Does not share well with others.

 My Bailey girl does not like to share.
Doesn’t matter that she has no interest in eating that bone.
Rudy wants it, so he ain’t getting it.

Doesn’t matter how nicely he asks, either.
The answer is no.

Do you remember when your little sister or brother might have
coveted that ratty one-armed GI JOE or naked Barbie with a bad haircut
that you no longer glanced at?  And just maybe when he/she showed interest,
suddenly it was your favorite thing and no-way no-how were you giving it up. 
Even if you STILL weren’t gonna do more than glance at it.

 I took it away and gave it to him.
  It was the right thing to do.

25 thoughts on “Does not share well with others.”

  1. Awwww! I love how dogs get greedy!
    Our Beans used to gather up all her bones between her paws in a big pile. It was just us humans-and the cats-and I always thought Dog, we don't want your bones! But on second thought I do remember a cat having a gnaw from time to time,lol
    That quilt is gorgeous!

  2. Being an only child had its advantages!!! Your fur babies are too cute!!! I have been on the go this summer so much that I feel like I haven't "seen" any blogs lately! I will catch up soon… after my trip to Tennessee!!!!

  3. Handsome had that same attitude with Rowdy. Sometimes I would just take a toy away from Handsome and give it to Rowdy just because it was a game to Handsome…. dogs are funny that way.

    You did the right thing! 🙂

  4. Cesar Milan says we are the pack leaders and WE make the rules! I keep repeating this to myself when Ben trys to call the shots!!!

  5. I can't say a word… I don't like to share, either. I know for a fact, my stuff means way more to me than it does to anyone else. I can't tell you how many times I've had it proven to me!

  6. Sweet, sweet photo's. 🙂

    (I think we have the exact same white pillow shams, and that doesn't surprise me at all.) LOL

  7. Your post today made me laugh – really laugh! Thanks for sharing and I'm with you – it was the right thing to do.

  8. That's funny as anything. I love watching the interaction, and messages between animals. They do definately communicate don't they?

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