Cookies, Creatures and a Chill… or two.

     Made these cookies the other day… absolutely delicious.  We’re -trying- to go gluten free around here, although we haven’t actually succeeded 100 percent yet, but I have yet to make a baked item with GF flour that tastes edible.  These are NOT GF, but damn, they sure are good.  The fresh strawberries, white chocolate and cream cheese come together beautifully in this soft cake-like cookie.  My first batch was gone in 5 hours.

     TRUMP.  Holy cow, how did we get here?   Not ever would I have believed….  and so totally embarrassing, the way these “men” behave on that stage.   Not a sound choice in the lot…  And yet the government definitely needs a huge shaking down… and you know what?  I’m starting to think TRUMP  is not the worst thing that could happen. Maybe it’s the shake down the “establishment needs”.  For sure, they’ve brought it on themselves. They asked for it.  Just so hard to accept that this is the level we have all sunk to, and I think we all bear responsibility, I do.

  For a while I said.. I’m not voting!! These choices aren’t acceptable!!… but not voting isn’t the answer either.  I’m weighing out the lesser of two evils, myself.  I hope you do the same, whatever you believe that to be. Apathy is a bigger sin.

  Spring is starting to announce that she indeed intends to show up.  I am thrilled!  Barn chores are so much more enjoyable when your hands don’t sting from the cold despite double glove wearing and you don’t include ice chipping of water buckets/ bowls and snow shoveling in the daily lineup of duties.  We’re going to Agway today to pick up some seed planting “stuff”.  I’ve ordered my seeds already from Baker Heirloom seed company… purple dragon carrots and an oriental variety of purple sweet potato are in the plans.

 The girls enjoying some oatmeal with raspberries a few mornings ago.  They’ve made it clear they prefer blueberries though.  Truly, I wonder what the difference is between the two… they leave the raspberries till there’s nothing else to pick on.  Blueberries disappear in seconds.

   Out on our morning walk.. the crew discusses the results of Super Tuesday. I couldn’t help but notice their conversations were more coherent than the candidates and there was no mention of the size of their… digits.

  Have you seen -Black Mass –  the movie about  the real life story of Whitey Bulger,  portrayed by Johnny Depp?  Great movie, probably one of Johnny Depps best performances. He’s an incredible actor anyway, one of my favorites… but in this?   Well.. first let me tell you my husband put the movie on and I hadn’t known who was in it, hadn’t paid any attention to the ads for it before hand.  I had NO IDEA while watching the ENTIRE MOVIE that I was looking at Johnny.  The eyes were haunting to me, but I could not place it, did not see -him-.   Amazing performance.   I highly recommend the movie-  a real,  chilling,  gritty piece of our american story.

 Best “chiller” you’ll see all year, I promise.