Coop Progress and baby onions

 This photo here shows you the proximity of the chicken coop to the rest of the homestead.  You’ll see the garden shed way over to the right… and my coop behind the barn/garage on the left.  Mr. Chicken Heart can’t get past the fact that someone told him rats like chicken feed.  Why he never thought of this in the twenty years we’ve had horses and their barn in very close proximity to our other house  is beyond me.  Horse feed rats are more horrifying than chicken feed rats, apparently.

 Have a great weekend – let’s all think SPRING.

22 thoughts on “Coop Progress and baby onions”

  1. The coop looks like it's coming along nicely… can't wait till you have some tiny peep peeps going on in there and FRESH EGGS at some point too!

    Your onions are cute! Love home grown.


  2. It is a nice coop, but rather a long walk from the house. One of the most fun things about chickens is watching them. I keep the chicken feed in a galvanized trash container. I have baby chicks, one week old. Such fun!!

  3. I see Mr Farmer is having good luck with the onions!

    The chicks come in next month, don't they. They're gonna love their new home!

    Enjoy the weekend!!

    P.S. I would love to enjoy Spring, but it's hot as the dickens here. 🙂

  4. Look at your little sprouts! So cute!
    The chicken coop is a great shaped little building. So much charm.
    Love it. Can't wait to see the finished product.
    Your property is so beautiful.

  5. You will get your exercise on the way to the coop!! Looks like everything is working out great Karen! Good for you!! It is SIXTEEN degrees here right now…ugh…so tired of this cold weather…don't know why this winter seems so long!!

  6. Ms A kills me!

    That coop is adorable though. Your chickens will be the talk of the town.

    I need some of your eggs when you get them! I miss them from my friend.

  7. Looking great, love it!! It is too bad it couldn't be closer to the house so you can see them, not to mention having to walk over there to collect eggs everyday. I do hope you will have fairly close access to water though! I out my chicken feed in a galvanized bin and have never had problems. I leave right next to woods too. I have had snakes but that's an entirely different story! lol

    What kind of onions are you growing? I love chives and grow lots of them..their pretty too!

  8. The coop and chicken yard are so cute! I know I've told you, but I so envy this project! You will enjoy these little creatures so much. A chicken is such a wonderful animal, cute fluffy butts and eggs to boot! We're having a rainy day here, finally. I guess I need to plant some onions too! Have a great weekend…

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