I don’t know enough of the hardcore facts to sound really intelligent here and articulate exactly what I want to say regarding the United States of America and it’s current economic perdicament. I think I can safely say we are in hot water and need to make the number one priority to start taking care of business at home. I feel for other countries in need of aid, I do. But we aren’t taking care of our own, and that’s just long-run suicidal if you ask me.
I got an e-mail a few days back that made me think more than twice about something related. I started walking around the house picking things up, seeing where they were made. Where the jobs were to make them.
An old fashioned super-pinky ball, you remember those? …
Trident Gum – Made in Mexico.
Ball plastic freezer containers – China.
All-American Companies that no longer make their products in the USA
Radio Flyer
Levi Jeans
Rawlings baseballs (ironic, all -american sport, balls made in Costa Rica)
We’re not the only ones doing this.
Now this is interesting.
IKEA pillow. Swedish Company, right?
The label reads DESIGN AND QUALITY – Ikea of Sweden.
Even my 46 year old Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls were manufactured in Hong Kong.
Knickerbocker was a Dutch company.
Are we not capable of making rubber balls, freezer containers, chewing gum, AUTOMOBILES?
You want to see tragedy? Most of you will know that Detriot, in it’s car-making glory days,had become a wealthy town because of the booming car industry.
Click here for a stunning photo tribute to the Detroit of today.
The labor is cheaper “over there” you say… well I say if you are an American Company, you make your stuff here, or you can’t sell it here. Atleast you should pay a steep price for taking those jobs out of the country.
If you are a Foreign Company, we thank you for the opportunity to purchase your goods but we have people here who are jobless, homeless, who are hungry, who don’t have medical insurance,who have lost their home or apartment . They need the jobs. HERE.
That super pinky I bought last week was 99 cents. I’ll gladly pay $1.99 if it means you’ll bring those jobs home, JA-RU of Florida. And if I can’t afford it, then it isn’t mine to buy in the first place.
I heard a quip recently…
“Live and Die in Debt – The American Way”.
That’s just not funny.
So what does a little person like me of no real importance do about this? I’m going to start reading labels, just as I do for healthy ingredients. If I threw out all the things in my house that were NOT Made in the USA, it would be at the very least half-empty.I’ll admit I’m not willing to go that far. But I can start putting items back on the shelf of a store if I see they aren’t made in the USA. That’s exactly what I intend to do.
Easier.. said.. than done.