Cartoon yourself!
See what I mean? Adorable!
Some inspiration for you before I close this post. If you’re reading this, thank you for stopping by! Leave a comment, let me know how things are going in your neck of the woods –
Barn swallow nest over the kitchen window sill. Such an artist! Beautiful nest.
Till soon, friends –
…. and for most of us that’s exactly what it will be, a “little” Christmas compared to what we’re used to. Strange times indeed. This past month I have taken a step back from newsfeeds and my appalled reactions to so much of it. I am grateful for this family’s health including our mothers and for the promise of better days ahead. I hope you are weathering the multitude of storms and are feeling some optimism for the future.
I put Christmas up here in this house before Thanksgiving was done – we needed the cheer so I pulled out all the stops – even the SnowVillage that’s been in big bins in the basement for years came back out. It’s true we won’t have the bigger family gathering we usually do, but that’s OK – it helps to know we are placing some insurance on having everyone round the table again next year by being cautious this year. This will be the first Christmas without Dad. (Fuck Covid) Last year he brought with him a mini drone that he loved – we pushed it around between us and had a good laugh…. I can tell you for certain it will not matter, whatever the issues in a push and tug relationship, once they’re gone, you’ll be reminded of the good, the bad, and you’ll miss them. Also, no matter what you thought you were doing right while they were around, you’ll find regrets.
From the looks of these gingerbread men you’d think we’d been drinkin –
Sally’s favorite seat in the mancave…
We’ve had some beautiful snow, although it makes barn chores a little more difficult. My goatgirls Bella and Star are not impressed with the white stuff, but have adjusted .. eventually.
SO much joy I get from these two… they talk to us all the time, huddle around our legs, I’m grateful I can hear some of their little goat girl mumbles… mehhh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh.
More snow pics here on the farm….
My daughter’s home next door can be seen in the photo below…
My son’s home is deep in the mist of the picture below. Happy News to share with you on that front in the next post…
Some laughs to share with you next…. and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, a joyful, peaceful holiday season in whatever the ways you celebrate, and good health and much happiness in the New Year – XO
Sharing this beautiful song , one of my all time favorites… click on the link and click skip the ads… enjoy ❤
Till soon, friends…
Just when we thought 2020 couldn’t get any more bizarre……
I need to make this clear before I go any further… I don’t wish harm or illness on anyone, ever. That being said… it’s no surprise that the POTUS contracted Covid, is it? As well as almost half his staff and a family member or two. Not to mention the myriads we don’t know about who attended his maskless rallies in recent months and the myriads of dead (over 200,000 now and counting) because he chose to treat the whole thing as a “Democratic Hoax” in the initial, crucial first months. He has no one to blame but his own arrogance, ignorance, greed. It’s mind boggling. A day ago I thought to myself….. perhaps… this experience will humble him some and he will come out of it with more empathy and smarts for the rest of us moving forward. No… yesterday’s photo-op in a sealed car where he is again putting his secret servicemen at risk proved otherwise. When he was initially diagnosed he also attended an event knowing he tested positive.. without notifying anyone until he was back at the WH. He is so unfit for the position he holds.. on so many levels. There are no excuses worthy of keeping him there. I implore anyone reading this.. PLEASE.. vote him out in November. Please.
The debate? What a sh*t show. What a shame. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.
My son’s house just over the hill is almost complete – move-in day is just two weeks away and I am so excited for them. As with my daughter’s home next door, the upstairs will remain unfinished for now, an effort to keep the mortgage down, expenses manageable. When either start a family of their own, the second floors will be finished. When we bought This Old House and renovated her beginning in 2009, this was exactly what we had envisioned for the property – Being in the home building business, my husband has a good eye for property potential and I have been in love with this old house (“Saving Grace ” or Gracie as I call her) since my teen years. We are so very lucky to have been able to acquire her and bring her back to life, and turn this farm into a family compound. That both of my children are as enthusiastic about this farm as we are is more than just icing on the cake.
M & M… at the granite/marble warehouse picking out counter granite…
Installed last week, and it is beautiful… She is also an “M”… when she saw the kitchen almost finished she said… I am not worthy of this kitchen!… but she absolutely is, in spades. Not only has she worked hard to pursue a career in the optics field, she is already a good cook as well. I couldn’t be happier for my son, who has chosen a great partner to share life with. More announcements on that front in the near future.
Meanwhile… I continue to find respite on this farm, my Saving Grace. The GoatGirlz, Star and Bella are thriving here. We are all enamored with these two silly girls and their calls to us whenever they spot us nearby.
Leah has become very comfortable with being a “home” horse instead of a show horse… and we’re thinking we aren’t going to return to the show world in the near future. The Sh*t Show is still out there.
