35 thoughts on “Child Labor”

  1. Great photo! We walked corn and bean fields at 5AM back in the day. It was great summer money and earned me my very first camera!

    You have good kids, Karen.


  2. Now that's the way to bring up children. They should learn at a young age that working is the way to get what you want.
    I always had to clean my room or weed my flower bed by my bedroom window to get $ for the Movie. Some
    of the teens today think everything is owed to them.
    Great post. yvonne

  3. beautiful kids, karen !

    and you know what, kids these days don't know what work is anymore….i used to walk barefoot, uphill in the winter {blah blah blah}

    sorry about that. my dad is often in my head 🙂


  4. Forget the garden, I want the tree! I have a thing for trees and that one is a beauty, especially with the ornaments!

  5. Now, that is so great! Love the photo's too. Your garden really took off, and looks wonderful.

    Yep, I think those working kids deserve movie money for sure! We used to work like that, taught ours, and then the grandkids (especially Ben) have/had a great work ethic.

  6. Child labor laws! You should be arrested….I see that they have climbed the tree to get away from the labor! Did you have to coax them down with brownies? xo Diana

  7. There is just something about knowing where food comes from! You've got some nice looking workers there! I just love how some schools are starting gardens in the school yard, so kids can learn where food comes from, and some are even using it in the school kitchen!
    I've been perusing those old recipes and will be posting on a couple soon –Are you canning or freezing from the garden?

  8. Oh my stars… this brings back sooooo many memories. Ugh… poor kids. Tell them I will take them in!!!! 🙂

  9. oh, i believe in child labor too!!! i really do!!! i had to labor quite a bit to bring them into this world and i assure you that they will labor quite a bit for me before i let them go out into the world. xo

  10. Great pictures! Good for your kids! I spent a lot of summers of my youth weeding potato fields and onion fields. You certainly learn to appreciate less physical work after that! 🙂

    Your garden is amazing!


  11. Id like to invite everyone to read a blog post today of a woman who joined the old order Mennonite church from the outside. I'm extremely lucky in publishing her very first, and most likely last post on Amish Stories. A lot of work was involved in her getting permission to be even able to write anything on the internet, and permission was given by her bishop. So please stop by and read about a woman who gave-up her car and other worldly possessions for the person that she loved. Richard from Amish Stories.

  12. Dave and I married too late in life to spawn slave children…and I bemoan the fact almost every day! Yours are especially handsome and beautiful; well done!

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