Empty Nest Syndrome

I took CollegeGirl back to school yesterday. The house is already too quiet. It’s true I still have one chick in the nest, but I can already tell I don’t like the whole Empty Nest thing. For some reason this year the thought of children fully grown and moving out on their own is really coming home to roost.

32 thoughts on “Empty Nest Syndrome”

  1. Awwwwwww.

    This morning? Empty nest sounds very attractive. Husband has puke bug, dog pooped all over my bedroom. I stepped AND kneeled in it and I had to cancel class to get 3 kids ready for two different schools. Yup, empty nest? Sounds like heaven! Check back with me tomorrow…xxxxx

  2. Awww, so sorry you are feeling this way. I love the empty nest thing and always find ways to fill my days from top to bottom. You will too in time. It's just part of the cycle of life for mothers and you will do fine with it.

    Your daughter is sooo lovely!

  3. My favorite dream about having an empty nest is the one where I only have to make dinner for two, and we don't have to listen to any whining about my choices. Our nest won't be totally empty for a while yet … though Daughter #3 is getting married in June, the Fiancee is in Afghanistan for at least another year and a half (with R&R breaks), and she will continue to live here for the duration.

    The photo of Bailey made me smile!

  4. I already feel the impending sadness and I am only half way to where you are now with raising children. I can't imagine the reality of that, but I better start getting ready! Your daughter is beautiful!

  5. It is one of the hardest adjustments, especially when your kids are also your friends. I went through it and made it!! By the time your son leaves for college you will have the second part of your life established. It will be a great time, trust me!! Thank you for your sweet comment today. xo

  6. I've felt your pain. My daughter has been out of college now for 5 years. But trust me, someday it will cramp your style when they come back home. But God we still love those munckins!

  7. Such a beautiful young girl with an infectious smile. I hope she has a lifetime of reasons for happiness.

    When Patti went to university, she still wanted me to send her Easter baskets. lol

  8. She's darling! I used to stay awake at night worrying about the "empty nest" and how I would possibly survive it. After all, being a mom was what I did best. When my son left for college we were sort of ready for him to go…but, when my daughter left, I hated it. We were in a new town, I didn't have friends yet and off she goes. That was 7 years ago and it took about a month for us to decide that the empty nest had some great advantages. I also discovered that they may not sleep in my house anymore, but they still need me. When my daughter moved 1000 miles away after college graduation, I went through the entire thing again…but, I talk to her multiple times a day and it really is okay.
    Plus, the house never gets messy anymore!

  9. What a lovely young woman. It's difficult to let them spread their wings, but as the saying goes "a daughter is a daughter for the rest of her life . . . " She'll be back in a few months! Love the pic of your pup, he looks so relaxed! Have a wonderful day!

  10. I miss my guys when they are not home…have to bring Noah back to school on Sunday, Adam is in HI but Alex lives here while he goes to school! I like some things about empty nest like not cooking (sorry Gary, but you are on your own for dinner!!) but I miss the companionship, for sure! Your daughter is very lovely!!

  11. Karen, Guess what I received my free sorbetto & gelato today and what a surprise it is I thought a small container maybe oh no there were 5 large containers and 3 small individual ones all different flavors thanks so much letting one thaw a little anxious to try will let you know!!

  12. My kids are MUCH older than yours and I still miss having them under the same roof with me. Plus, they live on opposite coasts with one in California and one in Florida. The good news is that recently I moved in with my daughter and granddaughter for a while. The bad news is that they both work ALL the time, so I'm still at home by myself most of the time. Can't win for losing lol. At least I've got the dogs and cats to keep my nesting skills in place.

  13. Aw, I've just begun getting a taste of this myself. Our oldest moved out a little over a year ago, and #2 will be going this summer. Won't be long before the other 2 are gone – what to do then? I know, eat more gelato :).


  14. What a beautiful young lady, love the houndstooth boots. Have to find some like that, The Dog looks happy and you will have lots of time to do projects. I know you will miss her. Do you snow moble too?

  15. You're such a good Mom! My kiddies are still so little, 9 & 5. I have a long way to go before it's an empty nest here! XX

  16. i wish i had some words to make you feel better. but i don't. because i actually like the empty nest. our empty nest.
    i like getting to really know my husband again. just the two of us figuring things out like we used to years ago.
    now granted, our chicks only live minutes away in their own apartments and we can see them anytime we want and they come for dinner on sunday nights….so the emptiness isn't completely there….but i still like the progression of life so far.
    hang in there.
    everyone says, when they find out we're now childless, tells me that someday they'll move back home, so enjoy it now.
    those might be good words to live by.
    hugs to you….it will be okay.

  17. With three kids in college I know exactly what you are feeling. Luckily a very nice woman named Karen sent me a case of gelato and I am feeling better already. Thank you very much we are already enjoying it's creamy goodness!! Your daughter is lovely.

  18. What a darling looking girl. I know..it was weird when the kids moved out one by one. We had four- one older and then 3 kids that were all teenagers at the same time. It just kind of hits you, I think, that now THIS part of your life is over and what next? And then, you take a few tenative steps forward and walk into a brand new world..a world where you are still a parent but also a friend. You will weep a bit and wonder..What Is this all about-can I do this… but you will get through. And then, the joy begins again as they get married and present you with grandchildren..the greatest part of parenthood ever! I hope you have a sweet evening full of memories of the past few days/weeks. Hugs-Diana

  19. My empty nest happened all at once it seemed. Divorce and then twin girls off and within 2 years the boy. For 20 years I wasn't given the time for my own life and now I'm having problems finding it again. I can't wait for the day the kids come home for visits and pitch in instead of thinking I'm still there to take care of them. sigh – life….

  20. Been there, it's a big hole in your heart and the house is so dang quiet. Stay busy, time has a way of rolling around again and she will be back, never gone really but she'll always need you and the comfort that only home affords. Sending a Mom hug…

  21. *Beautiful girl* 🙂
    Love the care package she is holding with Jif PB!
    I am an only child and when I went off to college, neither my Mom nor I did well with it!
    Even though I never moved back home again (and lived all over the U.S. for my job)when I do go home to visit, it's as if I never left!

    We all need our Mommys!
    xo, misha

    xo, misha

  22. Change is always hard.
    But just keep focused on all the things that make you happy and just enjoy that you raised a beautiful independent woman:):)
    She is gorgeous by the way!

  23. Your daughter is gorgeously adorable.

    I'd like to tell you that it gets easier, and it really does, but it's just a hard thing to let go! And my daughters are 25 and 28! I better work on that. Ha!

  24. Karen, your daughter is beautiful. I can't imagine how I will feel when my children leave home. I hope you are well and Happy Friday to you.

  25. Love these pics Karen! My daughter has been gone from my house for ten years now. We have certainly gotten used to it. She doesn't live far away though…only about 40 minutes! They do get busy with their own lives though…and parents tend to take a backseat to friends!

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