On the health front, I have lost a solid 10 pounds in the last month, the next ten will be harder. My relationship with food is complicated. I love it, I love to make it for myself and especially for others, it is my anxiety and boredom reliever and has been for my entire life. Bad habits are hard to break! But.. with less sugar and carbs in my diet, I am feeling better overall – the fibromyalgia pain is less. Onward…
We have not gotten as much use out of our little seaside cottage this year, too much going on around the farm and work, and of course not having the bigger gatherings there due to Covid concerns. Stella continues to be a refuge regardless and next year we’ll spend more time there for sure.
I’ve been trying to instill this next thought in my husband’s mind for 32 years now. All work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy. It actually makes him a very grumpy, overworked overtired boy. Last weekend I did manage to get him to take a day trip to one of his favorite destinations, Vermont… and he actually smiled for a while and took a few deep breaths. We came home with apples, cider and a pie from the Scotts Farms Orchard in Dummerston and cheese from the Grafton Cheese Factory – it was a very good day. The colors are not quite peak here in New England, and after the recent tropical storm, here near the shoreline there are a lot of BROWN trees from the sea salt-stained winds.
Wishing you all good health and the happiness to be found in the places we call home, the family we love and the time we make for ourselves – it’s so important.
Till soon –
Do I even touch on the shit storm out there in the greater world? I think not. So much to cover, so little desire to plunge into that muck today. I’ve started painting again and while I’m no professional artist, not by a long shot, I like the title one of my mother’s friends gave my art – Outsider art…
(fresh off the easel – “Cousins” … my daughter age 8, son 3 and nephew 2… many moons ago on MV)
Outsider Art basically means one who creates stuff without any formal training. That would be me.
Between creating and spending time with my animals here on the farm and down by the sea, I am finding some calm in the storm and I hope you have discovered little pieces of yourself again by indulging in those small but important things you enjoy but don’t normally give yourself enough time to do.
So… while the most intelligent life forms on earth continue to pollute it with their selfishness and greed and willful ignorance, the animals and nature and the creativity they inspire remind me there is still much beauty in this world and it’s forever worth fighting for
I’ll leave you with a few scenes from the spaces and creatures I am so fortunate to tend and love…. and some simple words of wisdom… Have a safe holiday weekend, all… I’m off to fold some clothes and mow some lawn. Focusing on the simple things I have control over has truly been a saving grace in these troubling times.
And you’ll know you’re on your path
when you really don’t care what anyone thinks of it –
Thank you for all the kind words of comfort for the loss of my father, I have some truly wonderful readers/friends here in this little space of mine. ❤
We could talk here today about all the turmoil we are witness to out in the greater world… but I think instead I’ll share with you my walk about this morning on our farm, my sanctuary. I find the routine of caring for the animals and the plants and the home is soothing and restorative. Even cleaning the house and disinfecting the bathroom feels refreshing, who woulda thought? My home has always been my sanctuary, and now even more so.
When we decided to add goats to the mix I wondered if I had lost a few marbles, looking for more chores. But in truth, we have found much joy with our two little goat girls, Bella and Star. They are so very friendly. When my husband comes home from work he gets out of his truck and the goats immediately call to him. It sounds as if they are saying… Daaaaaa daaaaaaaaa. He get’s a kick out of it, and I get a kick out of him, the big guy…..enjoying them.
Having our show horse, Leah, home has been a blessing too – away from the stress of horse shows, she is contented with getting to graze more and with a larger turnout, less work. The horse show world has opened up again, they’ve been hurting just like any other industry, but we’re not ready to wade back in to crowds, we’re going to take our time with that.
It was 48 degrees here this morning.. in June. Hence her blanket. Brrr…
Our mini’s Coady and Lacey like having the goat girls nextdoor, they often hang out together at the fence line.
These chores ground me while the world beyond is so restless and *fraught*. I am so thankful for every day spent living here enjoying and working the land and the gardens and our home, tending the critters we take into our family.
Current situation here in my office – as you can see, my coworkers are slackers. PS – I’ve gotten many compliments on this rug – you can find it at Rugs Direct if interested. It’s more bold than my usually choices but I absolutely love it here in my office, as well as that faux hair footrest courtesy Homegoods.
Meanwhile, down at Stella by the Sea, the little seaside gardens are also growing, and I splurged on a new Kayak, as my Ruby is showing a lot of wear after 15 years of dependable service. My new perception tribute is a leftover they don’t make anymore, and I saw it sitting on the rack at a local marine shop for over a year. Last week my masked-face self went into the store and boldly (for me) asked if they’d consider selling it to me at a discount since it had been sitting there for quite a while. They said yes! .. and I got it for hundreds less. I’ll share that with you later in the week. If you’ve never tried kayaking before but feel comfortable on the water, it’s a great way to get a full body workout and you don’t even feel like your doing any sort of tedious exercise. Lakes, large ponds, rivers, coves, oceans if you’re brave and comfortable and experienced…with so many options and price ranges, there’s a boat for you if you’re so inclined. I highly recommend it, and it doesn’t cost more than the initial boat purchase.
