Dog Days Adoption Event August 27 & 28

  So, the Event is shaping up!.. Porta-potties have been donated (Thank you Mike Finkeldey!) and one Tent has been rented… still need another. We’re working on food…  Fundraiser is under way… see flyer below if you are local and want to donate a baked good or item for the bid/barter/bake sale to be held in Essex July 2-3rd.  I’ll be happy to pick up any baked goods or tag sale items, just e-mail me at

 And.. if any of you locals are interested in volunteering at the Event on August 27 & 28, we are in need of YOU!!  Experience with dogs is helpful but not necessary… there are many ways, big and small, that you can participate.  Please fill out the form on their website if you want to volunteer. The link is below…  For teens, it’s a community service hours opportunity!…

You can also donate any monitary value by clicking on the “donate” link on their site at the following link… all proceeds go directly to the expenses such as transport of dogs, feeding of volunteer and dogs, tent rental, etc..for that event.

Together we can make a difference and save the lives of  these dogs who are on death row…

If you’re thinking of adding a dog to your family, please consider coming to meet the 80 dogs that will be in attendance at Parmelee Farm at the August Event.  There will be puppies as well as adult and senior dogs.

9 thoughts on “Dog Days Adoption Event August 27 & 28”

  1. Karen- I hope this is hugely successful! Bless your for participating! Are you having a Chicken Chasing Contest?;>) just asking… xxoo Diana

  2. Three of our four rottweilers throughout the years have been adopted and all GREAT and loving dogs. Good luck with this event.


  3. What a great thing you guys are doing, wish you all the luck and I hope 80 dogs end up in 80 homes by the end of the day.

  4. Every dog but one that I have owned has been adopted…I can only wish you the best on such a wonderful cause!

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