Chairs and Chicks and Checks and Balances

  I must confess I did not have a personal caning experience with the Western Union Operator stools we picked up recently.  Nope. I chickened out.  When we took a closer look, it was possible I could really screw up the wood when trying to get the old embedded caning out of the seat .  We found a furniture doctor in a nearby town that does caning and he did a great job.  I just need to use some sort of treatment oil to keep the caning supple – tung oil is recommended or a furniture polish with high oil content.

  Have you ever marveled at how birds develop so quickly from egg to flyaway?  The typical wild bird takes about 21 days from the time the egg is laid in the nest till they are feathered enough to fly away from the nest. That time period does vary  among species, but it’s an insane growth rate, don’t you think?

 That’s K discussing Domestic Policy with Emmeline.

 As for chickens –  they are considered mature between the ages of 16 and 20 weeks.   If you’ve experienced raising chicks, you know that their growth rate is amazing.  The changes are witnessed daily.  When they were day old chicks they had no wing feathers – if you look closely, just five days later, look at their wings –

  I’m happy to report that Nora, Florence, Emmeline, Elizabeth, Rosa and Coco are doing well.  I give them one mashed egg yolk daily with a little grit mixed in, plus they get medicated chick feed and plenty of clean water.  A Heat lamp is necessary at this stage but as they mature the heat source is slowly raised and then removed before they move out to the coop.

   I’m safely guessing that whether you are a supporter of the current administration or as offended as I am by them, you’re as disgusted with all the turmoil in the news regardless.  When Washington is in total chaos, we all look like fools and I really, really hate that.  We as a nation are collectively so much more than that circus.  It does not represent We The People and yet we all will be held accountable.

   Here’s a thought – All this Russia-gate crap, the denials, the accusations, all of it from both sides of the proverbial isle…..  I don’t know if it holds any water. But…. why  initially omit or lie about meetings, why deny Russian interference in our election process which was proven and even Agent Orange admits occurred now…  Why not just release your damned tax returns so that all those who are using that as a reason they don’t trust you  and believe you have Russian ties can be set to rights by your proven innocence?  Isn’t that what Obama did for the Orange Scream when he accused him of not being born in America?   When you are accused, you provide proof of innocence.  When you refuse… who wouldn’t draw the conclusion you’re hiding something?..only natural, and so easy to set the record straight.

   As for accusing the previous POTUS for illegally wiretapping your private residence before your election ON YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT, and without providing any evidence, well.. that kind of behavior is dangerous, reckless.  This man is everyone’s President – at the very least he owes the larger half that did not vote for him behavior and actions that will give us some sort of  ability to be able to trust him. So far, he’s done nothing, has not provided a thread we can swing from in an effort to weave a fabric we can all respect regardless of policy views.  Any man in the Presidential position owes that to all the people of this country.  Ain’t happen’n from what I can see.

   I have friends who voted for Agent Orange and for varying reasons.  I still respect them, regardless because I understand and commiserate with their gripes about our government.  The ones I don’t respect are those who will defend absolutely every single action of this new administration, no matter how intolerable it would be if it were anyone else.  First, lets kill all the hypocrisy.