Who in their right mind would have ever guessed we’d be in the middle of a pandemic come Spring? How are you all coping, I hope this post finds you well and sane, if nothing else. We are all (crossed fingers) healthy here and practicing as much safe social distancing as is possible. My hands are sand paper from all the washing. I have now begun wearing a face mask in the grocery store, as are most other people. I also see others wearing them when walking outdoors – I think that’s a bit of an overkill in areas like ours, perhaps not in the big cities and in stores, etc. When will it all end? Well, when will we feel comfortable sauntering around a store or sitting in a crowded restaurant when someone coughs? *sigh. When there’s a vaccine, I suppose? …. we can only wait and see.
We opened the cottage for the season last week – water turned back on, lawn is mowed, garden beds raked out, the beds newly made with fresh-washed linen, floors and furniture wiped down, outdoor furniture back in it’s place. There is fresh dirt in all the pots and I’ll plant annuals once the threat of frost is gone – Mother’s Day is a good rule of thumb but this year I’m a little impatient.
I bought two new candy and dog bone glass jars for the counter – they look like Fire King jadeite type glass but I’m not sure they actually are. The Pioneer Woman’s line in walmart.
We moved our Miss Leah home because I do believe the show season is official deceased. I could be wrong about that but I don’t feel comfortable putting myself and my daughter out there while they find out. She has adjusted very well to home life and we continue to give her exercise as she would normally get at the show barn. My daughter and I have actually ridden together again for the first time in a long time! In the photo below I’m riding her old boy, Max. He has glaucoma in one eye now but we are managing it with meds.
The farm has been such a blessing as we wade through this time of quarantine, social distancing, etc. The fruit trees in the orchard are blooming, the berry bushes we planted last year are greening up, and most of the christmas trees we planted for the third time the wrong way are actually alive. They might just live to see Christmas in a tree stand some day.
My kitchen junk drawer got cleaned out and organized – holy crap, I found christmas ornament hooks I didn’t know I had, baby aspirin that expired five years ago, four pairs of dog nail clippers, at least five collars, 5,000 hair elastics, and I could build a bathroom with the tools in there, I’m almost not exaggerating. Below is the “after”.
I’ve been exercising more, which is a good thing, and I finished the painting of Opie, which I started last year after he passed on. It was just too sad to sit there reminded of him, so I left it unfinished for a long time. I’m no professional, my work is primitive for sure.. but I’m happy with the result and finishing it was therapeutic. And maybe that was because I was watching episodes of Outlander ( watching Jamie Fraser if I’m being totally honest) as I went along. The painting is of Opie standing under our ancient pear tree on a misty fall morning.
A few funnies for you below and an old recipe a friend shared – wishing us all good health and peace of mind as we carry on through and past these weird days –
Till soon, friends…
While we were on the beautiful island of St. John wondering if we should really get on a plane to come home landing at JFK of all places ( 😲 ) or just try to figure out how to hide away there until all the ‘rona crazy had dissipated… the husband was fortifying the goat house and yard for me. He gets a double gold star for that, I must say it right here, right now. He brought home an old shed from a property we are renovating and repainted it, gave it a new roof, put a window in the back, rubber matted the interior and hung a water bucket and hay rack. It came out great!… and is ready for Star and Bella, the two baby does that will be coming to live on our farm as soon as Bella is old enough to leave her mama. Star is the baby with the broken leg who had been rejected by her mother. She has healed very well! They are both a cross of nubian and alpine goat.
This is star… currently living in our feed store owner’s garage where she’s been nursed back to health and has some heat and a few buddies…
And this is Bella – who is a few weeks younger and will be ready to come with Star in about two weeks.. The silver nubs you see on her head are where she was de-horned. Neither doe will grow horns because at a very early age the vet sedated them and did the procedure – it’s safer for us and for them and for the other animals they might mingle with here on the farm. The process is sort of like a burning.
Unrelated – how do you like those old sun-bleached highlights half grown out??… I swear they are not that pronounced in “real life”… or maybe they are? It is what it is.
We brought our show girl home for the duration – no sense leaving her at a show barn paying big board when we can’t even visit or ride her. She approves of the bigger stall and much bigger turnout, for sure. Shows have been cancelled for the next few months and we still don’t know how all this crap will affect our business and if I’ll even have my editing job. So, time to reel in the expenses.
A little humor shared below, because CHRIST, it beats obsessing over the news. I go back and forth between panicking and telling myself to just get a grip. Wishing you all good health, may we all come out of it healthy on the otherside, living to tell.
I could go for a good strong Bloody Mary right about now.. how about you?
Take care, all – and wash your damn hands!
