Coady & Lacey

   Besides my quarter horse, Opie, who long-time readers have met, I also have two miniature horses. When we decided to buy This Old House and renovate and the old farm went up for sale, it was clear I’d have to find them another living arrangement until I had a place here for them again.   Opie went to a boarding barn nearby..and the minis have been living on a sheep farm.

   Long story short, they are now back in my possession and I just didn’t realize how much I missed these two little horses.  They are living in their old quarters on the old farm (still not sold) until we can get something up for them here.  And while I’ve tossed and turned about the decision to build another barn, we’ve decided to bring Opie and a boarder home too.  After twenty five years of having my horses right outside the door,  (and all the work that entails) and then having a respite… I’m taking the plunge and bringing them home again. This time the barn will be smaller and easier for me to care for…. (oh, my aching back!)  and I’ll have a boarder who will share in the work.. that’s a huge relief.

Here we are … IN THE RAIN!…because it is …still… raining….
They are smaller than Ben. (my Dane)  

 You’re laughing at my red sloggers, aren’t ya.
Coady has an unfortunate haircut right now… don’t ask.
Lacey was named for the white markings across her back.
Years ago I took them to visit nursing homes… it was a rewarding experience
but took alot to coordinate and other life responsibilities got in the way…
Lacey and I about six years ago at a Carriage Day event
I never ever wear hats, they look ridiculous on me… I think this is the only time. Ever.
Coady with his mane the way it’s supposed to be.
And my weight where it’s supposed to be.
Enough said.

27 thoughts on “Coady & Lacey”

  1. Love your little guys and glad they are home where they belong.

    AND, that hat looks great on you so say no more about it.


  2. I can remember the work involved with one horse but the rewards are just too many to name! Your ponies are too sweet for words… Lacey's colorings are beautiful and that white mane, wow!
    Coady is so tiny… and you are too Missy!

  3. I think the photo of you in the hat is fantastic. truly! When I met my husband he was always busy in his family farm's shop building mini chuck wagons (they were gorgeous-all made out of oak) and they would race their mini's at rodeo's and stuff for fun that year. I thought they were crazy-but kids far and wide loved it! 🙂

  4. They are so cute, our friends have a mini, her name is Molly and she keeps Misty company!

    It must feel great to have them outside your door again, where you can visit with them at your leisure!

    Love the pic of you in the buggy! So adorable!

  5. I had no idea you had two little mini horses! So sweet! Look at you with your hat! What a great picture…how nice to be closer to them all!

  6. Oh, you look great! We all battle the bulge at times. Love your shoes, too!
    The horses are so adorable! Love the picture of you in the cart and the hat!

  7. Oh no!!! I'm second guessing myself! After 32 years of having my horse(s) at the house, we've decided not to build a barn at our new place.
    What a great picture with the buggy!
    And I sort of like his crewcut!


  8. Oh how wonderful that you are bringing everyone home!!! Love the minis–they are adorable. And the hat!!! Horses are work but just being in the barn with them soothes my soul!
    xo Cait

  9. oh such little beauties! i'm glad you have them 'home' – even if it is at the old place until you can get them to your new place.

    i just stopped by as i saw you comment on another blog about bringing horses home again. i have 2 arabians that are spoiled rotten pasture pets. i love having them around here so i can imagine how happy you will be to have your 'neigh'bors back again! 🙂

  10. Your minis are so cute! Great photos. I LOVE minis but unfortunately only have the one. I'm hoping to change that.

  11. Adorable..I Love the buggy and the outfit too…
    I have been toying with getting a mini or at least some sheep to keep our Lass company.

  12. Well, I sure didn't know about the mini's; what other secrets are you holding on to,lady?

    Hey, seriously they are so stinkin' cute!! And, you look beautiful no matter what! 🙂

  13. I love love love horses. I barrel raced when I was a teen and had a quarter horse for years. I had a pony when I was young and I just love them! Your babies are beautiful!!! Just how big is your Dane????

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