Spring Chicken and the beginning of the End

One of these is a Spring Chicken, and one is definitely not.


This is Snow – one of her buddies, Cersei, had to be humanely euthanized due to a severe scissor beak. Which brings me to thoughts on the fate of her namesake.


If you’re not a GOT fan – the following will make little sense.

After the second installment, episode 2 of the final season of Game of Thrones – any GOT fans care to share their predictions? Here’s what I think…

– Dany (Khaleesi, Daeynerys)  is showing a real lust for the iron throne, and apparently will do unsavory things to get what she wants (think dragon-torching poor Sam Tarly’s dad and brother over a land dispute) Yep – she’s not as caring or kind as we once thought, now, is she. I think she dies in the end.  Although if she were actually pregnant with Jon’s baby that might be a whole new something, so perhaps they’ll keep her alive.   Cersei – well she’s been used and abused, but she’s ruthless and cruel, too…perhaps my chick Cersei’s death is an omen for hers? Jon Snow is one of the few who have always put others before himself and he has real heart and true bravery – who better to become the true King, (which he apparently is anyway). Tyrion – He’s the best character in the show if you ask me, and the jabs at his stature have been cruel throughout the series. I hope he lives, Perhaps it’s he who finally slays  the Night King, as he is  truly the most intelligent of them all. Bran seems awfully calm having just met face to face with Jaime, the man responsible for his life in a wheelchair, – has he forseen the future and the inevitable fate, as in death.. of Jaime?   Jaimie teeters between despicable and redeeming, tough call.  Perhaps Theon Greyjoy will redeem himself by piercing the Night King’s heart with Dragon glass as he loses his own life in a final act of bravery after so much miserable  conspiring, deception and sniveling.  I believe  the dragon glass to the heart of the Night King will topple all the white walkers in the end, as he is their maker. The scrappy Arya and  horribly abused but wisened, steady, now-strong Sansa – it could go either way for them.   And  the most burning question for me, anyway…… what will become of the Dragons?  One already dead and flying with the white walkers, two still bound to Dany. 

Whom I’d love to see survive? Oh please let the dragons live – and Jon Snow, Arya, Sansa, Tyrion, Sam Tarly and wife, Jorah be amongst the living. Alas, they’ve already told us many good people will die.   I’m gonna need Xanax to watch the conclusion.