Dear Blogger –

 I love you dearly, I do…
But lately our relationship has been strained
and it has a lot to do with your fickle performance.
Can you please clear up the comments issue
 so I have a voice again on my friends blogs?
Thanks ever so much –
Is anyone else having comment issues on blogger? 
It’s been a week! Did you figure out how to resolve it, if so?

28 thoughts on “Dear Blogger –”

  1. i found that i'm able to leave comments if i uncheck the 'stay signed in' box when i first sign in. 🙂

    i've lost my followers box for 2 days now. i hate not being able to see the new folks that have signed on to follow (using the menu bar at the top of the page, i'm assuming, since they probably can't get to the follower button either!)

  2. Karen, when this first happened, this is what I did that helped —

    In IE, go to Tools>Internet Options>Security>Trusted Sites>(Click on the Sites box) and make sure "Require Server Verification (https:)for all sites in this zone" is unchecked.

    I also added my blog url and in the trusted sites box for extra measure.

    Hope this helps.

  3. i had kind of on and off issues for a week… patient {which is so hard for us blogger whores}….it will come back around.

    the last issue was telling us to empty/delete our cookies and as soon as i did that, i was good to go…..

    you could try it and see what happens….

  4. I have been having all kinds of mixed up problems commenting this week. I deleted cookies and added this and that and still I can comment on some but not all blogs…sorry I can't help at all but I am going to follow this post to see what everyone else has found helpful…xoxox

    (Of course this worked today:)

  5. I had issues too. I lost all my followers and I couldn't add new blogs to follow. I signed out, marked unchecked, resigned in and it seems to be working now.
    Good luck
    And Happy Memorial day . . . we are invited to a fish fry outside and it's rainging here.

  6. I haven't had any commenting issues but my followers have disappeared at least 3 different tims this week. I saw a note on Blogger Buzz that said Blogger was aware of the commenting issue and was working on it.


  7. Me too. I've left two messages on Blogger Help and I see lots of the same problems posted. Irritating. I haven't been on much this week so just noticed it yesterday. Maybe the other bloggers are right, just give it a few days and it will be back to normal. Wish I had a button to fix things right now…

  8. The only issue I have, and have been having for weeks, is that when I click on comment to leave anyone a comment, it always makes me do it twice. What's up with that, Blogger??


  9. The whole thing is screwed up…frustrating to the point of I'm just staying off..(almost)…kind of makes me think maybe I just need to get on with my real life….(can you tell it is making me grouchy)??lol…

  10. I haven't been able to comment many times this week! I hate that.

    I'll read your commenters wonderful suggestions after I clean for a bbq. Oye to the vey!

    smoochs and have a great weekend!

  11. Karen, it is just so frustrating. Tete (At The Garden Gate) posted a good mini-tutorial on how to get back up and running if you want to check it out. Hugs- Diana

  12. Yep, you know I've had problems posting, but just got one up now.

    Beth – blogger whores? LOLOL I love it 'cause I am one!

    Hope you have a great weekend, Karen! 🙂

  13. Not only could I not comment for two days – but I also couldn't even get on my blog dashboard! I finally downloaded Mozilla Firefox as a browser, and it's letting me on and letting me comment. Apparently it's some sort of issue between Internet Explorer and Blogger…

  14. I use Google Chrome when I'm on the internet and haven't been on much lately this week although I have had several people leave comments on my blog saying they're having trouble commenting on blogger. I just noticed that the followers widget is gone, as well.

    I've been blogging for nearly four years and all this stuff has happened before from time to time. I figure if I just give it a few days, it will come back.

    Hoping this comment works. Haven't had any trouble on the few posts I've visited this week on blogger.


  15. testing, testing…

    YES, I've had trouble! I could only leave comments on two or three blogs I visited, and I have a feeling a lot of people couldn't comment on mine, since I have far fewer than normal. When I did the "help" option, I received an email telling me what my blogger account name is. DUH! What a help that was!

    So let's see if this one goes through…

  16. I haven't had problems commenting, this week, but others have told me they aren't able to leave me comments. My followers have been gone for a couple of days. Heck, I wasn't even aware that Blogger had sold out to Google, until I started trying to figure out the current problems.

  17. Oh,yea, me too on all accounts. I even took my desk top to be serviced and nothing is working hardly. It will be luck if you get this message. Anyway, I would follow u, but I can't see how to do that right now. I will check back. It is a pretty blog. Debi

  18. I've gone from annoyed to frustrated to down right pissed. I'm going to move my blog to WordPress if it's not fixed by Tuesday. I don't mind a hiccup now and again, but this is on the ridiculous side now. We've had issues on and off since the 13th.

    Oh well, you get what you pay for I suppose, but I know they still bring in a lot of money through us in other ways, so they need to get with the program.

    Can you hear my frustration?

  19. After going back and actually reading, now I feel even more stupid than usual. I thought ignorance was bliss. I should be blissful!

  20. first time commenting/visiting on your blog. I had the same problem earlier last week; someone told me to download Google Chrome; I did so and haven't had any further problems. It was frustrating though!!

    have a good rest of the weekend!


  21. Trouble seems to be bloggers middle name lately. So frustrating to leave a comment only to see "server error" appear and your comment disappear. Reminds me of an old song about Charlie on the MTA. When will you ever return…..

    Hope you are having a great Memorial day weekend.

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