The Tides

I remember as if it were yesterday….
waiting on the front stoop…
listening for the jingle of keys…
hoping for the chance to hop in the car with him to go get gas at the station,
or a gallon of milk and a carton of cigarettes at Buds Deli
on the corner of Maine and Manor,
or epoxy glue and more balsa wood
for his model planes at Reimans Hardware.
And….. I remember, as if it were yesterday..
 the long silences in the middle years…
the distance between us and the anger…. always the anger.
His and mine.
The years roll on
as they always do.
I’ve matured.
He’s aged.
OK  -I’ve aged too, just hush.
 As I mature, I see that sometimes..
it’s just as well to let sleeping dogs lie.
There aren’t always answers to the “whys”…
and we don’t always really need them.
Sometimes there just isn’t an answer.
But there can be a solution
if you  
It’s enough to just be in the present.
To enjoy the moments of what is..
not what was or could have been.
But I do wonder…
just in what particular moment….
When exactly was it…

 that I started worrying when he
arrived later than he was supposed to…
…When he didn’t answer the phone all day…
…When the road conditions were iffy..
…the footing slippery..
…the refrigerator too empty…
..the pills not remembered…
When did the Tides turn?

Dear Blogger –

 I love you dearly, I do…
But lately our relationship has been strained
and it has a lot to do with your fickle performance.
Can you please clear up the comments issue
 so I have a voice again on my friends blogs?
Thanks ever so much –
Is anyone else having comment issues on blogger? 
It’s been a week! Did you figure out how to resolve it, if so?

Click Class

This is what we’re doing for the next few Fridays at this old house…
Professional Photographer Tim Gannon has agreed to
give us a four session class on how to get more
out of our digital cameras.
(read that as how to actually USE THE SETTINGS on our digital cameras)
Joey and Lynn listening intently…

 F.Stop  – Shutter SpeedAperture ISO
TV mode – CA modeProgram Mode 
Manual FocusAuto FocusZoom LensMacro Lens
Pixels megabites gigabites
Light sensitivity underexposedoverexposed
Dorothy, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore….

The one where she’s really random….

 Can you believe these guys?  They’ll be ready to fly the coop soon!
This is my favorite chicken… Dorothy
She is the wisest, calmest, friendliest chicken of the girls
and she’ll be the biggest – a Black Jersey Giant

Ask me how much I love peonies…

And this color combo in the patio pots…..
 Glorious weather here today…
Can’t stop thinking of all those people who have lost their homes
and loved ones in that series of tornadoes…
The destruction is just devastating to see, let alone live..
and I’m not even gonna post a picture of that hideous
Casey A*thony trial.
If the story she is spewing isn’t true…
and I doubt it is, for she has lied a thousand times..
..then she is just pure evil.
I hate knowing people are capable of
inflicting this level of horror on each other.
ENOUGH said.

Dog Days Adoption Event August 27 & 28

  So, the Event is shaping up!.. Porta-potties have been donated (Thank you Mike Finkeldey!) and one Tent has been rented… still need another. We’re working on food…  Fundraiser is under way… see flyer below if you are local and want to donate a baked good or item for the bid/barter/bake sale to be held in Essex July 2-3rd.  I’ll be happy to pick up any baked goods or tag sale items, just e-mail me at

 And.. if any of you locals are interested in volunteering at the Event on August 27 & 28, we are in need of YOU!!  Experience with dogs is helpful but not necessary… there are many ways, big and small, that you can participate.  Please fill out the form on their website if you want to volunteer. The link is below…  For teens, it’s a community service hours opportunity!…

You can also donate any monitary value by clicking on the “donate” link on their site at the following link… all proceeds go directly to the expenses such as transport of dogs, feeding of volunteer and dogs, tent rental, etc..for that event.

Together we can make a difference and save the lives of  these dogs who are on death row…

If you’re thinking of adding a dog to your family, please consider coming to meet the 80 dogs that will be in attendance at Parmelee Farm at the August Event.  There will be puppies as well as adult and senior dogs.

Miracle Grow

 I am amazed at the amount of growth I’m witnessing
among the chicks-to-chickens and baby birds-to-Robins.
Chicks four weeks ago…
  And just four weeks later – feathers, chicken shaped body… quatrupled in size.
By the way, chickens are very hard to get a decent picture of.
They are constantly worried or curious about you and move perpetually.
Hence – crappy pictures.

 Baby robins just six days ago…

Now that’s pretty amazing.
It actually looks impossible! But this is truly six days growth.
From that tiny translucent skinned creature that emerges from the egg,
it takes just 14 days for a baby Robin to grow a full body
of feathers and be able to hop around and flutter it’s wings.