Click Class

This is what we’re doing for the next few Fridays at this old house…
Professional Photographer Tim Gannon has agreed to
give us a four session class on how to get more
out of our digital cameras.
(read that as how to actually USE THE SETTINGS on our digital cameras)
Joey and Lynn listening intently…

 F.Stop  – Shutter SpeedAperture ISO
TV mode – CA modeProgram Mode 
Manual FocusAuto FocusZoom LensMacro Lens
Pixels megabites gigabites
Light sensitivity underexposedoverexposed
Dorothy, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore….

24 thoughts on “Click Class”

  1. Did you hear that loud "whoosh?" All of that just flew over my head!

    Sure wish I was there to learn! And if you get any better, you'll be dangerous.

  2. Oh- I wish I could have been there- I wish I had time to even practice! I wish I could click my red glittery heels together and fly to that class! I wish I dared post HALF my pictures! Love it that you gals got some hands on lessons! xxoo Diana

  3. I am totally enjoying these classes!!! Learning soooo much! OMG, nice close-up on me there Kar! Eeeeek looking a little wrinkly today…old age stinks… lol

  4. Fun! A great idea to organize this with a group of friends….
    I have taken similar classes a few times and each time get something new and useful out of it….What a gorgeous place to photograph too:) Lucky ladies!

  5. Karen, First of all, your place is to die for beautiful! Secondly the pic of the flowers and the pic of the lettuce? Oh honey!
    xo, Cheryl

  6. JEALOUS!!!!! How did you get him to do that? Did you just contact him and organize it? So cool!!! I can't get anyone to mentor me or anything here! Enjoy every moment and then come to Charleston and teach me!!!

  7. Karen, Joey, and Lynn at such good students, always wanting to learn more! These sessions have been fun for all of us.

    I've known Karen and Mike for many years and are close personal friends. I've had the fun of photographing their family as it has grown. These classes are a nice extension of our relationship.

    It was Karen that asked, that if a few of her friends got together, would I be willing to teach them more about their cameras and expand their photographic knowledge, in general. I said, sure….sounds like fun to me. So here we are.

    These sessions, for me, are a return to my roots. I taught photography in High School and Adult Ed. for 18 years, while running my photography business part time. Then 25 years ago, I left teaching to pursue my photography full time.
    Now that I cutting back a little on my business, I have time for what I enjoy most, and that is teaching what I've learned over these many years.

    Thanks Karen for suggesting we do this.

    Seems to me like a Win-Win, situation to me. They get to learn more about their cameras, and photography, and get back to teaching!

    I'm sure Karen, Joey, and Lynn, will be sharing some of their latest photography, here,soon.

    Keep shooting ladies!


  8. A private tutor, that's awesome! I took a class at a nearby college when I got my Cannon and came out more dumbfounded than when I went in. Your pics look gorgeous. Me thinks you get an A+

  9. I've only been using the manual settings since I followed a course. It still can be quite confusing and difficult, but so much more of a challenge. It makes photography much more fun. Practice and practice and practice… 😉

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