Elizabeth Edwards

 I am so sad for this woman. My heart broke open  when I saw tonights’  headlines declaring she had lost her battle with cancer.  Ever since her estranged husbands run for the presidency and the story that slowly unfolded, I was hoping for a decent ending to her story. I don’t know what that would have been…but it doesn’t seem fair that she should have had to endure the loss of her son,  a battle with cancer and  the painful fallout from her husbands’ affair – the loss of her marriage, and ultimately, her life.

 Her own words speak volumes about the kind of woman she was.

“The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered. We know that. And, yes, there are certainly times when we aren’t able to muster as much strength and patience as we would like. It’s called being human” But I have found that in the simple act of living with hope, and in the daily effort to have a positive impact in the world, the days I do have are made all the more meaningful and precious. And for that I am grateful. It isn’t possible to put into words the love and gratitude I feel to everyone who has and continues to support and inspire me every day. To you I simply say: you know.”

If there is truly a hereafter and justice is served – I hope she is walking hand in hand with her beloved son, catching up on the years that have passed.  Rest in Peace, Elizabeth Edwards.

27 thoughts on “Elizabeth Edwards”

  1. She has acted with diginity in the midst of terrible disease and the awful actions of others. You stated so well where she is now. Thanks for this post. ♥O

  2. How good it is she is no longer in pain.

    I do believe she prepared her children for this as best she could. How fortunate she has a wonderful, caring older daughter who will be there to guide the two younger ones in her absence. Because, in my opinion, John Edwards, is not the person I would want helping my children to soldier on. JMHO.
    To think of her reunited with her son Wade, makes this just a little easier to digest. And I know, I believe, with all my being, that they are together now…

    p.s.~Karen, I sent a box out to you today! Finally. Let me know when it arrives. Enjoy 🙂

  3. I was so saddened to come home to this news. We work with cancer patients every day and life is never easy for them. The strength they show is an amazing thing to see…and I am humbled by their inner reserves. God Bless Elizabeth…as she moves from this world to the next … I hope there is some peace for her children in knowing that she lived a life filled with dignity and honor.

    A bright light was dimmed today…..Diana

  4. When I saw last night that Elizabeth was failing I was saddened.I hoped that she would beat this cancer and be with her children. She was a first class act and gave it her all.The world is a better place for allowing us to know her as a woman, a mother and an advocate for so many while battling her own issues. She will be missed.

  5. I too, was very sad, Karen. I've been thinking about her for a few days – since I read she was losing her battle. Life can be so unfair. I never want to "know" what she has gone through all these years but she certainly lived it publicly in the most dignified way I can ever imagine. I hope you are blissfully holding your son, Elizabeth.

  6. There is- I guess was- so much sadness behind her eyes. I too hope that she has received her heavenly rewards and is in a much better place. Thanks for a lovely tribute.

  7. A cure was not meant to be ….so God wrapped
    his arms around her and whispered …..Come to Me.
    Rest in peace Elizabeth.You will be truly missed!

  8. An amazing woman who we could all learn life lessons from. She endured much more than most of us and yet she chose to be positive and loving to those around her. Rest in Peace Elizabeth. May your children be comforted in knowing what a wonderful mother and woman you were. And for her husband, please love your children and spend the rest of your life making ammends to them for what you did to their mother.
    Blessings to you and yours
    Curtis & Sherrie

  9. I admired her so. She was such an amazing woman. And to lose a son, battle cancer and then have the news of her husband's infidelity broadcast all over the world – it seems so unfair. Through it all she carried herself with dignity. She will be sorely missed. And my heart goes out to her children.


  10. Her story has been on my mind for such a long time. I love what you've written!

    My big hope for the future is that I DO NOT hear anything about her ex. Nothing. Nada.

  11. She just didn't deserve all the junk. I was greatly saddened by her passing as I had just watched her last week on the Nate Show. She was kind, intelligent, well-spoken and I truly believe she was a great mother and wife. She just didn't deserve all the junk. Her husband….. what a jerk.

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