We get up pretty early around here, before the sun for sure. It’s just what we’ve always done, have not ever used an alarm clock because neither of us needs it. Now I’m not bragging here, let me be clear. I wish we got more sleep. We just… don’t. When I rise in the morning, first stop is the bathroom, then the dogs need to go out. They’re let back in and fed, coffee made, e-mail checked, news skimmed, then breakfast for the Mr. and I.
Then my daily commute commences – and often that means leaving the house in my pajamas. Today it was Santa pants and Snow boots, even though this is the mildest winter we’ve had in a long time with no snow to be seen for miles and miles.
My first stop is the chicken coop across the yard… where the girls are let out into their newly raked run, the water is changed, their feed tub filled. Treats like sunflower seeds, parsley and yogurt are dispersed and if it’s their lucky day, if the sun is out and the predators (hawks, coyotes, fox) not evident at the moment, they’re let out for a little while to free range while I’m up at the barn. Today was that kind of day.
While they’re scratching around in the mulch at the side of the garage just to piss the Mr. off, I head up to the barn to begin chores there – I’m greeted every morning by the nicker of all four horses. With all of them in the geriatric stretch of life, I’m grateful for all four of those nickers.
First they are given their grain – the big boys eat in their stalls, the littles are walked out to their day paddock and are given their grain and hay out there, unless it’s a bad weather day. In that case they’re fed in their stall. Every day the weather determines how the routine will play out.
Meds are administered to my two boys – Coady (red mini) has Cushings Disease and gets a pill for that, and Max gets eye drops to help ease the glaucoma that has developed in his left eye.
Once the big boys, Max 1 and Max 2 are finished eating their grain, they’re let out for the day into the fields. The littles would become obese if they had access to all that grass, so they have to settle for less.
Stalls are mucked next, and my trusty old gator is my best friend for that chore. After mucking stalls, refreshing bedding, cleaning water buckets and filling with fresh water, blowing out the tack room and rubber brick aisle with a leaf blower – I drive the gator to the back of the farm and dump it in the manure pile that slowly turns to fertilizer.
Once the animals are set for the day, in warmer weather months I head to the gardens to see what’s ready to pick, what needs tending, watering, etc. This year we’ve planted more blueberry and raspberry bushes in the apple/pear/peach orchard and we plan to apply some tips we learned from another farmer in Vermont – netting and “Protecting the Bloom”. More on that another day.
This photo is taken from one of the hayfields.. facing the houses and the road beyond them. The horse barn and chicken coop and orchard are on the left, our home almost at middle, and my daughter’s new home on the right. Tending this little farm has become a family affair, I don’t ever lose sight of that blessing.
Once outside chores are done, I head in to shower and do some house cleaning , perhaps some editing work in my little office. Speaking of that office… most of This Old House is decorated sort of in keeping with the feeling of country, old, comfy, rustic. This room has a totally different vibe. I chose blue as the accent for two reasons. My grandmother loved blue and all her decorating centered around it. I miss her still, all these years after she’s passed, and the hues remind me of her. Also, the kids and husband bought me that blue moon you see on the wall some years back while on vacation on Martha’s Vineyard. I saw it in the window of one of my favorite little shops. The colors and oldness attracted me to it, and the fact that we rarely go on vacation made it fitting, it must have been a Blue Moon that gots us all away together for a bit. The kids and husband bought it for me on the last day of our stay, it’s a reminder of love and family and the importance of taking time away from it all to just enjoy life. So I plotted the room vibe around Nana’s blues, the Blue Moon and the bohemian in me ( Love Those Shabby Chic Curtains!) My arts and crafts supplies are in the cabinet and dog beds are plentiful.
office?.. you say….
oh yes, the computer clutter is in the other corner. If you spot the little stuffed animals and are eye rolling just a little, you haven’t seen the four dragons hidden behind the printer. If I’m lucky enough to have grandchildren some day, they will have plenty of Grandmother’s toys to play with.
I’ve had jobs where I had to report to an office, where the work was more “cerebral”, where I got to wear grown-up clothes like heels and skirts and a smart suit, etc… where the pace of the day was at times chaotic, demanding, relentless, invigorating, exhausting, boring, and a few more words I’m not coming up with right now. I enjoyed most of my colleagues, and sometimes I miss the daily camaraderie, but most often I truly enjoy this slower pace of life.
My schedule is my own to create, the pay not in dollars (except for the editing.. thankful I’m paid for that) but in the very real satisfaction I get from tending to the critters in my care, (even the shit shoveling) the home my family lives, laughs and loves in, these fields we work that produce food for the table, hay for the horses – maybe even christmas trees for our holidays someday down the road if our new crop ever takes hold. I help with the family business when they need me… and thankfully, it’s enough.
I’m grateful for every day I get to do this, and to know I can do it all in Santa Pants is icing on the cake.